Name | Sector | Rating | Score | Net assets | Total revenue | Contributions | Total expenses | Fundraising |
4KIDS of South Florida | Adoption/Foster Care | | 25 | $7,964,109 | $9,996,439 | $9,908,178 | $8,427,032 | $1,304,431 |
A Child's Hope International | Foreign Missions |      | 100 | $641,529 | $4,961,495 | $4,927,697 | $5,230,676 | $60,834 |
A3 | Foreign Missions |  | 78 | $2,779,602 | $3,660,962 | $3,588,789 | $2,903,978 | $394,212 |
Abilene Christian University | Colleges/Universities |  | 45 | $924,445,897 | $314,810,886 | $57,110,167 | $255,908,674 | $4,676,187 |
AbleLight / formerly Bethesda Lutheran Communities | Advocacy |  | 75 | $133,396,026 | $93,586,572 | $12,839,178 | $109,205,937 | $3,311,641 |
Accelerated Christian Education Ministries | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 44 | $12,041,305 | $2,469,210 | $28,686 | $2,044,582 | $0 |
Action International Ministries | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Acton Institute for the Study of Religious Liberty | Advocacy |  | 49 | $27,951,138 | $12,022,890 | $9,838,879 | $12,677,342 | $1,445,823 |
Administer Justice | Community Development |      | 100 | $2,112,587 | $1,148,616 | $999,219 | $1,440,665 | $42,419 |
Adult & Teen Challenge, USA | Community Development |  | 69 | $2,369,933 | $2,899,819 | $1,879,889 | $3,282,367 | $508,044 |
Advancing Native Missions / ANM | Foreign Missions |   | 80 | $2,294,459 | $8,821,916 | $8,769,588 | $9,306,319 | $874,866 |
Advent Christian Village | Community Development |   | 70 | $37,598,668 | $24,012,005 | $2,327,019 | $27,605,599 | $237,114 |
Adventist Development & Relief Agency | Relief and Development |    | 60 | $67,386,377 | $96,362,929 | $94,022,168 | $102,981,357 | $3,553,060 |
Adventures in Missions | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Advocates for Community Transformation | Advocacy |  | 75 | $2,189,782 | $3,163,363 | $3,204,342 | $3,828,658 | $748,119 |
Africa Inland Mission International | Foreign Missions | | 38 | $27,773,800 | $27,033,886 | $25,376,223 | $25,694,807 | $600,042 |
Africa New Life Ministries International | Foreign Missions |    | 98 | $2,614,224 | $15,114,225 | $15,090,472 | $15,922,172 | $2,154,287 |
Africa Renewal Ministries | Foreign Missions |     | 93 | $2,966,755 | $6,394,898 | $6,068,231 | $5,970,993 | $305,317 |
African Bible Colleges | Colleges/Universities |      | 95 | $2,665,963 | $3,827,518 | $3,748,406 | $3,619,530 | $174,261 |
African Vision of Hope | Relief and Development |      | 98 | $2,861,161 | $3,664,213 | $3,647,397 | $3,256,017 | $58,684 |
Agape Flights | Foreign Missions |  | 80 | $5,798,076 | $2,357,944 | $1,803,397 | $2,085,148 | $200,958 |
Agape International Missions (AIM) | Foreign Missions |  | 60 | $8,153,236 | $9,871,229 | $9,349,196 | $10,688,850 | $1,329,980 |
AGAPE Network | Community Development | | 68 | ($11,444,866) | $18,119,848 | $15,975,764 | $16,503,650 | $0 |
Aglow International | Fellowship Evangelism | | 42 | $444,954 | $2,586,982 | $1,990,920 | $2,390,744 | $90,762 |
Alaska Christian College | Colleges/Universities |   | 70 | $12,192,662 | $5,993,184 | $4,462,360 | $5,156,187 | $404,791 |
Alberto Mottesi Evangelistic Association | Evangelism |    | 85 | $2,263,270 | $3,035,586 | $445,045 | $2,285,176 | $0 |
Alfalit International, Inc. | Relief and Development |    | 90 | $1,828,148 | $3,897,873 | $3,351,628 | $3,598,664 | $134,936 |
Align Life Ministries | Community Development |    | 95 | $7,118,181 | $3,676,346 | $3,099,976 | $2,632,746 | $177,719 |
All God's Children International | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 100 | $9,497,734 | $9,540,804 | $7,660,329 | $6,461,270 | $467,932 |
All Nations Family | Christian Growth | | 53 | $759,865 | $2,281,653 | $2,175,398 | $2,333,758 | $55,169 |
Alliance Defending Freedom | Advocacy |   | 78 | $82,500,829 | $101,821,939 | $95,442,827 | $97,103,483 | $11,167,831 |
Alliance for Children Everywhere | Relief and Development |  | 77 | $1,168,130 | $2,128,819 | $2,127,875 | $2,163,259 | $296,712 |
Allyfe Pregnancy Centers | Pro-Life |  | 78 | $4,387,460 | $2,988,625 | $2,846,296 | $2,195,310 | $545,970 |
Alpha USA | Evangelism |     | 90 | $2,290,293 | $15,678,545 | $12,969,170 | $16,407,205 | $1,663,959 |
Alternatives Pregnancy Center | Pro-Life |    | 93 | $2,716,043 | $2,714,147 | $2,667,936 | $2,386,824 | $251,948 |
Amazima Ministries International | Foreign Missions |   | 71 | $5,004,635 | $7,487,043 | $7,754,632 | $8,098,419 | $776,353 |
Amazing Facts | Educational Media |  | 36 | $103,842,329 | $32,821,520 | $27,713,878 | $31,680,447 | $4,205,026 |
Ambassadors For Christ, Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism | | 48 | $12,553,895 | $5,996,110 | $4,946,396 | $4,390,915 | $190,351 |
America World Adoption Association (AWAA) | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 78 | $1,030,497 | $2,747,426 | $972,677 | $2,360,881 | $103,330 |
American Association of Christian Schools | Advocacy | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
American Bible Society | Bible Translation Organizations |  | 73 | $660,970,070 | $108,862,481 | $43,674,470 | $96,733,033 | $15,394,122 |
American Center for Law and Justice | Advocacy |      | 59 | $3,533,197 | $28,323,716 | $22,300,979 | $28,436,024 | $518,414 |
American Family Association | Advocacy | | 55 | $45,681,152 | $31,046,881 | $28,099,201 | $19,085,612 | $1,281,365 |
American Family Services Foundation | Community Development |     | 56 | $3,498,825 | $3,851,090 | $3,768,132 | $3,718,604 | $5,214 |
American Heritage Girls | Christian Growth |     | 93 | $5,183,990 | $6,630,300 | $1,119,961 | $5,379,338 | $12,894 |
American Leprosy Missions | Relief and Development |  | 80 | $15,890,992 | $16,273,016 | $16,190,575 | $14,502,359 | $2,581,307 |
American Life League | Pro-Life |      | 63 | $2,396,489 | $3,320,166 | $3,284,528 | $3,171,563 | $153,343 |
Americans United for Life | Pro-Life |   | 57 | $1,032,016 | $3,054,421 | $3,019,780 | $3,176,700 | $586,108 |
AMG International | Foreign Missions |  | 80 | $17,586,129 | $8,356,116 | $7,655,575 | $8,375,296 | $880,726 |
AMOR Ministries, Inc. | Relief and Development |     | 71 | $478,958 | $3,208,678 | $1,072,779 | $3,184,294 | $50,822 |
Anabaptist Foundation | Christian Foundations |      | 83 | $76,034,246 | $63,236,723 | $60,261,528 | $39,382,982 | $74,600 |
Ananias House | Evangelism Support |     | 95 | $2,432,027 | $2,726,992 | $2,747,256 | $2,350,034 | $75,297 |
Anderson University | Colleges/Universities |     | 69 | $163,306,726 | $131,165,523 | $9,365,777 | $131,898,208 | $1,727,784 |
Andrew Wommack Ministries | Christian Growth | | 12 | ($32,559,103) | $49,366,853 | $48,643,771 | $59,008,675 | $2,690,685 |
AnGeL Ministries/ Anne Graham Lotz | Christian Growth |    | 56 | $18,408,360 | $14,755,711 | $14,476,500 | $1,274,741 | $3,195 |
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute | Educational Media |      | 71 | $3,363,417 | $6,788,434 | $6,705,456 | $11,290,157 | $427,334 |
Answers in Genesis | Christian Growth |  | 65 | $136,411,070 | $42,147,192 | $23,885,755 | $27,574,043 | $1,012,625 |
Apartment Life | Community Development |      | 90 | $4,898,030 | $31,052,845 | $22,589,336 | $30,126,166 | $591,518 |
Appalachian Bible College | Colleges/Universities |     | 67 | $8,180,653 | $8,178,931 | $3,038,961 | $7,220,356 | $148,895 |
Arizona Baptist Children's Services | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 98 | $6,761,680 | $13,141,133 | $9,446,313 | $11,595,276 | $0 |
Arizona Christian University | Colleges/Universities |     | 95 | $19,933,685 | $39,509,708 | $3,676,978 | $44,550,802 | $2,109,210 |
Arrow Child & Family Ministries | Adoption/Foster Care | | 77 | ($738,186) | $5,622,909 | $1,148,068 | $5,991,040 | $646,628 |
As Our Own | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 93 | $2,394,419 | $2,703,390 | $2,579,334 | $3,143,885 | $302,164 |
Asbury Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $358,236,379 | $77,871,146 | $32,914,493 | $39,441,449 | $1,687,484 |
Asbury University | Colleges/Universities |    | 73 | $161,889,045 | $61,685,781 | $13,474,502 | $58,632,031 | $1,500,097 |
Asheville Christian Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 78 | $18,417,304 | $14,573,444 | $3,634,414 | $12,382,287 | $286,760 |
Ashland University | Colleges/Universities |     | 66 | $208,618,381 | $130,719,861 | $23,561,229 | $138,349,137 | $2,756,916 |
Asia Harvest | Foreign Missions |      | 100 | $4,515,204 | $5,581,773 | $5,556,562 | $4,680,709 | $0 |
Association of Christian Schools International | K-12 Schools/Academies | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Atlanta Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 68 | $58,367,362 | $20,891,775 | $18,589,193 | $23,210,148 | $3,567,821 |
Atlantic Gateway Communications | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 72 | $7,930,925 | $8,440,902 | $8,002,621 | $8,709,493 | $1,093,665 |
Atlas Free | Advocacy |      | 100 | $5,125,241 | $7,370,153 | $7,500,522 | $6,374,565 | $506,456 |
Attack Poverty | Community Development |  | 80 | $2,795,888 | $1,787,446 | $1,762,686 | $3,373,974 | $303,688 |
Audio Scripture Ministries | Evangelism Support |   | 80 | $2,254,787 | $1,569,860 | $1,490,566 | $1,291,771 | $115,940 |
Austin Disaster Relief Network | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $1,594,879 | $2,203,977 | $2,436,871 | $4,274,988 | $287,488 |
Avant Ministries | Foreign Missions | | 32 | $24,968,993 | $26,269,866 | $24,823,512 | $23,405,623 | $1,444,976 |
Avenue of Life | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 100 | $1,404,812 | $4,460,385 | $3,939,072 | $3,920,644 | $55,681 |
Awana | Christian Growth |   | 80 | $12,210,032 | $27,988,938 | $15,976,483 | $29,886,617 | $3,566,961 |
Awana Foundation | Christian Foundations |      | 90 | $3,678,121 | $3,669,640 | $3,597,208 | $312 | $0 |
Axis | Christian Growth |  | 38 | $1,710,665 | $3,103,218 | $2,986,385 | $2,668,778 | $359,084 |
Azusa Pacific University | Colleges/Universities |    | 79 | $220,078,171 | $301,793,707 | $17,240,199 | $254,200,939 | $3,065,158 |
Back to the Bible / Good News Broadcasting Association | Educational Media |  | 55 | $2,209,712 | $4,147,861 | $3,489,202 | $3,950,202 | $521,261 |
Back2Back Ministries | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 90 | $17,167,051 | $14,272,603 | $13,980,922 | $15,160,434 | $1,030,736 |
Bair Lake Bible Camp | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 78 | $5,940,480 | $468,438 | $304,812 | $338,822 | $4,554 |
Baptist Church Loan Corporation | Evangelism Support |   | 71 | $120,877,522 | $6,400,498 | $0 | $3,807,989 | $0 |
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International | Foreign Missions |     | 95 | $5,386,500 | $7,536,600 | $6,880,512 | $7,324,665 | $95,017 |
Barnabas Aid / Barnabas Fund Inc | Relief and Development |     | 100 | $605,822 | $6,820,031 | $6,820,031 | $5,957,549 | $574,506 |
Barnabas International | Evangelism Support |    | 90 | $2,269,695 | $4,142,450 | $3,908,573 | $4,171,637 | $238,434 |
Baylor University | Colleges/Universities |    | 56 | $2,999,388,934 | $1,454,111,582 | $150,556,686 | $1,287,015,356 | $15,999,092 |
BCM International | Christian Growth | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty | Advocacy |     | 66 | $18,078,708 | $17,272,623 | $14,000,297 | $10,668,730 | $690,201 |
BEE World | Evangelism Support | | 53 | $2,623,251 | $3,932,194 | $3,913,735 | $3,367,824 | $307,049 |
Behold Israel | Educational Media |     | 55 | $15,182,177 | $12,198,989 | $9,881,416 | $5,996,753 | $116,110 |
Belhaven University | Colleges/Universities |  | 51 | $64,039,476 | $61,988,910 | $11,552,913 | $61,490,145 | $6,200,167 |
Benny Hinn Ministries / World Outreach Church / World Healing Center Church | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Bethany Christian Services | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 53 | $39,071,386 | $28,941,653 | $206,250 | $29,009,375 | $3,939,284 |
Bethany International | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Bethel Bible Village | Community Development |    | 95 | $9,064,313 | $3,476,158 | $3,451,162 | $2,190,314 | $73,679 |
Bethel University - Indiana | Colleges/Universities |      | 75 | $30,307,202 | $44,455,066 | $6,463,194 | $44,198,686 | $1,068,309 |
Bethel University - Minnesota | Colleges/Universities |    | 69 | $141,239,088 | $124,922,475 | $11,483,339 | $125,612,255 | $1,249,104 |
Bethel University - Tennessee | Colleges/Universities |     | 70 | $39,825,012 | $51,489,343 | $9,864,225 | $50,917,037 | $253,760 |
Bethesda Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $18,148,534 | $19,743,018 | $19,244,813 | $19,351,968 | $615,700 |
Bethlehem College & Seminary | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Beyond | Evangelism Support | | 53 | $1,967,883 | $5,555,824 | $5,560,687 | $5,392,862 | $222,091 |
Bible Broadcasting Network | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 61 | $105,580,257 | $19,730,934 | $17,648,551 | $12,390,266 | $753,926 |
Bible League International | Evangelism | | 46 | $26,632,028 | $21,999,772 | $21,729,335 | $24,168,700 | $4,023,724 |
Bible Project | Educational Media |     | 71 | $24,522,307 | $26,756,674 | $26,310,408 | $22,874,979 | $492,300 |
Bible Study Fellowship / BSF | Christian Growth |      | 93 | $12,914,105 | $25,520,451 | $25,752,295 | $27,152,830 | $0 |
Bible Study Time Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 36 | $12,801,001 | $1,243,176 | $16,648 | $916,777 | $0 |
Bibles for the World | Christian Growth |  | 78 | $3,882,182 | $3,181,583 | $3,023,800 | $3,636,503 | $794,373 |
Biblica | Bible Translation Organizations | | 55 | $9,697,544 | $27,586,140 | $21,446,885 | $24,145,601 | $2,753,068 |
Biblical Ministries Worldwide | Foreign Missions | | 50 | $7,912,481 | $13,429,176 | $12,036,241 | $13,005,609 | $37,750 |
Biglife International | Foreign Missions |   | 76 | $6,307,805 | $16,346,761 | $16,525,037 | $15,450,748 | $2,062,966 |
BigStuf Ministries Inc | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 73 | $85,545 | $3,332,949 | $191,947 | $3,197,915 | $5,482 |
Bill Glass Behind the Walls | Evangelism |    | 91 | $1,737,203 | $1,745,810 | $1,636,699 | $2,127,418 | $149,658 |
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association | Evangelism | | 29 | $448,417,975 | $130,275,088 | $119,943,973 | $126,473,654 | $7,386,111 |
Biola University | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $320,817,234 | $223,677,013 | $28,082,531 | $236,112,678 | $2,786,804 |
Black Diamond Camps | Camps/Conference Centers | | 53 | $8,314,522 | $4,787,824 | $2,288,679 | $3,884,582 | $0 |
Blessings International | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $6,593,416 | $5,329,652 | $241,312 | $5,143,378 | $69,292 |
Blessman International | Foreign Missions |  | 76 | $1,742,772 | $1,553,612 | $1,471,013 | $1,419,317 | $230,334 |
Blue Letter Bible | Educational Media |   | 76 | $2,666,425 | $3,982,425 | $3,910,498 | $3,630,515 | $635,999 |
Boston Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 48 | $65,040,125 | $5,703,650 | $3,279,367 | $3,040,783 | $549,060 |
Bread for the World Institute, Inc. | Advocacy |     | 70 | $7,180,912 | $6,681,781 | $4,646,666 | $6,698,052 | $306,002 |
Bread of Life Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $3,708,806 | $2,786,199 | $2,532,405 | $2,420,981 | $493,791 |
Breakthrough with Rod Parsley / World Harvest Church | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Breck School | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 46 | $120,209,419 | $51,222,101 | $3,199,300 | $52,516,686 | $1,249,385 |
Bridgeport Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 72 | $7,595,944 | $7,084,994 | $6,986,226 | $8,162,916 | $1,231,833 |
Bridges for Peace, Inc./ BFPUSA | Advocacy | | 42 | $1,074,301 | $4,839,459 | $1,976,637 | $4,471,194 | $219,793 |
Bright Hope International | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $1,227,084 | $2,634,995 | $2,607,298 | $2,749,020 | $233,924 |
Brother Bryan Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 51 | $4,796,848 | $2,047,457 | $1,972,049 | $1,220,935 | $181,232 |
Bryan College | Colleges/Universities |    | 91 | $35,296,004 | $27,861,589 | $5,501,091 | $26,155,144 | $786,663 |
Buckner International / Buckner Children and Family Services | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 73 | $52,290,656 | $34,707,033 | $28,948,945 | $38,683,542 | $3,310,008 |
Buffalo City Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $19,202,182 | $9,277,603 | $8,046,199 | $11,384,593 | $2,431,862 |
Bushnell University | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $41,005,179 | $26,881,778 | $4,972,943 | $27,829,383 | $807,945 |
But God Ministries | Community Development |     | 98 | $3,673,163 | $3,865,914 | $3,841,174 | $2,773,669 | $189,940 |
By The Hand Club For Kids | Community Development |  | 72 | $37,690,240 | $13,735,489 | $12,823,963 | $14,610,658 | $1,936,047 |
Cadence International | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 100 | $12,012,596 | $14,598,282 | $14,229,203 | $12,021,893 | $537,260 |
Cafe 1040 | Evangelism |     | 100 | $1,416,318 | $4,058,579 | $4,035,207 | $3,804,771 | $223,398 |
Cairn University | Colleges/Universities |      | 73 | $38,193,002 | $33,531,394 | $4,628,909 | $33,907,853 | $352,828 |
California Baptist University | Colleges/Universities |      | 67 | $292,048,545 | $439,711,685 | $71,603,714 | $428,916,970 | $4,067,715 |
Calvary University | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $10,238,424 | $6,816,931 | $3,293,573 | $6,231,940 | $407,531 |
Camp Allen Camp and Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 42 | $20,222,675 | $12,586,976 | $5,331,521 | $9,766,310 | $634,310 |
Camp Eagle | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 98 | $14,940,430 | $4,688,584 | $338,925 | $5,355,764 | $37,323 |
Campbell University | Colleges/Universities |     | 64 | $478,187,932 | $229,237,912 | $16,663,329 | $228,662,240 | $2,699,207 |
Campbellsville University | Colleges/Universities |      | 56 | $148,012,280 | $133,140,924 | $6,393,244 | $130,959,788 | $1,673,052 |
Campus Outreach SERVE | Fellowship Evangelism | | 50 | $3,807,074 | $8,268,154 | $8,235,738 | $6,567,871 | $300,444 |
Cannon Beach Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 98 | $14,599,607 | $4,823,159 | $959,981 | $4,317,323 | $48,952 |
Capital City Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | 50 | $14,714,339 | $5,965,287 | $5,572,778 | $3,525,801 | $551,964 |
Care Net | Pro-Life |     | 100 | $3,782,016 | $9,734,464 | $8,217,858 | $9,247,854 | $871,233 |
Care Net Pregnancy & Family Services of Puget Sound | Pro-Life |    | 98 | $4,674,621 | $3,313,438 | $3,308,050 | $3,031,159 | $223,673 |
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas | Pro-Life |   | 75 | $6,917,958 | $2,294,741 | $1,069,378 | $2,310,500 | $100,997 |
Caring Network, NFP | Community Development |  | 75 | $3,540,662 | $3,495,278 | $3,535,651 | $3,174,885 | $559,801 |
Carolina Creek Christian Camp | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 72 | $11,766,192 | $10,776,101 | $3,903,165 | $10,319,355 | $58,920 |
Carolina University | Colleges/Universities |      | 58 | $5,232,809 | $18,789,212 | $5,018,669 | $18,011,849 | $360,319 |
Carriage Town Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 97 | $9,509,984 | $3,456,589 | $3,293,875 | $3,610,179 | $328,223 |
Casas Por Cristo | Foreign Missions |  | 80 | $5,101,841 | $7,046,735 | $2,661,013 | $6,257,016 | $214,815 |
Catholic Medical Mission Board / CMMB | Relief and Development |      | 66 | $81,981,791 | $364,098,469 | $363,896,392 | $463,001,629 | $6,955,831 |
CBMC, Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 80 | $9,167,948 | $10,886,905 | $7,410,617 | $10,686,367 | $827,580 |
Cedar Ridge Childrens Home and School | Community Development |      | 93 | $4,283,445 | $7,822,616 | $1,546,672 | $7,108,218 | $24,459 |
Cedarville University | Colleges/Universities |     | 73 | $308,187,764 | $206,749,413 | $11,885,021 | $188,591,934 | $2,711,835 |
Center for Arizona Policy | Community Development |  | 80 | $4,642,598 | $3,191,123 | $3,483,327 | $2,783,523 | $508,678 |
Center for Christian Growth / T Bar M Camps | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 95 | $14,222,774 | $13,080,754 | $3,154,411 | $10,088,436 | $230,188 |
Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation | Community Development |     | 92 | $9,831,689 | $4,912,129 | $3,221,182 | $5,944,513 | $29,933 |
Central India Christian Mission | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Central Ohio Youth for Christ | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 75 | $5,933,550 | $4,152,581 | $2,583,888 | $4,757,109 | $330,450 |
Central Union Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 100 | $26,332,488 | $20,689,825 | $19,179,753 | $20,004,373 | $3,248,243 |
Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College | Community Development |   | 80 | $131,565 | $2,658,963 | $2,310,766 | $3,101,276 | $563,281 |
Charleston Southern University | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $145,870,043 | $122,487,793 | $14,421,400 | $111,518,712 | $1,869,348 |
Charlotte Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 53 | $45,616,418 | $26,716,575 | $2,381,856 | $24,166,528 | $427,792 |
Charlotte Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 70 | $45,562,624 | $20,063,209 | $19,693,210 | $10,084,926 | $1,447,572 |
Chattanooga Christian Community Foundation / The Generosity Trust | Christian Foundations |      | 73 | $104,541,005 | $35,668,780 | $32,831,734 | $35,283,633 | $36,347 |
Cherry Street Mission Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 90 | $9,905,433 | $6,969,561 | $6,726,948 | $7,154,432 | $482,086 |
Chestnut Mountain Ranch | Community Development |    | 100 | $3,256,198 | $3,644,915 | $1,943,979 | $3,006,577 | $253,493 |
Child Bridge | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 75 | $4,553,662 | $2,886,539 | $2,737,675 | $2,587,860 | $487,890 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship / CEF | Evangelism |   | 75 | $11,015,715 | $14,694,662 | $15,840,470 | $19,039,357 | $2,128,836 |
Childcare Worldwide | Relief and Development |  | 80 | $1,143,540 | $3,382,340 | $3,366,613 | $4,047,202 | $678,238 |
ChildFund / Christian Children's Fund | Relief and Development |  | 44 | $158,624,772 | $194,133,779 | $190,653,479 | $190,211,998 | $28,808,584 |
Children at Heart Ministries | Community Development |  | 73 | $2,724,162 | $4,996,057 | $4,857,714 | $4,466,824 | $1,633,441 |
Children of the Nations | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $3,782,871 | $8,403,288 | $8,436,558 | $8,878,259 | $687,222 |
Children to Love International | Relief and Development |     | 96 | $1,373,038 | $2,247,957 | $2,150,322 | $2,372,212 | $90,493 |
Children's Cup | Foreign Missions |   | 77 | $1,905,997 | $4,324,810 | $4,259,644 | $5,119,895 | $380,990 |
Children's HopeChest | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $1,186,076 | $6,414,523 | $6,401,538 | $6,147,610 | $496,249 |
Children's Hunger Fund / CHF | Relief and Development |      | 95 | $32,537,760 | $134,154,447 | $133,765,925 | $132,665,528 | $1,091,228 |
Children's Relief International | Foreign Missions |     | 95 | $2,963,443 | $2,901,472 | $2,881,547 | $2,471,593 | $22,310 |
Children's Shelter of Cebu | Relief and Development |    | 100 | $4,172,715 | $2,633,577 | $2,610,664 | $2,653,589 | $148,015 |
China Aid Association | Advocacy |      | 98 | $2,737,612 | $2,640,243 | $2,548,711 | $2,193,959 | $126,481 |
China Outreach Ministries, Inc. | Foreign Missions |   | 73 | $6,439,701 | $4,365,576 | $4,119,929 | $4,525,372 | $178,672 |
Chinese Christian Mission | Foreign Missions |   | 78 | $5,645,179 | $3,572,988 | $3,482,791 | $3,781,220 | $0 |
Cho-Yeh Camp and Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 75 | $30,152,364 | $11,275,350 | $1,333,119 | $9,474,231 | $385,554 |
Choice Books of Northern Virginia | Christian Growth |     | 90 | $24,975,762 | $20,281,174 | $234,298 | $18,927,558 | $40,645 |
Chosen People Ministries | Evangelism | | 51 | $16,420,808 | $14,767,414 | $14,530,780 | $15,316,031 | $1,969,312 |
Christ for All Nations | Evangelism |    | 85 | $8,351,268 | $15,457,598 | $13,937,099 | $16,964,019 | $984,880 |
Christ for All Peoples | Foreign Missions |      | 63 | $654,057 | $2,256,738 | $2,222,600 | $4,005,016 | $240,875 |
Christ For the City International | Foreign Missions | | 11 | $360,516 | $2,189,571 | $1,497,165 | $2,089,042 | $143,926 |
Christ in Youth | Fellowship Evangelism |      | 89 | $4,384,112 | $24,910,619 | $1,881,448 | $24,476,545 | $722,461 |
Christar | Foreign Missions |     | 98 | $664,558 | $536,367 | $103,090 | $537,605 | $0 |
Christian Aid Ministries | Relief and Development |      | 94 | $102,425,243 | $147,971,322 | $146,632,358 | $140,849,896 | $1,904,234 |
Christian Aid Ministries Foundation | Foreign Missions |     | 98 | $20,530,980 | $7,805,510 | $6,603,676 | $6,071,464 | $28,375 |
Christian Aid Mission | Evangelism Support | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) | Advocacy |     | 100 | $4,743,392 | $4,365,831 | $3,068,326 | $3,923,072 | $162,808 |
Christian Appalachian Project | Community Development |      | 70 | $49,804,677 | $224,279,340 | $222,456,021 | $222,688,913 | $16,938,650 |
Christian Broadcasting Network | Educational Media |   | 63 | $218,345,073 | $300,085,868 | $208,973,273 | $283,411,429 | $37,645,315 |
Christian Camps Inc / Deerfoot Lodge | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 73 | $20,256,003 | $3,471,120 | $1,322,727 | $3,265,491 | $83,943 |
Christian Children's Home of Ohio | Community Development |     | 95 | $8,919,087 | $15,772,305 | $3,392,181 | $15,100,769 | $524,129 |
Christian City Inc. | Community Development |  | 70 | $34,324,937 | $12,060,054 | $4,157,528 | $9,872,151 | $1,357,274 |
Christian Community Action | Community Development |   | 80 | $14,650,801 | $9,114,033 | $7,629,384 | $9,525,132 | $1,086,137 |
Christian Community Foundation Of Memphis And The Mid South Inc | Christian Foundations |      | 71 | $201,864,850 | $88,254,536 | $82,389,443 | $85,596,944 | $125,727 |
Christian Community Foundation, dba WaterStone | Christian Foundations |  | 75 | $487,824,835 | $232,951,454 | $220,026,634 | $163,944,873 | $1,307,517 |
Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation | Christian Growth |     | 98 | $4,035,860 | $5,746,546 | $2,053,921 | $5,541,302 | $213,122 |
Christian Encounter Ministries, Inc. | Evangelism | | 51 | $1,436,118 | $1,192,296 | $1,114,879 | $954,293 | $108,494 |
Christian Family Care Agency | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 80 | $11,026,547 | $9,666,181 | $5,558,644 | $10,154,879 | $1,019,426 |
Christian Health Service Corps | Community Development |     | 100 | $4,992,349 | $5,940,021 | $5,871,770 | $4,498,207 | $111,962 |
Christian HELP Foundation | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 98 | $1,337,303 | $2,400,664 | $2,050,841 | $2,395,658 | $173,143 |
Christian Heritage / Christian Heritage Children's Home | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 78 | $3,788,703 | $3,138,084 | $523,227 | $3,905,823 | $427,997 |
Christian Heritage Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 98 | $11,950,358 | $8,291,535 | $1,958,981 | $7,000,515 | $116,206 |
Christian Legal Society / CLS | Advocacy |    | 95 | $4,322,586 | $3,399,271 | $2,265,449 | $2,729,503 | $208,349 |
Christian Medical & Dental Associations / CMDA | Advocacy |  | 75 | $19,012,464 | $12,572,082 | $8,234,520 | $13,018,099 | $919,730 |
Christian Missionary Fellowship | Foreign Missions | | 46 | $10,792,578 | $23,890,873 | $23,440,827 | $20,885,844 | $770,478 |
Christian Motorcyclists Association | Fellowship Evangelism |      | 96 | $5,950,075 | $8,304,774 | $7,157,568 | $8,416,134 | $89,681 |
Christian Relief Fund | Relief and Development |    | 97 | $13,340,906 | $12,333,459 | $11,756,925 | $11,922,960 | $384,678 |
Christian Relief International/Nexcus International | Relief and Development |    | 70 | $45,537,990 | $25,427,335 | $25,046,196 | $15,591,510 | $236,286 |
Christian Relief Services Charities | Relief and Development |   | 55 | $6,095,596 | $3,653,173 | $3,553,327 | $1,961,035 | $0 |
Christian Research Institute / CRI | Christian Growth |    | 64 | $2,925,180 | $2,584,384 | $2,516,270 | $2,517,719 | $159,462 |
Christian Solidarity International | Relief and Development |    | 76 | $405,011 | $1,830,876 | $1,830,876 | $2,059,516 | $80,119 |
Christian Union | Leadership Training |  | 74 | $4,994,350 | $7,459,043 | $7,510,820 | $8,701,914 | $1,177,208 |
Christian Worship Hour | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 98 | $2,069,182 | $3,234,275 | $3,231,767 | $4,272,398 | $173,351 |
Christianity Today International | Educational Media |    | 93 | $9,915,497 | $18,394,406 | $9,691,610 | $15,886,675 | $1,298,173 |
Christians in Action, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | 51 | $891,559 | $1,202,996 | $1,057,412 | $1,162,353 | $0 |
Church World Service | Relief and Development |     | 66 | $26,016,151 | $152,129,784 | $149,191,777 | $149,003,159 | $6,221,668 |
Cindy Trimm Ministries | Christian Growth |      | 61 | $582,002 | $1,384,632 | $1,383,368 | $1,960,553 | $0 |
Citihope International | Relief and Development | | 51 | ($339,796) | $79,519,432 | $79,497,409 | $79,737,012 | $6 |
City Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 53 | $23,973,361 | $7,722,837 | $7,751,617 | $9,700,466 | $2,866,471 |
City Mission of Findlay | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 75 | $3,353,687 | $2,619,604 | $2,596,685 | $1,954,674 | $191,358 |
City Mission of Schenectady | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 100 | $20,292,074 | $8,156,198 | $7,610,173 | $7,352,834 | $606,803 |
City Relief / The Relief Bus | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $1,196,196 | $6,605,059 | $6,553,871 | $6,598,848 | $618,692 |
City Rescue Mission Inc | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $9,776,616 | $7,594,984 | $7,629,986 | $7,623,284 | $1,255,368 |
City Rescue Mission of New Castle | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
City Rescue Mission, Jacksonville | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $6,863,358 | $7,365,189 | $6,360,873 | $7,013,164 | $951,037 |
City Union Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $44,848,822 | $24,157,158 | $22,824,271 | $26,888,261 | $3,089,208 |
CityGate Network / Association of Gospel Rescue Missions | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $2,244,347 | $2,391,577 | $426,337 | $2,564,258 | $35,517 |
CityServe International | Foreign Missions |    | 73 | $4,179,522 | $5,364,857 | $5,258,064 | $6,199,814 | $126,621 |
CityTeam | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 97 | $63,256,310 | $41,902,453 | $39,321,209 | $36,493,707 | $3,368,653 |
CJF Ministries | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Coachella Valley Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 100 | $20,047,388 | $13,683,851 | $12,104,641 | $13,445,018 | $838,421 |
Coalition for Christian Outreach / CCO | Christian Growth |   | 75 | $24,609,566 | $12,314,938 | $8,969,954 | $12,786,679 | $847,669 |
College Golf Fellowship | Community Development |  | 57 | $4,402,072 | $4,931,751 | $4,653,430 | $5,232,783 | $1,029,901 |
College of Biblical Studies - Houston | Colleges/Universities |   | 51 | $13,212,857 | $8,971,690 | $5,685,749 | $8,746,354 | $612,447 |
College of the Ozarks | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $748,353,633 | $132,458,120 | $29,187,821 | $94,059,104 | $877,540 |
Colorado Christian University | Colleges/Universities |   | 75 | $134,174,274 | $144,811,495 | $11,446,624 | $152,194,670 | $3,015,190 |
Colorado Springs Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 100 | $2,582,349 | $9,055,485 | $815,142 | $8,883,682 | $36,231 |
Columbia International University | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $71,568,640 | $60,511,031 | $9,785,886 | $66,869,842 | $2,175,597 |
Commission to Every Nation | Evangelism Support |      | 100 | $8,110,680 | $21,213,846 | $21,000,690 | $20,777,282 | $180,762 |
Communitas International | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Community Bible Study | Leadership Training |     | 95 | $18,302,109 | $13,659,251 | $10,216,139 | $14,164,594 | $28,814 |
Community Christian School of Tallahassee | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 98 | $2,375,288 | $4,017,650 | $160,604 | $3,722,149 | $0 |
Compass | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 80 | $1,143,789 | $3,460,155 | $101,250 | $3,153,455 | $30,473 |
Compassion International, Inc. | Relief and Development | | 53 | $268,592,542 | $953,223,395 | $947,571,184 | $932,620,034 | $92,680,415 |
Compassionate Hope Foundation | Relief and Development |      | 85 | $2,134,100 | $3,764,862 | $3,704,903 | $3,762,658 | $12,648 |
Concerned Women for America | Advocacy |   | 80 | $3,364,782 | $4,699,355 | $4,673,657 | $4,557,809 | $370,335 |
Concordia University - Mequon, WI | Colleges/Universities |      | 66 | $131,197,287 | $166,294,839 | $8,146,972 | $171,246,112 | $3,001,811 |
Concordia University - Seward, NE | Colleges/Universities |   | 51 | $143,413,250 | $74,280,623 | $9,486,943 | $64,945,049 | $1,677,831 |
Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 70 | $121,597,688 | $18,781,874 | $13,438,716 | $13,325,196 | $1,852,602 |
Convoy of Hope | Relief and Development | | 34 | $155,877,434 | $435,592,269 | $428,359,924 | $364,499,974 | $19,970,888 |
Cookson Hills Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 80 | $15,998,375 | $3,368,515 | $3,002,959 | $4,230,568 | $305,060 |
Coral Ridge Ministries | Educational Media |    | 95 | $3,774,589 | $4,426,446 | $4,120,955 | $6,281,351 | $362,445 |
Corban University | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $17,885,598 | $36,268,676 | $4,383,163 | $34,785,884 | $563,853 |
Cornerstone Assistance Network | Relief and Development |     | 95 | $8,145,551 | $4,886,112 | $3,363,190 | $6,127,020 | $59,447 |
Cornerstone Christian Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 93 | $7,752,386 | $4,719,059 | $2,996,119 | $4,489,631 | $82,314 |
Cornerstone Schools of Washington, DC | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 90 | $390,215 | $3,111,211 | $1,499,781 | $3,369,434 | $153,232 |
Cornerstone Television Network, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 73 | $9,972,502 | $4,421,732 | $2,002,562 | $4,866,716 | $750,339 |
Cornerstone University | Colleges/Universities |  | 53 | $97,765,236 | $53,639,419 | $6,011,527 | $55,326,488 | $1,735,374 |
Corporate Chaplains of America | Evangelism |     | 95 | $13,870,471 | $29,131,051 | $888,759 | $25,036,842 | $374,277 |
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities | Colleges/Universities |  | 70 | $11,369,807 | $7,065,344 | $1,412,370 | $7,682,267 | $329,596 |
Council on Educational Standards and Accountability | Leadership Training |     | 80 | $1,178,486 | $1,339,239 | $75,000 | $972,766 | $0 |
Covenant College | Colleges/Universities |   | 75 | $97,016,034 | $49,689,611 | $7,349,533 | $53,240,912 | $2,625,016 |
Covenant House | Relief and Development |  | 46 | $128,032,063 | $88,308,947 | $85,693,086 | $93,499,670 | $10,320,729 |
Covenant Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities | | 33 | $51,925,389 | $8,715,917 | $5,511,806 | $8,926,848 | $534,402 |
Creflo Dollar Ministries | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crisis Aid International | Foreign Missions |     | 92 | $5,030,546 | $6,042,602 | $5,961,527 | $5,506,495 | $169,353 |
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater | Pro-Life |     | 95 | $3,893,148 | $3,868,289 | $3,272,451 | $3,110,378 | $209,686 |
Crista Ministries | Community Development | | 40 | $91,560,729 | $73,059,150 | $19,780,991 | $78,157,563 | $7,087,381 |
Criswell College | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $26,517,382 | $4,940,204 | $2,441,212 | $10,144,622 | $629,773 |
Cross International | Relief and Development | | 52 | $646,651 | $52,631,066 | $52,597,140 | $56,799,017 | $1,809,580 |
Crossfire Ministries | Community Development |      | 92 | $7,478,613 | $7,917,033 | $7,884,389 | $7,205,063 | $46,992 |
Crossover Global | Evangelism Support |   | 75 | $4,384,560 | $4,945,462 | $4,711,904 | $4,015,973 | $323,702 |
CrossPurpose | Community Development |  | 75 | $7,105,492 | $10,568,239 | $10,533,480 | $11,685,892 | $1,594,231 |
Crossroads Prison Ministries | Community Development |   | 78 | $1,209,443 | $3,158,946 | $3,071,457 | $3,832,707 | $549,533 |
Crossroads Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $7,647,911 | $7,999,688 | $7,368,174 | $7,682,620 | $333,951 |
Crossway/ Good News Publishers | Christian Growth |    | 81 | $44,785,234 | $43,601,697 | $1,953,304 | $37,224,376 | $368,232 |
Crossworld / UFM International | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crown College | Colleges/Universities |    | 73 | $4,813,028 | $10,331,576 | $2,986,023 | $9,512,439 | $38,477 |
Crown Financial Ministries | Christian Growth |  | 80 | $5,769,971 | $5,841,700 | $4,431,510 | $5,735,816 | $535,007 |
Cru | Fellowship Evangelism | | 53 | $356,358,000 | $600,079,000 | $570,109,000 | $569,743,000 | $52,726,000 |
CURE International | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $67,186,873 | $44,050,668 | $41,627,768 | $38,629,495 | $4,026,446 |
Daily Audio Bible | Educational Media |    | 96 | $8,272,878 | $3,364,241 | $3,177,212 | $1,904,897 | $21,327 |
Dallas Baptist University | Colleges/Universities |     | 54 | $211,529,817 | $145,703,782 | $13,074,125 | $146,937,031 | $1,493,326 |
Dallas International University | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $5,748,892 | $2,078,842 | $1,135,099 | $2,195,223 | $60,548 |
Dallas Leadership Foundation | Community Development |     | 90 | $5,180,923 | $4,628,319 | $4,557,822 | $3,044,297 | $220,797 |
Dallas Life | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 77 | $13,157,134 | $8,654,865 | $3,194,623 | $5,347,060 | $649,963 |
Dallas Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $131,963,915 | $67,171,133 | $37,066,805 | $59,141,334 | $5,255,950 |
Dare 2 Share Ministries | Leadership Training |   | 80 | $4,235,430 | $5,678,208 | $5,941,748 | $4,600,509 | $786,918 |
Davar Audio Bibles | Community Development |    | 100 | $1,843,338 | $2,469,792 | $2,453,015 | $2,542,057 | $168,337 |
David C. Cook | Christian Growth | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Daystar Television Network | Radio/ TV Stations | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Daystar U.S. | Foreign Missions |  | 69 | $2,912,131 | $1,163,221 | $898,111 | $760,482 | $140,020 |
Deaf Bible Society | Evangelism |     | 100 | $7,619,726 | $4,987,019 | $4,858,959 | $5,086,472 | $142,659 |
Deaf Missions | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Decision Point | Evangelism |   | 78 | $767,127 | $4,140,465 | $4,243,843 | $4,229,531 | $851,835 |
Delaware County Christian School Society | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 73 | $34,007,645 | $17,941,101 | $4,650,719 | $16,526,425 | $502,011 |
Denison Ministries | Christian Growth | | 50 | $3,050,494 | $4,623,695 | $4,559,424 | $4,274,720 | $437,573 |
Denton Freedom House | Community Development |     | 96 | $1,056,937 | $2,991,508 | $2,401,081 | $3,113,007 | $238,868 |
Denver Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 100 | $58,140,527 | $50,019,614 | $39,496,600 | $49,292,553 | $6,758,671 |
Denver Seminary | Colleges/Universities | | 48 | $40,333,068 | $21,483,059 | $8,431,712 | $13,736,634 | $992,100 |
Derek Prince Ministries | Educational Media |    | 97 | $6,502,901 | $4,642,482 | $4,467,194 | $4,913,285 | $212,932 |
Desert Christian Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 78 | $9,717,950 | $9,247,635 | $350,723 | $8,220,412 | $103,606 |
Design Outreach | Relief and Development |   | 73 | $892,371 | $3,306,782 | $3,109,289 | $3,009,694 | $318,751 |
Desiring God / John Piper | Christian Growth |     | 83 | $6,878,881 | $10,100,583 | $9,753,821 | $10,577,178 | $326,217 |
Destiny Rescue USA | Foreign Missions |    | 92 | $1,791,573 | $6,679,098 | $6,680,317 | $6,293,985 | $593,155 |
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 77 | $21,704,415 | $20,472,272 | $17,839,767 | $20,206,536 | $1,331,893 |
Development Associates International | Leadership Training |     | 97 | $1,385,675 | $5,877,017 | $5,349,982 | $5,536,217 | $648,714 |
Dignity Freedom Network | Relief and Development | | 37 | $1,223,493 | $1,805,971 | $1,804,278 | $1,575,565 | $433,760 |
DiscipleMakers, Inc. | Evangelism |    | 100 | $3,164,390 | $6,958,260 | $6,754,003 | $6,737,417 | $495,074 |
Discovering the Jewish Jesus | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 61 | $26,155,824 | $19,873,337 | $19,178,952 | $22,405,201 | $0 |
DOOR International | Bible Translation Organizations | | 53 | $4,919,239 | $5,500,140 | $5,425,420 | $4,327,746 | $327,230 |
Dordt University | Colleges/Universities |    | 59 | $191,465,416 | $90,221,171 | $19,573,946 | $83,142,045 | $3,068,512 |
Doulos Ministries, Inc. dba Shelterwood | Community Development |   | 78 | $14,212,832 | $304,978 | $18,326 | $879,970 | $6,384 |
Downtown Rescue Mission Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 75 | $13,497,855 | $14,165,381 | $14,050,292 | $11,240,439 | $1,520,781 |
Dream Center Foundation | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 54 | $35,088,026 | $26,714,356 | $25,836,258 | $26,572,611 | $2,800,422 |
Dream Centers of Colorado Springs | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $5,514,644 | $2,360,361 | $2,235,645 | $2,634,153 | $327,304 |
Durham Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 77 | $23,824,223 | $17,389,142 | $15,742,912 | $15,886,990 | $2,358,176 |
Dynamic Youth Ministries | Evangelism |     | 93 | $1,664,096 | $2,766,771 | $1,094,142 | $2,770,599 | $30,000 |
E3 Partners Ministry | Foreign Missions |     | 100 | $5,463,585 | $18,768,956 | $19,308,142 | $18,846,949 | $1,239,500 |
Eagle Ranch | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $10,892,835 | $7,467,232 | $6,939,410 | $6,688,439 | $667,326 |
Eagle Village | Community Development |   | 55 | $18,634,332 | $12,714,831 | $2,329,745 | $11,437,027 | $326,280 |
East County Transitional Living Center | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 97 | $1,550,509 | $7,417,173 | $5,104,062 | $7,304,365 | $62,195 |
East-West Ministries International | Foreign Missions | | 48 | $8,176,772 | $19,204,558 | $18,948,063 | $18,741,831 | $1,735,085 |
Eastern European Mission | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Eastern Mennonite Missions | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Eastern University | Colleges/Universities |     | 75 | $80,198,988 | $107,410,426 | $5,383,052 | $98,278,120 | $1,732,390 |
Echo, Inc. | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $7,566,092 | $4,847,713 | $4,182,496 | $4,930,702 | $286,603 |
Echoing Hills Village Inc. | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 97 | $30,228,306 | $38,787,854 | $1,012,480 | $38,465,864 | $199,544 |
Edify | Foreign Missions |   | 78 | $7,291,357 | $13,023,161 | $12,869,684 | $12,721,085 | $1,652,962 |
Educational Media Foundation (dba K-LOVE and Air 1 Radio) | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 78 | $1,030,166,032 | $242,249,152 | $220,279,531 | $154,549,969 | $10,749,395 |
Eight Days of Hope | Relief and Development |  | 76 | $11,719,796 | $7,340,067 | $7,015,772 | $6,965,448 | $823,750 |
Elam Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 95 | $3,151,808 | $12,067,934 | $12,016,179 | $11,788,643 | $584,880 |
Elim Bible Institute & College | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Elim Christian Services | Community Development |      | 100 | $11,927,744 | $24,842,197 | $4,091,447 | $28,661,920 | $646,168 |
Elna M. Smith Foundation / The Great Passion Play | Christian Growth |    | 98 | $3,054,943 | $3,082,657 | $1,251,649 | $2,238,097 | $0 |
Emmanuel College | Colleges/Universities |  | 46 | $155,255,660 | $120,880,010 | $7,073,754 | $130,380,333 | $1,307,670 |
Emmaus Bible College | Colleges/Universities |      | 95 | $11,016,980 | $8,939,454 | $3,962,699 | $8,379,058 | $274,571 |
Empart USA | Relief and Development | | 72 | ($391,454) | $856,837 | $847,542 | $868,066 | $71,731 |
Engineering Ministries International | Relief and Development |  | 70 | $10,078,260 | $12,891,969 | $11,056,273 | $12,060,666 | $685,506 |
English Language Institute in China | Foreign Missions |     | 90 | $8,076,575 | $16,221,089 | $13,455,584 | $16,389,881 | $891,732 |
Entrust | Leadership Training |    | 85 | $1,750,706 | $3,375,194 | $3,277,693 | $3,948,477 | $309,487 |
EQUIP Leadership, Inc. | Leadership Training |   | 70 | $3,711,012 | $12,906,333 | $14,243,867 | $12,578,532 | $1,991,750 |
Equipnet | Foreign Missions |      | 72 | $903,899 | $10,769,573 | $10,769,569 | $10,626,975 | $49,500 |
Equipping Leaders International | Leadership Training |      | 98 | $1,540,086 | $3,827,529 | $3,800,154 | $3,850,973 | $115,712 |
Erie City Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 90 | $8,381,341 | $4,568,632 | $2,919,763 | $4,458,409 | $379,843 |
Erskine College | Colleges/Universities |      | 75 | $49,515,275 | $43,220,598 | $2,522,403 | $46,303,008 | $386,349 |
Eternal Perspective Ministries / Randy Alcorn | Christian Growth |      | 76 | $651,112 | $952,496 | $568,585 | $981,895 | $0 |
Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 71 | $78,704,781 | $80,478,223 | $79,425,790 | $81,961,056 | $13,849,751 |
Ethnos360 | Foreign Missions | | 30 | $51,376,860 | $67,187,567 | $61,673,240 | $66,379,405 | $259,431 |
Eugene Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | 28 | $11,355,248 | $8,152,010 | $7,708,453 | $6,162,544 | $469,798 |
Evangel University | Colleges/Universities |     | 61 | $60,775,023 | $75,187,571 | $23,431,772 | $63,793,083 | $1,688,366 |
Evangelical Child and Family Agency | Evangelism Support |  | 73 | $2,513,931 | $2,787,208 | $999,382 | $2,699,411 | $263,957 |
Evangelical Christian School of Memphis | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 98 | $16,321,030 | $14,731,044 | $1,267,035 | $14,854,468 | $542,941 |
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) | Advocacy | | 28 | $3,973,676 | $4,790,236 | $522,061 | $4,108,684 | $18,920 |
Evangelism Explosion International | Evangelism Support | | 31 | $1,685,566 | $5,666,367 | $5,359,785 | $5,524,315 | $632,982 |
Evansville Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 90 | $15,287,026 | $11,616,703 | $6,677,432 | $7,619,340 | $615,884 |
Ever Increasing Faith / Fred Price / Crenshaw Christian Center | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Every Generation Ministries | Foreign Missions |   | 77 | $695,915 | $1,535,323 | $1,581,776 | $1,650,036 | $180,788 |
Every Home for Christ | Evangelism | | 55 | $25,548,308 | $58,706,736 | $58,557,801 | $52,350,628 | $1,194,704 |
Extreme Response International | Relief and Development |     | 97 | $2,234,422 | $4,056,138 | $4,004,599 | $4,477,027 | $118,469 |
Fairbanks Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 75 | $6,281,489 | $3,570,262 | $3,161,469 | $3,280,777 | $60,261 |
Faith and Freedom Coalition | Advocacy |   | 33 | $3,989,327 | $24,429,473 | $24,448,174 | $26,653,399 | $4,923,550 |
Faith and Learning International | Evangelism Support |      | 96 | $4,456,876 | $6,960,107 | $6,786,126 | $6,590,073 | $146,160 |
Faith Broadcasting, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |     | 93 | $1,649,716 | $1,162,669 | $1,078,035 | $1,040,740 | $38,076 |
Faith Builders Educational Programs | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 98 | $7,174,727 | $4,744,629 | $1,738,240 | $3,530,277 | $0 |
Faith Comes By Hearing / Hosanna Ministries | Bible Translation Organizations |     | 62 | $70,738,623 | $41,533,810 | $38,819,698 | $34,217,621 | $2,210,578 |
Faith Farm Ministries | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
FaithBridge Foster Care | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 100 | $1,361,081 | $7,866,843 | $1,836,723 | $8,050,401 | $279,100 |
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism | Evangelism |    | 95 | $2,032,800 | $2,816,231 | $2,809,905 | $2,585,303 | $201,666 |
Family Broadcasting Corporation / pka Lesea, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Family Connections Christian Adoptions | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 93 | $3,919,930 | $3,178,500 | $4,829 | $3,801,155 | $0 |
Family Legacy Missions International | Foreign Missions |   | 67 | $4,228,567 | $19,414,073 | $19,047,399 | $19,867,505 | $796,462 |
Family Life Communications Inc (previously Family Life Broadcasting System) | Radio/ TV Stations | | 63 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Family Life Ministries | Educational Media |    | 98 | $19,060,664 | $8,924,067 | $7,413,831 | $7,175,377 | $365,780 |
Family Radio / Family Stations, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 48 | $88,358,820 | $6,808,710 | $8,986,790 | $12,109,789 | $582,158 |
Family Research Council, Inc. | Advocacy |     | 95 | $12,435,952 | $22,031,968 | $21,693,751 | $21,980,863 | $1,190,373 |
Family Talk / Dr. James Dobson Family Institute | Christian Growth |    | 93 | $4,202,872 | $8,770,048 | $8,520,025 | $9,793,378 | $812,211 |
Far East Broadcasting Company, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |     | 100 | $17,200,275 | $15,036,783 | $11,661,740 | $16,215,523 | $1,390,108 |
Far Reaching Ministries | Foreign Missions |     | 66 | $19,536,095 | $12,857,444 | $12,768,993 | $11,510,538 | $172,331 |
Faulkner University | Colleges/Universities |      | 59 | $72,179,616 | $83,641,697 | $22,021,271 | $71,300,188 | $1,281,907 |
Favor International | Relief and Development |      | 97 | $670,340 | $7,586,809 | $7,582,659 | $7,383,570 | $197,107 |
Feed My Sheep | Community Development |      | 95 | $994,154 | $1,746,395 | $1,742,989 | $1,760,430 | $6,204 |
Feed My Starving Children | Relief and Development |    | 70 | $19,734,475 | $66,074,761 | $64,452,116 | $74,099,697 | $4,796,630 |
Feed The Children | Relief and Development |      | 71 | $185,270,062 | $502,018,838 | $496,797,900 | $493,477,526 | $15,494,997 |
Feed the Hunger, formerly New Directions International | Foreign Missions |     | 100 | $2,386,742 | $4,887,789 | $4,150,670 | $3,800,228 | $206,566 |
Fellowship Christian School - Roswell, GA | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 75 | $31,795,252 | $21,319,799 | $1,202,793 | $18,919,593 | $337,380 |
Fellowship for the Performing Arts | Christian Growth |  | 75 | $24,323,402 | $11,269,153 | $6,150,997 | $6,986,266 | $1,269,216 |
Fellowship International Mission, Inc. / FIM | Foreign Missions | | 53 | $2,238,945 | $4,556,576 | $4,548,634 | $4,160,675 | $15,844 |
Fellowship of Christian Athletes / FCA | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 95 | $128,465,183 | $220,346,895 | $196,851,104 | $211,605,576 | $13,592,189 |
Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools (FOCUS) | Fellowship Evangelism |    | 90 | $16,880,047 | $5,585,310 | $4,473,405 | $5,256,148 | $298,352 |
Fellowship of Companies for Christ / FCCI | Christian Growth |    | 96 | $1,392,113 | $2,529,205 | $1,932,604 | $1,888,769 | $121,601 |
Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM) | Evangelism Support |      | 71 | $6,516,279 | $23,220,748 | $21,624,665 | $17,470,633 | $152,641 |
Filter Of Hope | Community Development |      | 100 | $3,812,049 | $7,619,569 | $6,332,836 | $6,584,133 | $43,093 |
First Care Women's Clinic | Pro-Life |  | 77 | $5,822,266 | $3,493,015 | $2,960,386 | $2,483,112 | $303,045 |
First Liberty Institute | Advocacy |    | 93 | $21,493,209 | $24,336,900 | $23,962,072 | $23,902,426 | $2,255,752 |
First Love International Ministries | Foreign Missions |     | 98 | $3,108,644 | $3,745,349 | $3,694,606 | $4,264,749 | $46,676 |
Five Talents USA | Community Development |   | 72 | $824,888 | $1,341,973 | $1,341,589 | $1,220,684 | $170,369 |
FIVE18 Family Services (formerly Patrick Henry Family Services) | Community Development |     | 92 | $61,229,778 | $5,022,114 | $1,682,057 | $4,248,044 | $8,054 |
Focus on the Family | Educational Media |     | 95 | $87,014,915 | $127,888,877 | $113,542,889 | $122,187,451 | $9,089,249 |
Food for the Hungry, Inc. | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $34,297,829 | $163,865,374 | $162,957,899 | $161,722,346 | $24,269,672 |
Food For The Poor, Inc. | Relief and Development |     | 56 | $32,579,104 | $453,868,037 | $453,249,650 | $468,325,059 | $36,697,658 |
For the Nations Refugee Outreach | Community Development |    | 92 | $9,303,955 | $2,220,370 | $2,074,180 | $2,316,146 | $75,784 |
Forest Glen | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 78 | $5,427,094 | $3,192,590 | $216,542 | $3,171,746 | $0 |
Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 93 | $10,014,242 | $5,063,127 | $2,287,893 | $5,256,631 | $114,227 |
Forge | Christian Growth |    | 100 | $2,468,710 | $1,826,245 | $1,485,038 | $2,128,549 | $126,171 |
Forgotten Children Worldwide | Relief and Development |    | 76 | $3,384,238 | $5,027,047 | $4,872,803 | $4,166,774 | $317,491 |
Fortis Institute | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 76 | $7,460,589 | $3,346,348 | $2,563,965 | $2,205,070 | $227,908 |
Forward Edge International | Relief and Development |  | 77 | $1,684,234 | $3,070,435 | $2,806,754 | $3,157,468 | $501,401 |
Foundation For His Ministry | Relief and Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Free Lutheran Theological Seminary Corporation | Colleges/Universities |   | 78 | $10,076,258 | $5,308,041 | $2,676,569 | $5,201,675 | $186,557 |
Free the Oppressed dba Free Burma Rangers | Foreign Missions |      | 95 | $5,191,564 | $5,440,544 | $5,388,916 | $6,504,865 | $47,448 |
Free Wheelchair Mission | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $2,859,439 | $14,028,286 | $14,009,506 | $13,738,017 | $2,546,706 |
Freedom in Christ Ministries | Evangelism Support |     | 100 | $835,913 | $1,975,974 | $1,676,894 | $2,168,994 | $109,927 |
French Camp Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 92 | $70,504,890 | $10,332,415 | $6,721,872 | $9,666,737 | $661,029 |
Fresh Fire USA | Evangelism | | 5 | ($46,961) | $668,205 | $626,101 | $580,982 | $0 |
Fresno Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 76 | $3,628,074 | $9,769,724 | $2,840,954 | $8,625,955 | $0 |
Fresno Pacific University | Colleges/Universities |      | 71 | $54,736,899 | $88,122,677 | $25,357,218 | $83,903,545 | $1,787,031 |
Friends Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 42 | $98,674,072 | $35,633,692 | $3,362,304 | $37,994,599 | $1,590,652 |
Friends of the Great Commission Foundation | Evangelism Support |     | 96 | $1,672,863 | $5,634,560 | $5,357,238 | $5,253,563 | $134,604 |
Friends University | Colleges/Universities |     | 73 | $114,018,101 | $45,214,355 | $5,017,949 | $45,556,612 | $517,894 |
Front Range Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 98 | $3,357,844 | $6,180,003 | $676,311 | $6,367,753 | $77,110 |
Frontier Alliance International Inc. | Foreign Missions |      | 56 | $3,551,128 | $5,775,842 | $5,789,248 | $6,413,813 | $186,470 |
Frontier Ventures | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Frontiers | Foreign Missions | | 52 | $25,528,442 | $39,539,966 | $38,241,253 | $34,612,818 | $3,318,143 |
Frontline Response / Atlanta Dream Center Inc / Out of Darkness | Advocacy |  | 75 | $5,896,694 | $7,997,964 | $6,618,285 | $5,837,468 | $637,127 |
Fuller Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |   | 55 | $243,642,703 | $58,133,640 | $24,848,265 | $64,107,578 | $2,567,786 |
Gardner-Webb University | Colleges/Universities |      | 70 | $125,993,267 | $97,349,269 | $11,076,188 | $99,286,236 | $1,124,895 |
Gateway Creative Broadcasting / Joy FM Radio | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 95 | $12,498,828 | $8,596,109 | $6,738,334 | $8,464,161 | $238,211 |
Gateway Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 75 | $5,311,192 | $3,702,971 | $2,623,431 | $3,456,587 | $489,061 |
Geneva Camp and Retreat Center | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 90 | $25,011,442 | $5,453,626 | $2,483,293 | $3,933,823 | $155,058 |
George Fox University | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $181,634,434 | $151,744,505 | $10,207,587 | $142,308,894 | $1,457,630 |
GFA World, pka Gospel for Asia / K.P. Yohannan | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Gideons International | Evangelism | | 48 | $133,314,513 | $110,962,063 | $98,067,999 | $55,005,220 | $3,579,912 |
Giving Children Hope | Advocacy |      | 71 | $1,904,927 | $29,949,338 | $28,835,070 | $30,803,784 | $464,090 |
Global Advance, Inc. | Foreign Missions |  | 67 | $8,362,706 | $2,912,615 | $2,532,467 | $2,239,216 | $226,900 |
Global Catalytic Ministries | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Global Christian Relief | Advocacy | | 55 | $13,499,219 | $39,452,303 | $39,181,097 | $35,270,581 | $4,837,707 |
Global Disciples | Foreign Missions |    | 98 | $2,990,189 | $6,947,518 | $6,889,607 | $8,086,091 | $567,342 |
Global Gates | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Global Leadership Network | Leadership Training | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Global Media Outreach | Evangelism |    | 100 | $3,946,857 | $10,969,654 | $10,826,383 | $12,098,225 | $1,516,134 |
Global Outreach International | Evangelism Support |     | 90 | $15,868,423 | $19,084,181 | $18,371,863 | $19,455,295 | $329,515 |
Global Recordings Network USA | Educational Media |   | 78 | $3,497,240 | $1,476,314 | $1,461,721 | $1,178,089 | $15,523 |
Global Scholars previously International Institute For Christian Studies | Leadership Training |   | 73 | $2,019,484 | $2,064,770 | $1,999,431 | $1,998,282 | $208,069 |
Global Service Network | Evangelism Support |      | 95 | $4,955,160 | $10,764,712 | $10,634,999 | $10,647,526 | $412,211 |
Global Training Network | Evangelism Support |     | 97 | $3,847,410 | $8,046,943 | $7,954,666 | $7,767,044 | $415,965 |
Global Water Center | Relief and Development |  | 53 | $4,091,086 | $532,693 | $2,990,637 | $2,756,371 | $327,548 |
Globe International Ministries | Evangelism Support | | 51 | $3,536,654 | $5,977,342 | $5,719,908 | $5,190,101 | $74,144 |
Glory of Zion International Ministries | Foreign Missions |    | 57 | $17,324,453 | $22,720,881 | $20,646,591 | $23,409,032 | $0 |
Go To Nations | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
God TV | Radio/ TV Stations | | 32 | ($2,780,657) | $6,623,585 | $1,251,964 | $8,005,367 | $580,679 |
God's Bible School & College | Colleges/Universities |   | 75 | $10,299,484 | $6,065,417 | $1,828,479 | $7,095,464 | $526,342 |
God's World Publications, Inc. | Educational Media |    | 78 | $2,192,792 | $14,902,950 | $7,606,052 | $15,718,797 | $1,054,566 |
Good News Communications Inc / MOVIEGUIDE® | Educational Media |  | 55 | $3,500,645 | $2,615,203 | $2,155,101 | $2,784,481 | $296,496 |
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry | Christian Growth | | 51 | $241,386 | $8,118,795 | $8,074,216 | $7,889,033 | $356,012 |
Good News Productions, International | Evangelism Support | | 51 | $1,492,027 | $2,263,274 | $2,087,459 | $2,204,867 | $202,799 |
Good News Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 55 | $4,999,044 | $3,795,946 | $3,728,455 | $4,116,246 | $634,740 |
Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb | Pro-Life |      | 92 | $9,719,898 | $15,568,062 | $13,638,445 | $12,440,294 | $56,937 |
Good Samaritan Health Center of Gwinnett | Community Development |   | 77 | $8,188,371 | $4,174,639 | $1,617,207 | $4,599,264 | $320,074 |
Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County | Pro-Life |     | 93 | $417,765 | $1,045,277 | $964,094 | $913,294 | $20,031 |
Gordon College | Colleges/Universities |   | 71 | $151,264,476 | $62,766,673 | $13,845,083 | $74,166,129 | $3,477,319 |
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 75 | $94,133,906 | $28,849,399 | $7,978,040 | $30,563,412 | $1,005,589 |
GoServ Global | Foreign Missions |     | 90 | $922,127 | $2,942,924 | $3,171,414 | $4,097,252 | $94,174 |
Gospel Volunteers / Camp of the Woods | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 91 | $19,903,767 | $9,427,657 | $1,899,097 | $10,172,221 | $80,220 |
Grace Adventures | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 98 | $33,552,434 | $25,015,577 | $20,005,409 | $5,808,656 | $114,156 |
Grace School of Theology | Colleges/Universities |      | 100 | $1,047,647 | $6,018,542 | $3,729,887 | $5,964,688 | $318,864 |
Grace to You | Educational Media | | 40 | $38,632,513 | $37,224,804 | $30,576,529 | $23,723,746 | $560,363 |
Grand Canyon University | Colleges/Universities |      | 72 | $477,626,106 | $1,688,317,236 | $8,029,526 | $1,665,639,619 | $1,732,276 |
Great Falls Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 54 | $8,457,697 | $3,783,594 | $3,706,463 | $3,473,251 | $488,116 |
Great Lakes Christian College | Colleges/Universities |     | 88 | $1,679,224 | $4,244,852 | $2,658,050 | $4,151,415 | $202,005 |
Greater Europe Mission | Foreign Missions |   | 80 | $16,530,687 | $29,849,012 | $26,144,653 | $28,424,750 | $2,510,604 |
Groundwire | Community Development |     | 98 | $383,470 | $4,158,835 | $4,158,820 | $4,803,661 | $455,855 |
Group Cares | Community Development | | 45 | ($2,158,638) | $3,442,997 | $492,305 | $3,320,810 | $132,511 |
Grove City College | Colleges/Universities |    | 64 | $485,448,894 | $178,506,655 | $99,726,334 | $92,034,181 | $2,752,811 |
Guiding Light Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 92 | $7,309,350 | $5,343,993 | $4,546,285 | $4,757,177 | $659,694 |
Habitat for Humanity International | Community Development |  | 44 | $430,584,601 | $342,369,200 | $310,886,061 | $350,636,300 | $67,375,396 |
Haggai International | Leadership Training |  | 73 | $33,182,123 | $15,197,283 | $13,171,256 | $23,392,980 | $3,986,735 |
Hal Lindsey Website Ministries | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 44 | $23,703,781 | $2,187,392 | $2,069,348 | $3,635,743 | $0 |
Hand2Hand | Community Development |     | 100 | $4,327,863 | $4,485,472 | $4,009,017 | $4,305,417 | $251,062 |
Hardin-Simmons University | Colleges/Universities |   | 46 | $333,017,057 | $82,347,518 | $13,099,245 | $80,424,099 | $1,229,842 |
Harding University | Colleges/Universities |    | 58 | $404,581,084 | $114,513,535 | $19,265,143 | $125,587,337 | $1,881,077 |
Harvest USA | Educational Media |  | 73 | $2,658,855 | $2,039,871 | $1,941,692 | $1,713,816 | $268,210 |
Harvey Cedars Bible Conference Inc | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 91 | $15,250,035 | $4,598,568 | $1,473,540 | $3,266,797 | $116,440 |
Haven Ministries | Educational Media |      | 100 | $2,239,633 | $4,576,795 | $4,560,472 | $4,280,748 | $305,111 |
Haven of Rest Ministries - Akron, OH | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | 43 | $16,892,229 | $10,756,253 | $10,150,366 | $9,338,569 | $973,393 |
Haven of Rest Ministries - Anderson | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $3,225,867 | $4,486,198 | $4,217,916 | $4,278,412 | $279,806 |
Healing Hands International | Relief and Development |   | 77 | $11,747,449 | $6,525,352 | $6,389,861 | $6,576,282 | $464,376 |
Healing House Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 76 | $4,745,871 | $3,795,940 | $2,422,743 | $3,709,141 | $225,765 |
Heart for Lebanon Foundation | Foreign Missions |     | 100 | $7,678,538 | $6,673,217 | $6,694,411 | $6,267,984 | $310,836 |
Heartbeat International | Pro-Life |    | 66 | $1,865,066 | $9,754,794 | $7,220,101 | $10,040,245 | $1,636,610 |
HeartCry Missionary Society | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Heaven's Family | Community Development |    | 100 | $2,012,734 | $2,632,849 | $2,578,067 | $2,570,033 | $119,079 |
Heifer Project International | Relief and Development |  | 46 | $268,249,675 | $149,689,145 | $146,775,776 | $159,486,986 | $38,096,239 |
Help The Persecuted | Relief and Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Helping Up Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $26,100,448 | $17,014,266 | $12,361,849 | $19,478,191 | $3,209,010 |
Helps Ministries | Evangelism Support | | 48 | $1,617,430 | $876,325 | $737,451 | $1,487,049 | $42,366 |
High Adventure Ministries, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | 2 | $1,009,418 | $2,919,611 | $1,582,997 | $2,952,706 | $199,162 |
High Point University | Colleges/Universities |  | 42 | $940,757,343 | $422,077,258 | $56,321,409 | $356,958,178 | $4,800,174 |
Hillsdale College | Colleges/Universities |  | 30 | $1,588,493,869 | $320,784,822 | $253,577,837 | $248,527,191 | $68,707,162 |
Holston United Methodist Home for Children | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 90 | $29,134,579 | $15,461,550 | $5,151,993 | $13,919,009 | $524,655 |
Holt International Children's Services | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 68 | $15,078,063 | $26,687,518 | $21,560,307 | $26,726,941 | $3,980,320 |
Home of Grace | Community Development |  | 56 | $6,922,812 | $2,985,472 | $1,534,628 | $3,567,993 | $402,693 |
Home School Legal Defense Association | Advocacy | | 76 | ($5,643,298) | $18,020,149 | $3,827,036 | $20,103,172 | $314,071 |
Hope Academy Inc. | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 73 | $41,613,887 | $27,043,718 | $25,524,822 | $11,650,934 | $856,462 |
Hope and Home | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 69 | $12,641,713 | $9,594,180 | $949,603 | $7,557,285 | $166,725 |
Hope Center Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $18,066,805 | $21,072,891 | $5,836,172 | $14,267,935 | $156,827 |
Hope Christian Services / pka Eastern Christian Childrens Retreat | Community Development |     | 90 | $13,154,711 | $20,018,601 | $3,225,840 | $20,128,400 | $335,089 |
Hope Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 98 | $9,669,748 | $7,620,869 | $7,373,894 | $6,365,166 | $537,501 |
Hope Haven Inc | Community Development |     | 90 | $35,908,309 | $51,852,631 | $5,214,049 | $49,483,859 | $790,120 |
Hope International | Community Development |    | 100 | $26,841,812 | $37,095,644 | $37,058,173 | $38,678,046 | $3,724,540 |
Hope is Alive Ministries Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $16,992,553 | $9,716,124 | $8,308,698 | $7,966,162 | $1,684,732 |
Hope Media Group / KSBJ | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 76 | $67,298,648 | $33,415,393 | $29,550,795 | $37,969,762 | $6,793,553 |
Hope Ministries | Community Development |  | 78 | $32,276,188 | $16,214,101 | $13,686,262 | $15,222,167 | $2,118,321 |
Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 64 | $78,658,755 | $119,352,333 | $110,652,426 | $59,922,411 | $2,723,976 |
HOPE South Florida | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 97 | $406,365 | $3,766,754 | $1,465,318 | $3,367,413 | $111,417 |
Hope Unlimited for Children | Relief and Development |      | 97 | $601,589 | $1,128,852 | $1,124,152 | $1,152,271 | $34,700 |
Hope Walks | Foreign Missions |  | 77 | $1,974,748 | $4,016,963 | $3,937,583 | $4,098,650 | $656,896 |
HopeKids | Community Development |      | 97 | $4,426,543 | $7,011,371 | $6,870,228 | $6,470,272 | $431,109 |
Horizon International | Foreign Missions |    | 98 | $1,166,082 | $2,239,105 | $1,938,647 | $2,261,418 | $126,598 |
Horizons International | Foreign Missions |     | 98 | $2,765,693 | $5,260,325 | $4,035,735 | $5,205,848 | $274,659 |
House of Providence | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 78 | $4,100,759 | $3,108,055 | $500,020 | $2,591,825 | $22,919 |
Houston Christian Broadcasters / Keeping Him Close By | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 95 | $15,564,900 | $4,342,641 | $4,062,870 | $4,392,829 | $149,049 |
Houston Christian University | Colleges/Universities |   | 46 | $239,469,268 | $153,828,906 | $30,338,396 | $148,643,100 | $1,238,927 |
Houston Pregnancy Help Center | Pro-Life |    | 93 | $4,595,626 | $4,505,230 | $4,560,057 | $2,956,721 | $211,530 |
Human Coalition | Pro-Life |    | 90 | $10,908,552 | $29,533,305 | $29,137,242 | $26,970,904 | $2,225,206 |
IF:Gathering | Christian Growth |   | 75 | $2,814,748 | $3,612,045 | $998,353 | $3,783,487 | $253,624 |
Image Clear Ultrasound, Inc. (ICU Mobile) | Pro-Life |     | 83 | $1,386,798 | $2,201,412 | $1,120,708 | $2,026,220 | $148,245 |
Impact Productions | Educational Media |      | 65 | $3,258,981 | $9,854,343 | $1,416 | $9,202,149 | $0 |
In His Image International | Foreign Missions |      | 92 | $5,179,208 | $3,181,147 | $3,071,610 | $2,763,440 | $26,852 |
In Touch Ministries / Charles Stanley | Educational Media | | 53 | $141,145,233 | $133,543,130 | $118,088,564 | $116,077,714 | $311,324 |
India Gospel League Inc. North America | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $2,017,702 | $3,077,156 | $3,077,146 | $3,661,066 | $171,965 |
India National Inland Mission | Evangelism Support |  | 76 | $3,466,529 | $1,824,161 | $1,823,756 | $454,482 | $106,755 |
India Partners | Foreign Missions |  | 75 | $2,185,617 | $3,088,543 | $3,064,557 | $2,811,808 | $329,413 |
Indiana Wesleyan University | Colleges/Universities |     | 69 | $555,290,087 | $226,049,056 | $15,552,084 | $213,017,671 | $2,490,580 |
InFaith FKA: American Missionary Fellowship | Evangelism | | 78 | ($348,469) | $8,273,597 | $8,201,047 | $8,666,624 | $479,772 |
Insight for Living / Chuck Swindoll | Educational Media |   | 58 | $10,075,104 | $19,942,106 | $18,591,862 | $19,225,291 | $1,311,363 |
Inspiracom | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 98 | $5,024,471 | $3,425,409 | $2,593,280 | $3,333,354 | $261,924 |
Inspirational Network / Inspiration Ministries | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 33 | $282,201,376 | $43,305,591 | $20,715,432 | $32,250,890 | $2,557,417 |
Institute for Creation Research / ICR | Christian Growth |    | 100 | $50,631,978 | $12,850,158 | $11,075,008 | $10,274,296 | $588,529 |
Institute in Basic Life Principles | Christian Growth |  | 51 | $48,328,489 | $3,820,791 | $834,924 | $5,727,640 | $0 |
InterAct Ministries, Inc. | Foreign Missions |    | 98 | $1,992,831 | $2,664,444 | $2,449,021 | $2,795,775 | $19,358 |
Interchurch Medical Assistance, Inc. / IMA World Health | Relief and Development |      | 64 | $15,598,887 | $81,744,162 | $81,590,095 | $75,608,684 | $364,411 |
InterFACE Ministries, Inc. / IFACE | Fellowship Evangelism |      | 92 | $1,073,451 | $1,240,666 | $1,238,665 | $1,285,086 | $21,292 |
International Care Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 68 | $24,557 | $10,792,815 | $10,792,694 | $11,422,955 | $467,110 |
International Christian Adoptions | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 97 | $3,374,167 | $5,092,767 | $53,408 | $5,049,900 | $0 |
International Christian Concern | Relief and Development |    | 97 | $3,110,906 | $3,705,962 | $3,683,569 | $4,317,522 | $102,713 |
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem - USA | Community Development |    | 94 | $2,166,580 | $7,263,301 | $5,082,935 | $6,306,434 | $503,473 |
International Cooperating Ministries | Foreign Missions |   | 75 | $11,163,398 | $29,777,822 | $30,205,756 | $28,899,537 | $3,677,944 |
International Disaster Emergency Service | Relief and Development |   | 77 | $10,400,929 | $6,785,365 | $6,675,511 | $7,631,478 | $505,831 |
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews | Advocacy |   | 53 | $146,998,699 | $271,477,446 | $271,606,565 | $227,725,768 | $33,643,616 |
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students USA | Evangelism |      | 100 | $4,360,418 | $7,250,552 | $7,149,231 | $7,510,938 | $239,358 |
International Friendships, Inc. | Evangelism |  | 78 | $4,190,336 | $4,258,866 | $4,135,484 | $4,317,518 | $416,817 |
International Justice Mission | Community Development |   | 52 | $29,993,204 | $117,731,297 | $117,606,114 | $117,450,161 | $16,435,005 |
International Leadership Institute | Leadership Training |    | 100 | $2,465,905 | $3,928,821 | $3,762,159 | $4,239,254 | $278,382 |
International Messengers | Foreign Missions |   | 75 | $4,528,159 | $6,582,264 | $6,536,471 | $7,314,776 | $271,100 |
International Needs formerly IN Network USA | Evangelism Support |    | 92 | $3,185,674 | $4,078,755 | $3,978,242 | $3,721,403 | $249,498 |
International Outreach Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 83 | $1,944,294 | $4,290,032 | $4,200,014 | $3,896,128 | $0 |
International Students Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism | | 55 | $10,152,975 | $14,736,031 | $12,692,935 | $12,023,382 | $1,559,560 |
Interserve USA / International Service Fellowship | Foreign Missions |    | 95 | $16,468,435 | $8,066,834 | $6,866,857 | $7,357,587 | $131,473 |
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA | Fellowship Evangelism | | 50 | $58,989,787 | $104,436,067 | $86,972,012 | $102,622,309 | $11,526,261 |
Iran Alive Ministries | Educational Media |  | 78 | $2,584,928 | $2,243,016 | $1,896,597 | $2,197,088 | $297,030 |
Iris Global | Foreign Missions |      | 95 | $4,452,436 | $12,633,404 | $11,977,235 | $14,125,971 | $285,054 |
It Is Written, Inc. | Educational Media |      | 56 | $4,459,283 | $14,695,018 | $14,723,821 | $14,717,190 | $0 |
JAARS | Bible Translation Organizations |   | 77 | $12,672,286 | $9,830,256 | $8,189,288 | $7,703,667 | $440,833 |
Jack Van Impe Ministries | Educational Media |  | 37 | $13,040,720 | $3,871,768 | $3,280,029 | $2,701,753 | $618,433 |
Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society | Foreign Missions | | 38 | $2,348,127 | $2,142,887 | $1,069,048 | $2,053,068 | $116,398 |
Jesus House | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 93 | $3,986,022 | $2,275,304 | $2,275,304 | $2,448,166 | $184,920 |
JesusOnline Ministries | Evangelism |     | 98 | $114,963 | $1,695,034 | $1,694,915 | $1,765,655 | $163,879 |
Jewish Voice Ministries International | Foreign Missions | | 55 | $75,698,914 | $35,215,063 | $32,512,525 | $28,084,670 | $6,576,438 |
Jews for Jesus | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
JH Ranch | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 98 | $2,949,975 | $12,578,731 | $7,034,804 | $11,661,355 | $141,778 |
Jimmie Hale Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 50 | $13,129,442 | $6,454,116 | $5,948,265 | $5,582,853 | $470,789 |
Joel Osteen / Lakewood Church | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
John 3:16 Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | 48 | $20,822,054 | $15,558,251 | $15,491,415 | $9,392,315 | $1,956,098 |
John and Vera Mae Perkins Foundation | Community Development |   | 67 | $1,992,086 | $640,120 | $578,130 | $687,747 | $0 |
John Brown University | Colleges/Universities |    | 93 | $285,517,715 | $80,057,560 | $18,418,279 | $75,078,226 | $1,788,785 |
John Hagee Ministries | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Joni and Friends | Fellowship Evangelism |   | 63 | $37,484,694 | $45,068,322 | $41,529,753 | $44,587,145 | $3,990,488 |
Joshua Fund | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $1,989,102 | $6,563,036 | $6,496,105 | $8,871,107 | $348,498 |
Joshua Media Ministries | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Josiah Venture | Leadership Training |     | 93 | $20,163,689 | $16,628,642 | $16,326,052 | $17,710,357 | $371,974 |
Joyce Meyer Ministries / Life in the Word | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Juanita Bynum International | Christian Growth |   | 27 | $1,177,248 | $1,605,976 | $1,605,976 | $429,018 | $0 |
Jubilee Ministries | Evangelism |    | 73 | $12,943,056 | $9,693,317 | $9,235,736 | $7,918,288 | $499,006 |
Justice and Mercy International | Foreign Missions |   | 76 | $2,530,852 | $3,752,171 | $3,750,427 | $4,258,413 | $358,688 |
Kairos Prison Ministry International | Evangelism | | 28 | $6,657,109 | $7,125,981 | $7,029,671 | $6,331,132 | $223,172 |
Kalamazoo Area Christian Retirement Association, dba Park Village Pines | Community Development |   | 75 | $5,282,892 | $6,122,333 | $467,991 | $6,675,488 | $0 |
Kanakuk Ministries | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 57 | $42,534,307 | $37,754,925 | $8,658,723 | $38,659,489 | $575,329 |
Kansas City Christian School Association | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 90 | $6,946,031 | $7,442,187 | $2,516,492 | $6,442,502 | $110,980 |
Katy Christian Ministries | Community Development |      | 90 | $2,572,725 | $7,863,384 | $7,737,880 | $8,416,128 | $388,953 |
Kenneth Copeland Ministries/ KCM/ Eagle Mountain International Church | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Kenneth Hagin Ministries / RHEMA / The Word of Faith | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Kent School Corporation | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 44 | $167,408,691 | $48,309,898 | $6,744,109 | $49,421,268 | $3,457,158 |
Kentucky Mountain Bible College | Colleges/Universities |     | 95 | $9,268,405 | $2,548,565 | $857,905 | $2,430,329 | $61,987 |
Key Life Network | Educational Media |      | 79 | $1,419,857 | $1,660,721 | $1,658,874 | $1,984,588 | $116,665 |
Keys for Kids Ministries | Educational Media |   | 80 | $1,858,793 | $2,600,258 | $2,358,557 | $2,089,022 | $298,009 |
Kids Across America Foundation | Camps/Conference Centers | | 52 | $0 | $14,400,204 | $5,706,145 | $22,239,961 | $1,143,533 |
Kids Alive International | Foreign Missions |  | 58 | $9,956,671 | $13,358,031 | $11,665,811 | $14,373,196 | $1,506,606 |
Kids Around The World | Relief and Development |     | 82 | $3,636,161 | $7,191,493 | $7,176,445 | $6,970,189 | $381,385 |
Kids for the Kingdom | Relief and Development |  | 80 | $60,521,204 | $1,749,258 | $669,725 | $2,700,984 | $0 |
KidWorks | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 97 | $8,778,481 | $4,371,531 | $4,462,909 | $4,204,670 | $520,579 |
King University | Colleges/Universities |    | 70 | $54,645,437 | $38,280,060 | $6,555,990 | $40,883,680 | $585,884 |
Kingdom Advisors | Advocacy |     | 95 | $1,743,769 | $7,008,709 | $1,703,521 | $6,633,397 | $440,368 |
Kingdom Workers | Foreign Missions |  | 75 | $3,787,646 | $4,902,019 | $4,825,488 | $4,547,922 | $932,938 |
Kingsway Charities | Relief and Development |      | 53 | $7,802,527 | $15,302,918 | $15,574,045 | $11,847,568 | $0 |
Kinship United | Relief and Development |      | 100 | $1,369,223 | $8,262,958 | $8,236,625 | $8,700,013 | $466,066 |
Knox Area Rescue Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 93 | $28,944,429 | $42,829,228 | $42,273,048 | $38,003,371 | $2,252,283 |
Kokomo Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 70 | $5,859,404 | $3,476,950 | $3,258,364 | $3,810,809 | $497,541 |
Lake Ann Camp | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 78 | $13,795,219 | $4,324,357 | $554,441 | $4,000,347 | $107,879 |
Lake Geneva Foundation | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 73 | $5,890,339 | $4,438,861 | $2,103,470 | $3,019,314 | $207,592 |
Lamb & Lion Ministries | Evangelism |      | 100 | $2,609,198 | $3,019,257 | $2,710,230 | $3,162,191 | $36,412 |
Langham Partnership USA | Leadership Training |  | 73 | $4,962,890 | $6,584,165 | $6,524,507 | $6,404,253 | $1,725,370 |
Las Vegas Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 76 | $9,388,369 | $6,250,971 | $5,562,100 | $5,331,256 | $1,027,589 |
Launch Global | Evangelism Support |     | 98 | $5,552,304 | $9,944,978 | $9,875,534 | $10,064,979 | $371,713 |
LeaderSource SGA / Strategic Global Assistance | Community Development | | 75 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef | Educational Media | | 55 | $23,784,491 | $19,688,916 | $18,544,130 | $19,257,703 | $1,961,827 |
Lee University | Colleges/Universities |   | 55 | $166,167,918 | $97,254,831 | $11,424,448 | $93,462,606 | $0 |
LeTourneau University | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $119,934,034 | $79,233,946 | $13,904,363 | $73,721,920 | $1,889,350 |
Lexington Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $6,741,177 | $4,499,452 | $4,370,818 | $3,268,528 | $727,344 |
Liberty Ministries | Community Development |     | 93 | $7,741,163 | $11,122,454 | $10,623,531 | $10,938,469 | $70,551 |
Liberty University | Colleges/Universities |   | 34 | $3,848,582,398 | $1,565,676,548 | $30,915,325 | $1,381,066,428 | $5,567,119 |
Life Action Ministries | Christian Growth |   | 80 | $10,448,091 | $19,695,195 | $16,258,069 | $20,370,781 | $1,160,722 |
Life Challenge of Southeastern Michigan | Pro-Life |     | 71 | $1,505,366 | $1,488,227 | $1,262,330 | $1,562,982 | $34,533 |
Life in Abundance International | Foreign Missions |   | 77 | $1,634,852 | $3,263,965 | $3,307,619 | $2,810,994 | $168,415 |
LIFE International | Foreign Missions |  | 78 | $2,075,996 | $3,232,665 | $3,263,975 | $3,505,823 | $879,203 |
Life Legal Defense Foundation | Advocacy |    | 97 | $6,264,460 | $2,926,890 | $2,489,164 | $2,102,695 | $159,326 |
Life Network | Pro-Life |   | 80 | $7,108,374 | $6,017,668 | $6,158,150 | $4,054,366 | $576,673 |
Life Outreach International Association of Churches | Educational Media | | 47 | $27,033,399 | $59,856,265 | $55,964,967 | $52,497,987 | $9,968,947 |
Life Pacific University | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Life Training Institute | Pro-Life |     | 71 | $301,496 | $247,670 | $246,559 | $278,675 | $23,077 |
Lifeline Children's Services | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 93 | $2,809,954 | $16,722,288 | $10,165,116 | $17,146,155 | $1,986,154 |
Lifeline Christian Mission | Christian Growth | | 67 | ($394,850) | $8,108,210 | $7,916,086 | $8,627,765 | $229,246 |
LifePath Christian Ministries / York Union Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 97 | $2,841,772 | $6,026,935 | $3,578,677 | $7,132,499 | $1,159,141 |
Lifesong for Orphans | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 100 | $62,166,185 | $39,806,626 | $35,039,526 | $32,143,911 | $1,306,670 |
LifeWord Broadcast Ministries, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 49 | $5,399,316 | $1,670,031 | $978,004 | $1,857,931 | $161,619 |
Light of Life Ministries / Light of Life Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $29,340,956 | $12,255,627 | $11,862,807 | $11,085,832 | $1,952,287 |
Lighthouse Ministries, Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $4,756,515 | $5,222,688 | $7,839,872 | $4,518,292 | $568,678 |
Ligonier Ministries / R.C. Sproul | Educational Media | | 35 | $45,587,483 | $25,858,613 | $21,258,232 | $23,831,149 | $2,803,309 |
Lionheart Children's Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 97 | $5,684,649 | $30,978,726 | $7,048,923 | $31,056,404 | $11,328 |
Lipscomb University | Colleges/Universities |   | 45 | $203,333,111 | $228,207,955 | $15,932,059 | $235,575,959 | $3,432,169 |
Live Action | Advocacy |    | 68 | $6,705,981 | $14,045,298 | $14,046,969 | $14,523,742 | $1,763,400 |
Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center | Pro-Life |  | 58 | $2,678,722 | $2,680,497 | $1,705,711 | $2,892,320 | $351,144 |
Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram | Educational Media |   | 80 | $8,660,009 | $12,925,507 | $12,234,362 | $13,660,980 | $1,342,632 |
Living Proof Ministries | Educational Media |     | 85 | $10,429,164 | $2,769,453 | $412,727 | $3,077,297 | $0 |
Living Stream Ministry | Christian Growth |   | 36 | $112,248,971 | $21,064,029 | $4,692,918 | $16,896,063 | $0 |
Living Water International | Relief and Development |    | 95 | $6,281,420 | $24,213,554 | $24,033,695 | $25,254,937 | $2,835,160 |
Living Waters Publications | Christian Growth |  | 65 | $7,474,404 | $6,169,240 | $4,771,060 | $6,514,554 | $537,595 |
Long Beach Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 77 | $6,669,948 | $4,915,634 | $4,676,936 | $4,435,577 | $655,429 |
Los Angeles Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $30,536,361 | $21,509,878 | $20,850,860 | $21,109,897 | $6,936,931 |
Louisiana Christian University | Colleges/Universities |   | 48 | $80,367,630 | $33,416,398 | $5,991,273 | $32,007,991 | $0 |
Love a Child | Relief and Development |    | 80 | $38,691,887 | $41,314,040 | $40,707,636 | $34,965,582 | $2,443,145 |
Love Justice International | Foreign Missions |   | 80 | $251,501 | $5,367,566 | $5,364,307 | $5,985,902 | $1,319,970 |
Love One International | Foreign Missions |  | 75 | $14,143,815 | $7,079,049 | $6,594,918 | $3,746,126 | $742,712 |
Love Worth Finding Ministries | Educational Media |   | 75 | $1,739,835 | $6,458,471 | $6,401,695 | $7,063,800 | $962,752 |
Loving Shepherd Ministries | Relief and Development |    | 92 | $9,803,701 | $7,027,099 | $4,952,038 | $6,106,039 | $247,698 |
Lubbock Christian University | Colleges/Universities |   | 51 | $99,234,323 | $53,289,778 | $12,098,456 | $49,271,252 | $499,302 |
Luis Palau Evangelistic Association | Evangelism |   | 73 | $14,200,866 | $16,112,841 | $16,245,812 | $16,583,986 | $1,426,757 |
Lutheran Bible Translators | Bible Translation Organizations |    | 100 | $16,218,173 | $7,258,717 | $7,082,756 | $7,228,567 | $521,396 |
Lutheran Hour Ministries | Educational Media | | 16 | $56,510,824 | $45,870,512 | $35,239,482 | $34,558,915 | $5,163,778 |
Lutheran Services in America | Community Development |    | 70 | $8,402,670 | $6,253,003 | $4,633,797 | $5,985,399 | $313,276 |
Lutheran World Relief | Relief and Development |  | 51 | $69,103,165 | $61,383,371 | $60,833,140 | $49,951,215 | $8,452,850 |
Man in the Mirror | Christian Growth |   | 76 | $2,789,053 | $3,824,327 | $4,168,113 | $3,908,670 | $430,411 |
Manhattan Christian College | Colleges/Universities |  | 78 | $12,571,574 | $6,064,305 | $3,237,282 | $5,834,267 | $343,771 |
MANNA Worldwide | Relief and Development |     | 90 | $6,279,830 | $9,224,135 | $8,299,759 | $8,892,799 | $0 |
MAOZ Israel Ministries | Foreign Missions |     | 83 | $2,703,351 | $4,188,080 | $4,073,698 | $3,794,979 | $147,773 |
MAP International | Relief and Development |      | 90 | $314,507,236 | $1,018,868,113 | $1,016,598,293 | $839,765,266 | $5,681,226 |
Maranatha Volunteers International | Community Development |     | 66 | $17,324,415 | $17,815,515 | $16,218,766 | $20,882,041 | $1,368,318 |
Market Street Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Marketplace Ministries, Inc. / Marketplace Chaplains | Christian Growth |      | 95 | $2,531,829 | $29,664,025 | $905,169 | $30,719,717 | $94,836 |
Mars Hill Productions, Inc. | Evangelism Support |  | 80 | $3,756,113 | $1,346,222 | $1,275,423 | $602,940 | $164,967 |
MasterKey Ministries of Grayson County | Community Development |      | 95 | $645,536 | $2,577,433 | $2,517,981 | $2,440,809 | $13,517 |
Meals by Grace | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 66 | $2,183,845 | $2,641,558 | $2,618,507 | $2,456,328 | $54,014 |
Media Dream / Alkarma TV | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 87 | $8,558,934 | $4,570,456 | $4,519,338 | $5,134,426 | $38,154 |
Medical Ambassadors International | Community Development |   | 80 | $1,965,009 | $3,037,274 | $3,008,615 | $3,140,845 | $590,944 |
Medical Teams International (Medical Teams) | Relief and Development |    | 93 | $26,550,620 | $70,549,306 | $68,399,102 | $79,671,841 | $6,620,026 |
Meherrin on Mission | Relief and Development |     | 75 | $627,493 | $451,769 | $472,235 | $231,922 | $0 |
Mel Trotter Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 73 | $26,415,702 | $22,892,534 | $18,681,911 | $19,918,496 | $1,785,156 |
Memphis Union Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 78 | $28,574,119 | $6,427,163 | $5,730,525 | $5,018,601 | $1,357,685 |
Mennonite Brethren Foundation | Christian Foundations | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Mennonite Brethren Homes, dba Palm Village Retirement Community | Community Development |     | 95 | $5,915,106 | $21,200,366 | $0 | $18,480,206 | $7,093 |
Mennonite Central Committee | Relief and Development | | 25 | $47,446,067 | $36,949,796 | $33,270,665 | $35,466,559 | $2,665,624 |
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) | Foreign Missions |  | 50 | $14,150,413 | $11,559,834 | $11,296,249 | $10,809,751 | $1,786,784 |
Merced Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 53 | $2,638,151 | $1,788,435 | $1,384,576 | $1,785,195 | $0 |
Mercy Chefs Inc | Relief and Development |    | 72 | $9,803,511 | $13,736,229 | $13,591,173 | $14,214,864 | $983,949 |
Mercy Community Healthcare | Pro-Life |  | 73 | $13,418,741 | $16,747,200 | $5,510,021 | $14,501,366 | $980,391 |
Mercy Corps | Relief and Development |    | 64 | $116,212,311 | $521,972,189 | $517,520,733 | $523,268,607 | $17,872,462 |
Mercy Medical Angels | Relief and Development |     | 72 | $3,492,040 | $4,779,444 | $4,366,380 | $4,982,423 | $205,792 |
Mercy Multiplied America | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 98 | $20,923,472 | $9,904,277 | $9,346,764 | $8,882,003 | $689,797 |
Mercy Ships | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $240,321,832 | $155,091,550 | $153,707,243 | $145,692,310 | $19,740,707 |
Mercy Support Services, Inc. | Pro-Life |  | 53 | $2,213,468 | $1,487,091 | $1,191,260 | $1,171,902 | $217,740 |
Mesa Global | Evangelism Support | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Messenger International | Christian Growth | | 33 | $5,054,007 | $7,054,114 | $3,265,800 | $6,491,166 | $319,767 |
Messiah University | Colleges/Universities |    | 65 | $223,155,207 | $144,399,121 | $10,086,639 | $148,812,684 | $1,971,150 |
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America | Relief and Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Messianic Vision, Inc. | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Miami Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 73 | $26,525,857 | $14,212,236 | $12,650,502 | $15,969,350 | $2,845,825 |
Middle East Bible Outreach | Relief and Development |     | 91 | $10,386,448 | $5,316,510 | $5,185,639 | $3,196,338 | $56,828 |
Mighty Oaks Foundation | Community Development |    | 98 | $5,409,811 | $9,371,669 | $8,682,535 | $9,556,963 | $901,753 |
Military Community Youth Ministries / MCYM | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 90 | $1,185,997 | $2,420,149 | $2,285,809 | $2,798,874 | $92,093 |
Milligan University | Colleges/Universities |  | 43 | $106,627,883 | $48,728,165 | $7,042,966 | $47,523,885 | $1,191,803 |
Ministries of Jesus | Community Development |      | 100 | $9,730,776 | $503,516 | $719,408 | $1,311,415 | $17,856 |
Ministry Alliance / Marty Granger | Christian Growth |      | 74 | $654,845 | $1,207,522 | $1,134,313 | $1,227,683 | $23,310 |
Ministry Essentials International | Foreign Missions |    | 92 | $900,414 | $1,820,672 | $1,818,310 | $1,749,735 | $92,079 |
Minnesota Teen Challenge, dba MN Adult & Teen Challenge | Community Development |   | 73 | $135,547,491 | $76,631,072 | $29,878,085 | $58,171,424 | $3,198,137 |
Miracle Hill Ministries, Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $31,931,565 | $23,724,815 | $22,474,599 | $20,701,358 | $1,594,917 |
Mission Arlington / Mission Metroplex | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 90 | $48,712,693 | $15,461,717 | $14,021,775 | $11,864,486 | $13,886 |
Mission Aviation Fellowship | Evangelism Support | | 50 | $74,581,356 | $44,585,961 | $37,347,027 | $40,666,520 | $6,182,804 |
Mission Eurasia | Foreign Missions |      | 98 | $8,654,306 | $16,360,586 | $16,199,826 | $16,401,639 | $473,130 |
Mission Increase | Evangelism Support |   | 58 | $273,785 | $6,659,884 | $6,347,770 | $6,219,859 | $580,138 |
Mission Lazarus | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $6,184,083 | $2,809,982 | $2,356,706 | $2,952,763 | $82,576 |
Mission of Hope Haiti | Foreign Missions |  | 75 | $27,419,398 | $23,792,394 | $20,157,109 | $23,783,168 | $2,455,003 |
Mission Pre-Born Inc / Pre-Born! | Pro-Life |      | 100 | $17,967,791 | $34,747,977 | $34,741,027 | $24,742,189 | $1,032,161 |
Mission Quest | Community Development |      | 100 | $1,158,234 | $3,737,198 | $3,732,065 | $3,578,244 | $45,371 |
Mission Training International | Evangelism Support | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Missionary Athletes International | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 100 | $7,789,954 | $10,434,296 | $8,508,990 | $6,222,202 | $456,655 |
MissionGO | Foreign Missions |    | 95 | $2,500,744 | $5,111,330 | $4,969,789 | $5,472,941 | $49,882 |
Mississippi Christian University | Colleges/Universities |   | 48 | $215,071,991 | $102,878,874 | $8,175,446 | $112,231,844 | $1,689,776 |
Missouri Baptist University | Colleges/Universities |      | 71 | $58,654,994 | $58,642,888 | $4,728,802 | $60,436,905 | $499,487 |
Modern Day Missions | Foreign Missions | | 40 | $1,689,622 | $8,222,545 | $8,202,934 | $7,982,077 | $20,762 |
Modesto Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 97 | $9,439,978 | $11,655,550 | $10,971,454 | $9,672,259 | $600,675 |
MomCo | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 73 | $3,602,363 | $5,777,077 | $2,976,354 | $5,161,619 | $461,415 |
Moms In Prayer International | Fellowship Evangelism |     | 98 | $4,264,407 | $2,318,337 | $2,134,934 | $1,378,404 | $60,139 |
Montana Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 53 | $18,067,299 | $8,825,406 | $7,518,904 | $4,260,109 | $387,976 |
Montreat College | Colleges/Universities |      | 73 | $54,790,226 | $54,006,517 | $22,573,699 | $41,975,471 | $979,790 |
Moody Bible Institute | Colleges/Universities |  | 75 | $352,438,572 | $116,660,737 | $57,235,576 | $116,542,038 | $11,107,720 |
MorningStar Mission Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 58 | $5,842,977 | $7,061,189 | $5,093,773 | $6,848,081 | $1,116,251 |
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Motor Racing Outreach | Fellowship Evangelism |    | 90 | $374,017 | $1,899,279 | $1,485,154 | $1,969,014 | $153,510 |
Mount Hermon Association | Camps/Conference Centers | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Mount Vernon Nazarene University | Colleges/Universities |     | 63 | $92,704,280 | $65,850,690 | $9,478,411 | $64,990,645 | $1,429,508 |
Mully Children's Family USA | Relief and Development |    | 93 | $1,336,270 | $4,187,438 | $4,187,438 | $3,901,524 | $396,993 |
Multiplication Network | Foreign Missions |  | 80 | $3,598,246 | $6,202,344 | $6,121,344 | $6,453,060 | $2,013,696 |
Multnomah University | Colleges/Universities |   | 75 | $19,332,189 | $14,074,099 | $1,051,006 | $19,656,057 | $296,690 |
Muncie Mission Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 55 | $7,732,297 | $3,544,235 | $1,500,766 | $3,453,013 | $351,493 |
Museum of the Bible | Christian Growth |  | 66 | $439,211,957 | $55,989,906 | $47,532,912 | $67,473,636 | $4,805,600 |
Muskegon Rescue Mission | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
NAMS Network | Evangelism Support |   | 43 | $105,459 | $392,718 | $392,701 | $319,792 | $53,919 |
Nashville Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $24,598,316 | $18,203,087 | $17,918,826 | $29,234,370 | $3,164,880 |
National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc | Christian Foundations |  | 80 | $5,237,866,540 | $2,442,307,194 | $2,292,914,696 | $2,153,142,207 | $11,518,677 |
National Christian Foundation Real Property Inc. | Christian Foundations |   | 38 | $105,297,427 | $28,363,443 | $26,585,874 | $15,747,792 | $0 |
National Religious Broadcasters | Advocacy |    | 93 | $2,072,741 | $4,313,414 | $232,741 | $3,616,332 | $0 |
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. | Relief and Development |      | 100 | $424,380 | $1,768,010 | $1,768,010 | $1,810,540 | $14,190 |
Network of International Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 80 | $7,803,462 | $5,876,996 | $2,133,779 | $5,034,466 | $202,015 |
Neverthirst | Community Development |    | 70 | $3,377,531 | $9,165,555 | $8,196,156 | $8,037,099 | $812,140 |
New Covenant Missions | Foreign Missions |      | 78 | $342,253 | $2,306,582 | $2,294,330 | $2,223,764 | $139,987 |
New Generations | Foreign Missions |   | 72 | $5,347,214 | $6,948,536 | $6,821,674 | $7,646,639 | $674,772 |
New Hope Christian College | Colleges/Universities |  | 80 | $6,824,055 | $2,955,893 | $1,586,343 | $3,572,040 | $143,105 |
New Horizons Ministries | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 90 | $3,870,153 | $9,822,437 | $8,712,935 | $14,879,221 | $374,827 |
New Horizons of Southwest Florida | Community Development |      | 95 | $1,884,831 | $2,898,561 | $2,920,570 | $2,845,414 | $95,509 |
New International | Evangelism |      | 95 | $6,985,406 | $11,812,882 | $11,556,375 | $11,695,144 | $353,689 |
New Life Camp | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 78 | $9,229,086 | $2,651,371 | $709,110 | $2,472,364 | $99,472 |
New Life Center / Fargo Union Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 80 | $7,404,614 | $5,998,924 | $5,574,447 | $4,651,524 | $489,362 |
New Life Family Services | Pro-Life |   | 73 | $7,580,541 | $5,080,826 | $5,089,598 | $3,739,123 | $407,020 |
New Life Ranch | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 78 | $26,429,154 | $8,519,466 | $2,504,609 | $8,889,263 | $309,548 |
New Life Solutions | Pro-Life |  | 73 | $2,553,048 | $2,385,135 | $2,292,661 | $2,521,615 | $415,251 |
New Orleans Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 66 | $5,819,163 | $10,564,471 | $3,077,719 | $9,810,413 | $478,661 |
New Song Ministries | Evangelism |      | 66 | $496,394 | $14,502,433 | $0 | $14,075,827 | $0 |
NickV Ministries | Pro-Life |   | 76 | $1,343,007 | $2,543,645 | $1,766,673 | $3,180,074 | $356,263 |
Ninos de Mexico | Foreign Missions |  | 78 | $1,449,671 | $1,603,511 | $1,499,475 | $1,778,233 | $143,136 |
No Longer Bound | Community Development |    | 93 | $8,502,158 | $8,876,994 | $8,166,344 | $8,257,743 | $571,898 |
Nora Lam Chinese Ministries International | Foreign Missions | | 4 | ($639,966) | $7,883,187 | $7,897,932 | $7,806,265 | $648,867 |
North Greenville University | Colleges/Universities |      | 93 | $110,682,044 | $72,921,346 | $14,695,939 | $71,848,327 | $1,198,296 |
North Park University | Colleges/Universities |   | 43 | $238,778,725 | $91,766,057 | $8,040,218 | $95,413,706 | $1,913,456 |
Northrise University Initiative | Colleges/Universities |      | 93 | $1,446,865 | $2,709,260 | $2,711,456 | $3,624,307 | $48,748 |
Northwest University | Colleges/Universities |    | 93 | $33,154,720 | $48,946,892 | $5,591,461 | $50,516,613 | $1,076,257 |
Novo Mission | Leadership Training | | 45 | $4,873,021 | $11,466,012 | $11,414,709 | $10,726,654 | $301,737 |
OC International, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | 46 | $2,769,898 | $12,720,607 | $12,392,970 | $12,485,595 | $425,722 |
Officers' Christian Fellowship | Fellowship Evangelism |   | 75 | $21,829,859 | $6,677,774 | $4,154,241 | $6,297,839 | $402,640 |
Ohio Christian University | Colleges/Universities |    | 74 | $34,229,718 | $19,753,161 | $2,914,007 | $20,641,974 | $376,287 |
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children | Community Development |  | 75 | $119,129,030 | $17,230,883 | $11,358,424 | $16,943,476 | $2,865,950 |
Oklahoma Christian University | Colleges/Universities |     | 75 | $71,216,312 | $74,884,980 | $9,847,152 | $74,861,449 | $1,171,110 |
Olive Crest | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 97 | $29,119,059 | $80,155,557 | $44,907,453 | $75,554,284 | $3,687,716 |
Oliver Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $17,837,004 | $5,766,040 | $4,563,976 | $5,808,586 | $1,283,094 |
Olympia Union Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 76 | $5,627,451 | $3,201,716 | $2,857,803 | $2,822,677 | $201,776 |
One Collective formerly International Teams | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $4,950,072 | $15,193,600 | $15,151,871 | $13,721,593 | $816,880 |
One For Israel | Evangelism |      | 98 | $19,926,103 | $38,212,546 | $37,760,670 | $25,669,423 | $957,466 |
One Mission Society, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | 53 | $116,147,778 | $20,609,298 | $17,749,435 | $24,816,445 | $1,923,926 |
OneChild | Relief and Development |   | 74 | $2,917,486 | $22,520,765 | $22,361,673 | $23,003,850 | $2,920,631 |
OneHope | Foreign Missions | | 45 | $47,426,993 | $51,333,726 | $46,887,736 | $46,045,349 | $2,282,310 |
Open Door Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 98 | $33,515,406 | $32,722,486 | $31,014,636 | $27,810,868 | $2,723,327 |
Open Doors International | Advocacy | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Open Doors U.S. | Advocacy |  | 60 | $2,335,103 | $7,943,662 | $7,943,504 | $5,608,559 | $1,034,758 |
Operation Blessing | Relief and Development |     | 90 | $33,944,097 | $76,769,441 | $75,185,705 | $82,665,551 | $4,600,831 |
Operation Care International | Relief and Development | | 78 | ($75,518) | $2,375,693 | $2,375,693 | $2,489,670 | $293,875 |
Operation Mobilization | Evangelism Support | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Operation Underground Railroad/ OUR Rescue | Advocacy |  | 45 | $60,632,069 | $29,362,724 | $27,637,158 | $44,481,219 | $6,221,265 |
Opportunity International | Relief and Development |  | 53 | $30,538,610 | $40,913,810 | $26,219,638 | $44,284,677 | $5,534,538 |
Oral Roberts University | Colleges/Universities |     | 89 | $250,034,818 | $183,971,922 | $57,915,856 | $157,584,072 | $2,356,960 |
Orange County Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 77 | $75,484,679 | $24,078,025 | $23,682,209 | $20,254,650 | $3,632,231 |
Orange/The Rethink Group | Christian Growth |     | 55 | $2,499,847 | $27,243,274 | $1,884,207 | $28,573,373 | $0 |
Orlando Union Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 73 | $14,809,499 | $7,901,734 | $8,376,294 | $9,241,951 | $3,019,125 |
Orphan Outreach | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 95 | $4,463,478 | $5,576,474 | $5,249,070 | $5,913,004 | $450,125 |
ORPHANetwork | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 80 | $2,408,937 | $4,876,011 | $4,860,304 | $5,436,808 | $671,199 |
Orphanos Foundation | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 95 | $4,532,501 | $6,273,618 | $6,104,878 | $5,948,797 | $18,679 |
Our Daily Bread Ministries | Educational Media |      | 98 | $16,123,730 | $64,910,282 | $57,308,311 | $66,043,558 | $1,201,233 |
OurCalling Inc | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 78 | $14,915,272 | $8,392,530 | $8,467,360 | $6,310,751 | $694,224 |
Outreach Aid to the Americas / ECHOCuba | Relief and Development |      | 98 | $58,098 | $7,339,207 | $7,285,176 | $7,719,166 | $2,301 |
Overland Missions | Foreign Missions |     | 71 | $13,840,003 | $15,064,741 | $14,559,773 | $12,338,778 | $0 |
Ozark Christian College | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Pacific Justice Institute | Advocacy |    | 97 | $8,662,995 | $4,730,718 | $5,184,776 | $4,536,459 | $272,698 |
Palm Beach Atlantic University | Colleges/Universities |    | 68 | $237,660,362 | $161,436,330 | $12,884,735 | $141,222,958 | $1,821,084 |
Palmer Home for Children | Community Development |  | 66 | $32,162,716 | $5,906,186 | $5,720,587 | $6,123,172 | $1,227,076 |
Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons | Foreign Missions |  | 71 | $8,592,429 | $4,726,326 | $4,434,961 | $3,382,950 | $379,416 |
Paraclete Mission Group, Inc. | Evangelism Support |    | 100 | $2,412,104 | $4,547,503 | $4,480,958 | $4,396,594 | $361,811 |
Partners International | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Partners Relief and Development | Relief and Development |   | 77 | $1,862,446 | $3,063,123 | $3,093,760 | $3,589,159 | $306,179 |
Partners Worldwide | Community Development |  | 75 | $17,074,593 | $5,847,810 | $5,377,499 | $5,267,655 | $500,683 |
Paul Anderson Youth Home Inc. | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 90 | $3,466,450 | $2,522,669 | $1,553,134 | $2,101,681 | $127,459 |
Paxton Ministries | Community Development |    | 95 | $6,129,890 | $3,232,562 | $699,848 | $3,165,615 | $138,430 |
Paz International | Community Development | | 50 | $1,317,307 | $2,233,701 | $2,166,088 | $2,044,798 | $40,573 |
Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 68 | $18,577,025 | $16,461,906 | $11,327,196 | $13,987,787 | $788,299 |
Penfield Addiction Ministries | Community Development |   | 68 | $1,910,450 | $2,568,949 | $847,461 | $2,983,592 | $49,545 |
Pennsylvania Family Institute | Community Development |    | 95 | $1,724,813 | $2,499,212 | $2,426,912 | $2,655,741 | $202,380 |
People International USA | Foreign Missions |      | 100 | $1,539,144 | $3,542,320 | $3,512,765 | $3,583,042 | $22,116 |
Peoria Rescue Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 100 | $5,747,454 | $5,672,357 | $4,785,724 | $5,998,698 | $828,624 |
Pepperdine University | Colleges/Universities |  | 32 | $1,712,506,889 | $699,813,135 | $44,076,355 | $649,440,096 | $8,974,194 |
Persecution Project Foundation | Relief and Development |      | 87 | $870,714 | $4,188,281 | $4,185,444 | $4,495,669 | $192,366 |
Phil Waldrep Evangelistic Association | Evangelism |   | 76 | $7,583,130 | $12,101,959 | $1,508,117 | $9,410,112 | $32,142 |
Philly House pka Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 80 | $4,813,737 | $3,552,873 | $3,515,392 | $3,815,058 | $816,662 |
Phoenix Dream Center | Community Development |     | 70 | $107,435 | $6,339,084 | $4,192,014 | $6,770,425 | $647,418 |
Phoenix Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 80 | $42,295,615 | $31,948,432 | $28,522,946 | $33,809,905 | $4,974,228 |
Phoenix Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 78 | $3,278,734 | $6,926,909 | $5,026,356 | $6,670,946 | $1,126,434 |
Pioneer Bible Translators | Bible Translation Organizations |  | 62 | $28,012,950 | $22,201,592 | $21,601,903 | $20,043,925 | $1,627,729 |
Pioneers | Foreign Missions | | 48 | $63,293,750 | $91,366,260 | $74,469,050 | $71,944,553 | $3,969,459 |
Plant With Purpose | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $6,722,394 | $10,181,458 | $10,215,775 | $9,008,245 | $1,309,458 |
Point Loma Nazarene University | Colleges/Universities |    | 81 | $156,611,112 | $177,988,756 | $11,140,618 | $173,346,232 | $1,798,522 |
Point University | Colleges/Universities |    | 73 | $18,726,210 | $37,003,469 | $5,425,595 | $40,097,338 | $973,355 |
Portland Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 98 | $6,576,936 | $6,060,647 | $269,817 | $6,079,623 | $0 |
Prager University Foundation | Advocacy |  | 51 | $93,063,079 | $68,678,838 | $66,561,915 | $55,423,938 | $10,711,094 |
Praise Network, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 74 | $866,113 | $1,305,974 | $857,057 | $1,209,146 | $27,553 |
Precept Ministries International | Educational Media |     | 100 | $6,607,775 | $11,912,882 | $8,643,983 | $15,057,934 | $772,566 |
Preemptive Love Coalition | Foreign Missions |  | 47 | $5,849,586 | $3,349,145 | $3,254,697 | $7,306,846 | $1,522,646 |
Pregnancy Resource Center | Pro-Life |  | 70 | $3,294,371 | $3,001,770 | $2,946,557 | $3,355,225 | $491,427 |
Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 48 | $22,310,310 | $8,325,275 | $2,814,823 | $7,172,374 | $389,513 |
Prison Fellowship Ministries | Christian Growth |  | 75 | $25,572,940 | $68,362,730 | $67,336,816 | $64,280,418 | $15,861,169 |
Probe Ministries International | Christian Growth |     | 95 | $150,639 | $628,530 | $619,410 | $713,322 | $62,173 |
Project MedSend | Community Development |  | 70 | $3,291,659 | $2,817,005 | $2,646,646 | $3,192,425 | $830,504 |
Project PATCH | Community Development |   | 58 | $3,806,222 | $3,315,720 | $870,716 | $3,628,747 | $289,120 |
Promise Keepers | Fellowship Evangelism |    | 96 | $149,797 | $1,073,200 | $1,014,196 | $1,512,666 | $142,044 |
Proverbs 31 Ministries | Christian Growth |  | 78 | $9,898,438 | $8,235,225 | $4,534,396 | $7,599,254 | $361,318 |
Providence Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 68 | $7,068,895 | $10,019,096 | $8,802,968 | $9,696,138 | $30,912 |
Pulse Outreach | Evangelism |  | 80 | $12,250,198 | $12,500,657 | $12,480,107 | $11,735,388 | $1,650,272 |
pureHope formerly Natl' Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families | Advocacy |   | 70 | $174,204 | $847,384 | $792,894 | $746,635 | $133,929 |
Quiet Hour | Evangelism Support |  | 55 | $6,228,608 | $3,626,656 | $3,339,803 | $3,125,737 | $388,101 |
Rabbit Room Inc / The Rabbit Room | Christian Growth |   | 49 | $1,783,051 | $1,687,826 | $155,430 | $1,901,897 | $26,136 |
Radical Inc | Christian Growth | | 51 | $2,920,908 | $5,751,598 | $5,124,855 | $3,693,023 | $294,183 |
Radio Training Network, Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 98 | $77,685,818 | $36,866,699 | $23,833,843 | $27,904,144 | $1,431,958 |
Radius International | Foreign Missions |  | 78 | $9,248,915 | $3,667,573 | $2,864,295 | $2,942,092 | $182,817 |
Rafiki Foundation | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $21,221,145 | $11,342,324 | $11,291,336 | $11,735,421 | $304,405 |
Raleigh Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 97 | $4,920,754 | $4,611,402 | $4,465,986 | $4,614,648 | $540,890 |
Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health / RREACH | Foreign Missions |    | 100 | $9,209,560 | $2,589,152 | $1,803,567 | $2,913,404 | $102,132 |
Rapha International | Advocacy |   | 74 | $8,633,603 | $5,516,469 | $5,360,227 | $5,781,941 | $435,674 |
Ratio Christi | Evangelism |   | 55 | $1,652,531 | $3,820,766 | $3,772,701 | $3,937,139 | $314,706 |
Reach Beyond | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 100 | $11,303,064 | $6,908,345 | $6,525,549 | $7,501,088 | $514,052 |
Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry | Community Development |   | 75 | $923,850 | $2,219,237 | $2,194,525 | $2,678,240 | $404,312 |
Reach the Rest | Evangelism |      | 98 | $1,250,054 | $4,531,084 | $4,528,734 | $4,455,984 | $319,902 |
Reaching and Teaching International Ministries | Leadership Training |      | 98 | $4,111,066 | $11,264,547 | $11,228,913 | $10,207,750 | $308,475 |
Reaching Souls International | Foreign Missions |   | 75 | $10,644,542 | $9,296,165 | $9,172,933 | $7,045,375 | $502,453 |
Reaching Unreached Nations | Foreign Missions |      | 89 | $6,323,609 | $13,388,959 | $13,631,290 | $14,918,527 | $204,268 |
RealOptions Obria Medical Clinics | Pro-Life |    | 92 | $2,108,168 | $3,612,770 | $3,461,371 | $4,531,446 | $378,771 |
Reasons to Believe | Christian Growth |  | 80 | $8,158,652 | $5,621,033 | $5,027,678 | $6,870,579 | $986,030 |
Reciprocal Ministries International, Inc. | Evangelism Support |    | 97 | $2,688,948 | $3,184,743 | $2,946,483 | $2,711,202 | $121,238 |
Redeemer City to City | Leadership Training |  | 75 | $43,704,616 | $25,212,339 | $13,819,391 | $20,113,772 | $3,011,296 |
Redwood Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 100 | $10,229,622 | $8,079,626 | $7,692,947 | $8,147,481 | $794,418 |
Reformed Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $117,507,177 | $31,197,255 | $11,236,072 | $29,471,208 | $2,536,695 |
Reformed University Fellowship | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
ReFrame Ministries | Educational Media | | 42 | $12,738,743 | $10,159,320 | $8,494,811 | $7,281,191 | $1,321,281 |
Refuge for Women | Community Development |  | 78 | $4,217,579 | $3,657,162 | $3,451,269 | $4,309,472 | $470,825 |
Refuge of Hope Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 92 | $9,948,936 | $3,357,315 | $3,288,631 | $2,861,376 | $290,742 |
Regent University | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $101,181,489 | $160,194,490 | $4,537,055 | $153,959,044 | $1,844,956 |
Reliant Mission | Foreign Missions | | 53 | $12,699,589 | $42,978,281 | $42,515,048 | $39,729,631 | $3,552,429 |
Remember Nhu | Community Development |     | 95 | $2,029,932 | $3,695,978 | $3,559,844 | $3,256,119 | $283,673 |
Renewanation | Christian Growth |     | 96 | $5,897,101 | $4,790,792 | $3,892,813 | $4,406,994 | $43,992 |
Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 73 | $10,628,202 | $7,045,386 | $6,302,819 | $6,345,351 | $444,605 |
Rescue Mission Alliance | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 100 | $19,294,810 | $30,936,399 | $29,579,984 | $33,313,590 | $2,546,455 |
Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 65 | $11,264,647 | $4,403,024 | $4,266,342 | $3,536,820 | $865,338 |
Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 92 | $13,178,415 | $5,660,432 | $4,463,929 | $4,071,073 | $322,411 |
Rescue Mission of Utica | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $4,202,148 | $8,726,578 | $6,876,717 | $8,288,733 | $364,728 |
Resource Health Services | Pro-Life |   | 78 | $2,257,814 | $2,428,433 | $2,060,803 | $2,467,366 | $376,703 |
Resourcing Christian Education International / RCE | Evangelism Support |      | 100 | $4,582,942 | $8,592,174 | $8,503,835 | $8,934,614 | $336,655 |
Rest Haven Homes | Community Development |    | 95 | $8,477,191 | $5,808,844 | $794,916 | $5,672,919 | $0 |
Revival Ministries International / Rodney Howard-Browne | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Revival Today | Evangelism |      | 71 | $10,184,830 | $28,356,508 | $28,183,596 | $21,638,817 | $0 |
Richmont Graduate University | Colleges/Universities |     | 98 | $7,546,928 | $8,463,644 | $937,279 | $8,351,213 | $106,437 |
RightNow Ministries International / RightNow Media | Christian Growth |     | 93 | $38,921,217 | $34,681,091 | $5,229 | $35,247,382 | $0 |
Rio Grande Bible Institute | Colleges/Universities |  | 73 | $13,233,590 | $4,535,722 | $2,944,471 | $4,713,515 | $376,415 |
River Radio Ministries / One Connection Media Group | Radio/ TV Stations |  | 75 | $5,780,127 | $3,910,727 | $1,811,927 | $3,990,806 | $537,018 |
Riverside Christian Ministries | Community Development |    | 77 | $2,760,001 | $2,573,470 | $240,102 | $3,125,731 | $77,736 |
RLN Global | Foreign Missions |      | 58 | $775,943 | $2,633,530 | $2,633,530 | $2,447,844 | $0 |
Rockford Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 76 | $22,246,186 | $7,280,420 | $8,123,252 | $6,856,747 | $1,021,491 |
Roever Evangelistic Association | Evangelism |  | 73 | $4,560,198 | $1,936,030 | $1,788,321 | $2,417,626 | $128,308 |
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries | Evangelism |   | 70 | $12,250,778 | $6,205,701 | $6,302,229 | $4,777,530 | $233,574 |
Sacramento Camp and Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 90 | $10,678,739 | $2,762,843 | $1,100,201 | $1,845,245 | $53,856 |
Safe Families for Children | Advocacy |      | 90 | $3,894,722 | $10,939,041 | $10,294,818 | $9,792,741 | $231,749 |
SafeHouse Outreach Inc. | Community Development |   | 70 | $860,301 | $1,631,276 | $1,546,368 | $1,537,676 | $189,899 |
Samaritan's Feet International | Foreign Missions |     | 70 | $23,505,724 | $28,273,463 | $28,195,591 | $15,075,578 | $248,336 |
Samaritan's Purse | Relief and Development |   | 56 | $1,714,302,971 | $1,201,910,256 | $1,149,814,059 | $1,037,513,821 | $84,750,041 |
Samford University | Colleges/Universities |    | 64 | $517,572,622 | $281,552,616 | $24,943,191 | $270,879,733 | $3,921,519 |
San Diego Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 72 | $21,275,762 | $25,339,336 | $23,425,989 | $23,333,662 | $4,538,331 |
Sandy Cove Ministries | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 73 | $3,992,906 | $7,186,460 | $582,572 | $7,598,488 | $205,653 |
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 72 | $12,612,585 | $4,849,473 | $4,128,335 | $4,770,203 | $493,956 |
Santa Fe Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 71 | $47,020,405 | $27,825,458 | $2,176,882 | $28,351,823 | $1,069,831 |
SAT 7 / SAT-7 North America | Radio/ TV Stations |     | 100 | $7,145,059 | $13,069,259 | $12,710,684 | $12,902,453 | $1,831,535 |
Save The Storks | Pro-Life |     | 100 | $3,312,049 | $8,369,230 | $8,624,045 | $8,597,091 | $931,750 |
Score International | Foreign Missions |    | 95 | $8,145,047 | $7,480,507 | $7,359,443 | $7,100,138 | $187,390 |
Scripture Union USA | Bible Translation Organizations |    | 98 | $264,621 | $1,666,457 | $1,633,216 | $1,686,943 | $209,729 |
Sean Feucht Ministries | Christian Growth | | 21 | $4,547,511 | $5,314,148 | $0 | $1,123,493 | $0 |
Search Ministries, Inc. | Christian Growth | | 28 | $5,050,684 | $6,867,903 | $6,431,678 | $6,979,242 | $58,108 |
Seattle Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 98 | $9,738,539 | $8,063,849 | $1,062,283 | $7,671,982 | $155,977 |
Seattle Pacific University | Colleges/Universities |   | 37 | $251,469,383 | $140,813,360 | $9,180,023 | $154,518,780 | $1,673,482 |
Second Mile Mission Center | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 92 | $4,871,529 | $4,833,204 | $4,739,168 | $4,489,006 | $120,968 |
SEND International | Foreign Missions | | 38 | $6,792,866 | $18,287,946 | $18,237,088 | $19,265,588 | $696,728 |
Serge | Foreign Missions |    | 95 | $14,719,494 | $30,417,997 | $29,500,012 | $28,642,056 | $956,799 |
Servant Partners Inc | Foreign Missions |     | 95 | $2,622,068 | $3,438,060 | $3,380,739 | $3,388,625 | $147,933 |
Serve the Global Church | Bible Translation Organizations |      | 63 | $183,794 | $1,392,139 | $1,392,139 | $1,459,513 | $30,901 |
ServeNow | Community Development |    | 100 | $1,137,347 | $3,802,196 | $3,793,852 | $3,797,712 | $414,211 |
Serving Orphans Worldwide | Relief and Development |      | 91 | $2,059,421 | $4,681,011 | $4,641,939 | $4,343,920 | $82,494 |
Set Free Alliance (formerly known as Water of Life) | Foreign Missions |    | 98 | $117,794 | $3,890,493 | $3,465,696 | $4,091,313 | $598,094 |
SHABACH! Ministries Inc. | Community Development |     | 68 | $1,936,329 | $3,006,731 | $1,556,738 | $2,604,980 | $0 |
Shai Fund | Relief and Development |     | 65 | $2,332,676 | $2,721,004 | $2,712,185 | $3,196,290 | $160,833 |
Shared Hope International | Advocacy |   | 80 | $6,331,875 | $3,657,234 | $3,240,550 | $4,017,842 | $291,838 |
Sheepgate / Teen Challenge of the Midlands | Community Development |  | 73 | $2,318,207 | $3,879,180 | $3,109,631 | $3,916,338 | $651,608 |
Shelter For Life International Inc. | Relief and Development |     | 97 | $2,222,505 | $7,254,540 | $3,343,720 | $7,129,911 | $6,426 |
Shelter KC: A Kansas City Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 80 | $4,556,608 | $3,914,130 | $3,752,105 | $4,103,797 | $850,996 |
Shepherd Community Inc | Community Development |   | 48 | $13,128,049 | $8,356,538 | $6,051,071 | $8,884,343 | $999,216 |
Shepherd's Hill Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 73 | $2,527,135 | $3,716,073 | $801,763 | $3,322,565 | $0 |
Shepherd's Hope | Community Development | | 53 | ($185,102) | $3,601,737 | $3,601,737 | $3,682,709 | $4,586 |
Shepherd's House Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $4,543,174 | $6,618,581 | $6,513,048 | $5,740,816 | $959,345 |
Shepherds Baptist Ministries Inc / Shepherds College | Colleges/Universities |      | 94 | $8,973,301 | $6,552,392 | $1,897,817 | $6,865,068 | $0 |
Shepherds Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |      | 93 | $2,428,244 | $4,864,504 | $3,229,471 | $3,649,130 | $178,243 |
Show Hope | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 75 | $10,599,562 | $10,101,691 | $9,691,861 | $9,768,380 | $1,409,487 |
Show-Me Christian Youth Home | Community Development |    | 98 | $3,023,128 | $3,059,659 | $2,915,602 | $2,576,989 | $231,330 |
Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 55 | $6,338,391 | $2,094,306 | $1,923,241 | $2,023,208 | $465,189 |
SIL International | Foreign Missions |   | 59 | $86,552,869 | $48,965,391 | $36,158,507 | $52,903,085 | $526,550 |
Siloam Health | Community Development |   | 72 | $10,234,305 | $6,506,633 | $3,217,213 | $7,466,951 | $884,414 |
SIM USA | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Simpson University | Colleges/Universities |     | 93 | $20,118,743 | $37,186,571 | $6,862,256 | $37,984,762 | $843,226 |
Sky Ranches Inc | Camps/Conference Centers |    | 98 | $9,206,872 | $19,162,495 | $2,666,872 | $18,339,490 | $739,022 |
Slavic Gospel Association | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Snowbird Outfitters | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 78 | $5,288,067 | $5,235,607 | $793,603 | $5,013,104 | $84,083 |
Society of Anglican Missionaries & Senders | Foreign Missions | | 33 | $1,039,816 | $1,674,495 | $1,650,516 | $1,755,675 | $0 |
Sola Media / White Horse Inc | Educational Media |  | 70 | $3,719,339 | $2,815,405 | $3,158,322 | $3,786,848 | $780,033 |
Solid Rock International | Relief and Development |      | 95 | $422,974 | $1,666,304 | $1,660,998 | $2,113,089 | $45,023 |
SonSet Solutions | Community Development | | 53 | $3,330,513 | $2,234,092 | $2,186,566 | $1,872,010 | $54,282 |
SOS International | Foreign Missions |      | 100 | $2,379,189 | $10,306,732 | $10,571,312 | $10,063,364 | $300,264 |
South America Mission | Foreign Missions | | 33 | $3,762,192 | $5,028,371 | $4,266,402 | $4,879,974 | $387,912 |
South East Asia Prayer Center | Community Development |      | 90 | $910,440 | $3,729,626 | $3,721,633 | $3,582,602 | $10,548 |
South Side Mission of Peoria | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Southeastern University | Colleges/Universities |      | 69 | $47,781,956 | $126,271,820 | $2,652,731 | $128,834,464 | $832,122 |
Southern Evangelical Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 80 | $4,668,954 | $1,993,291 | $468,978 | $2,166,916 | $248,735 |
Southern Nazarene University | Colleges/Universities |   | 53 | $63,381,753 | $62,857,791 | $8,278,773 | $72,277,538 | $1,433,507 |
Southern Wesleyan University | Colleges/Universities |    | 73 | $41,039,516 | $29,832,627 | $3,980,206 | $28,981,278 | $615,128 |
Southwest Baptist University | Colleges/Universities |      | 69 | $67,879,062 | $46,069,587 | $12,478,699 | $43,580,435 | $573,679 |
Sozo Children | Relief and Development |    | 95 | $2,347,762 | $2,668,473 | $1,456,177 | $3,021,386 | $132,807 |
Spoken Worldwide | Bible Translation Organizations |   | 78 | $1,149,000 | $4,402,896 | $4,221,173 | $4,336,120 | $481,965 |
Spring Hill Camps | Camps/Conference Centers |   | 70 | $13,997,932 | $11,214,228 | $4,758,841 | $10,135,838 | $340,455 |
Springfield Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 97 | $3,150,048 | $19,196,799 | $19,172,498 | $19,396,703 | $722,639 |
Springs Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 100 | $23,663,833 | $14,659,498 | $13,691,332 | $15,294,745 | $1,778,765 |
St. Andrew's Episcopal School | K-12 Schools/Academies | | 23 | $30,837,339 | $21,848,702 | $947,689 | $23,156,758 | $814,108 |
St. Matthew's House | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 95 | $44,443,945 | $43,737,338 | $39,932,336 | $41,155,073 | $3,724,095 |
Stadia: New Church Strategies | Evangelism Support | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Stand to Reason | Christian Growth |     | 76 | $2,990,778 | $3,144,652 | $2,847,270 | $2,915,815 | $118,237 |
Standing Stone Ministry | Leadership Training |    | 98 | $2,555,381 | $5,909,153 | $5,535,635 | $5,524,754 | $488,791 |
Star of Hope Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $71,331,184 | $27,616,349 | $26,793,940 | $33,407,288 | $5,373,636 |
Starry Inc. | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 95 | $1,860,070 | $6,140,912 | $6,031,543 | $5,577,027 | $272,148 |
STEER, Inc. | Evangelism Support |  | 73 | $6,730,496 | $2,013,738 | $423,192 | $1,824,369 | $168,793 |
Stonecroft Ministries | Evangelism |   | 75 | $7,986,188 | $3,667,803 | $1,511,171 | $4,256,250 | $277,340 |
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 98 | $8,631,407 | $5,626,150 | $446,534 | $5,629,309 | $1,539 |
Strategic Resource Group | Evangelism Support |      | 98 | $13,657,244 | $52,128,083 | $51,644,339 | $56,537,472 | $1,300,068 |
Student Leadership University | Christian Growth | | 28 | $1,974,222 | $7,135,721 | $2,066,519 | $5,356,988 | $5,743 |
Student Mobilization, Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism | | 53 | $4,361,131 | $17,698,854 | $13,709,853 | $17,519,916 | $944,463 |
Students for Life of America | Pro-Life |      | 72 | $8,765,935 | $14,576,032 | $14,069,437 | $14,064,155 | $1,024,316 |
Summit Ministries | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 78 | $15,025,882 | $13,618,758 | $8,459,493 | $13,934,477 | $1,307,957 |
Sunday Breakfast Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 78 | $3,773,774 | $7,680,724 | $7,453,106 | $7,235,970 | $1,486,844 |
Sunrise Children's Services | Adoption/Foster Care |  | 50 | $35,369,081 | $25,109,795 | $5,005,350 | $24,350,752 | $818,465 |
Sunshine Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $17,473,346 | $1,949,318 | $1,588,046 | $1,658,152 | $156,307 |
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America | Pro-Life |      | 73 | $4,863,533 | $24,890,399 | $24,073,442 | $25,317,075 | $3,923,894 |
Taylor University | Colleges/Universities |   | 71 | $329,356,973 | $130,385,822 | $36,406,640 | $108,634,114 | $4,669,903 |
TCM International Institute | Evangelism Support | | 51 | $9,035,914 | $4,387,369 | $3,095,851 | $3,155,797 | $163,747 |
TCT Ministries | Radio/ TV Stations |     | 59 | $8,024,791 | $10,746,150 | $6,763,907 | $11,862,461 | $234,625 |
TD Jakes Ministries / Potters House of Dallas, Inc. | Educational Media | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
TeachBeyond, Inc | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission) | Foreign Missions | | 44 | $50,373,000 | $35,474,000 | $36,001,000 | $42,216,000 | $2,243,000 |
Teen Challenge of Arizona | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Teen Challenge of Southern California | Community Development |     | 90 | $16,401,955 | $14,199,733 | $10,179,043 | $14,992,391 | $257,935 |
Teen Missions International | Christian Growth |      | 78 | $6,098,427 | $5,941,175 | $5,782,990 | $5,552,674 | $19,966 |
TeenPact Leadership Schools | Leadership Training |     | 95 | $925,125 | $3,262,073 | $473,034 | $3,123,505 | $115,144 |
Terri Savelle Foy Ministries Inc | Christian Growth | | 14 | $1,163,692 | $2,415,934 | $1,688,681 | $2,497,119 | $295,015 |
The 410 Bridge | Community Development |    | 74 | $4,014,560 | $3,991,749 | $3,586,193 | $4,784,440 | $372,352 |
The A21 Campaign | Advocacy | | 70 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund | Relief and Development |   | 70 | $1,840,974 | $2,721,827 | $2,676,934 | $2,765,459 | $273,137 |
The Antioch Partners | Foreign Missions |    | 95 | $3,093,537 | $4,007,055 | $3,813,842 | $3,743,307 | $179,079 |
The Bowery Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $31,927,827 | $24,772,797 | $23,339,142 | $25,659,513 | $5,599,220 |
The CALL | Adoption/Foster Care |     | 87 | $4,997,512 | $3,476,156 | $3,202,998 | $2,642,563 | $91,857 |
The Center for Christian Study | Evangelism |  | 71 | $8,530,904 | $1,564,834 | $1,254,399 | $1,413,234 | $258,779 |
The Christian Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 98 | $1,725,315 | $3,805,542 | $448,132 | $3,876,863 | $0 |
The Christophers, Inc. | Educational Media |    | 75 | $4,390,159 | $1,176,988 | $961,053 | $1,611,962 | $65,199 |
The City Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The City School | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 73 | $2,203,623 | $4,866,205 | $2,231,888 | $5,326,772 | $244,889 |
The Colson Center for Christian Worldview | Christian Growth |     | 98 | $3,314,541 | $6,792,048 | $5,288,885 | $6,963,382 | $352,856 |
The Dunham School | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 68 | $6,889,785 | $20,965,499 | $2,085,659 | $21,630,438 | $406,922 |
The Episcopal Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 66 | $278,927,337 | $70,693,752 | $20,019,558 | $57,548,966 | $2,979,997 |
The Episcopal School of Dallas | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 45 | $64,538,684 | $46,242,982 | $4,294,212 | $47,071,042 | $1,645,197 |
The Exodus Road | Advocacy |     | 75 | $475,988 | $3,013,872 | $3,012,082 | $3,286,852 | $269,180 |
The Finishing Fund | Evangelism Support |      | 98 | $1,151,084 | $3,592,751 | $3,592,751 | $2,965,487 | $93,239 |
The Firs Bible & Missionary Conference | Camps/Conference Centers |     | 98 | $3,947,285 | $3,447,688 | $423,543 | $3,810,984 | $11,730 |
The For All Mankind Movement | Community Development |     | 98 | $3,372,315 | $4,755,116 | $4,692,812 | $4,333,816 | $195,474 |
The Foundry Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 92 | $3,531,891 | $8,461,654 | $2,176,631 | $7,869,099 | $682,346 |
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, Inc. | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Global Orphan Project | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 97 | $11,758,642 | $21,485,219 | $17,938,812 | $20,088,149 | $107,231 |
The Gospel Coalition | Christian Growth | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley | Christian Growth |   | 80 | $3,088,322 | $2,867,144 | $2,705,954 | $2,828,364 | $128,237 |
The Hope Center / Hope Center Foundation | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Hope Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 95 | $11,244,292 | $3,652,158 | $2,846,190 | $2,660,738 | $178,225 |
The Institute on Religion & Democracy | Advocacy |    | 75 | $241,499 | $1,903,397 | $1,834,106 | $2,021,863 | $158,959 |
The Kaleo Foundation | Community Development |      | 98 | $257,600 | $4,500,739 | $4,534,275 | $4,519,780 | $17,166 |
The King's Christian Academy / Lexington Park Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 78 | $6,438,047 | $5,308,182 | $223,384 | $4,913,585 | $218,802 |
The LAMB Institute | Relief and Development |    | 100 | $2,276,171 | $1,833,894 | $1,435,838 | $2,334,024 | $152,919 |
The Luke Commission | Foreign Missions |     | 90 | $17,697,973 | $20,905,969 | $20,787,127 | $21,055,208 | $308,908 |
The Luke Society | Relief and Development |    | 98 | $12,301,936 | $4,306,095 | $4,082,840 | $2,856,937 | $107,536 |
The Mailbox Club | Christian Growth |     | 100 | $6,491,599 | $7,622,181 | $7,581,613 | $6,633,585 | $501,197 |
The Master's Academy of Central Florida | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 98 | $10,499,317 | $20,713,896 | $1,437,999 | $19,906,856 | $170,834 |
The Master's University and Seminary | Colleges/Universities |    | 62 | $118,488,142 | $85,143,754 | $21,800,477 | $75,532,642 | $2,992,387 |
The Men of Nehemiah | Community Development |  | 70 | $5,441,450 | $4,907,299 | $4,640,670 | $3,768,088 | $488,152 |
The Mentoring Alliance | Community Development |   | 71 | $9,837,791 | $6,829,180 | $4,081,565 | $6,859,812 | $677,547 |
The Mission at Kern County / Bakersfield Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 53 | $11,296,776 | $8,461,357 | $6,490,668 | $5,921,593 | $780,019 |
The Movement Foundation Inc. | Christian Foundations |    | 60 | $20,489,067 | $2,384,445 | $1,729,628 | $45,142,402 | $0 |
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation | Advocacy |  | 48 | $870,771 | $4,855,994 | $4,854,494 | $5,230,147 | $820,893 |
The Navigators | Christian Growth | | 38 | $135,591,000 | $157,406,000 | $134,454,000 | $134,252,000 | $13,325,000 |
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic | Community Development |      | 98 | $1,965,630 | $3,642,265 | $3,198,296 | $3,574,696 | $24,979 |
The New York City Leadership Center / | Leadership Training | | 60 | ($2,230,053) | $3,293,521 | $3,232,589 | $4,731,232 | $479,276 |
The Open Door | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 98 | $3,603,877 | $3,078,967 | $3,019,697 | $2,926,863 | $354,625 |
The Pocket Testament League | Christian Growth |     | 95 | $2,544,826 | $4,915,762 | $4,878,903 | $4,875,925 | $454,496 |
The Potter's House | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 82 | $15,376,965 | $7,498,947 | $4,206,344 | $7,857,333 | $486,488 |
The Radiance Foundation | Pro-Life |      | 73 | $511,163 | $789,285 | $478,776 | $1,076,074 | $0 |
The Rescue Mission, Fort Wayne | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 88 | $15,269,753 | $10,635,912 | $9,057,398 | $10,554,950 | $1,249,570 |
The Roys Report | Educational Media |      | 80 | $162,370 | $319,095 | $319,095 | $311,090 | $22,829 |
The Rutherford Institute / John Whitehead | Advocacy |      | 71 | $373,720 | $894,019 | $892,703 | $820,818 | $15,521 |
The Salvation Army USA / National Headquarters | Community Development | | 42 | $43,509,672 | $51,933,064 | $50,973,913 | $32,515,814 | $0 |
The Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association | Evangelism |   | 71 | $9,031,191 | $15,638,399 | $12,310,637 | $6,324,707 | $514,441 |
The Seed Company | Bible Translation Organizations | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The Sheepfold | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 98 | $8,160,781 | $2,772,166 | $2,714,437 | $2,574,002 | $128,099 |
The Signatry Charitable Trust | Christian Foundations |  | 80 | $340,589,510 | $145,393,838 | $140,713,849 | $29,094,402 | $0 |
The Timothy Initiative | Foreign Missions |   | 75 | $27,322,611 | $22,662,705 | $21,756,188 | $21,741,453 | $1,699,705 |
The Urban Alternative / Tony Evans | Educational Media |  | 73 | $38,699,410 | $21,992,169 | $20,512,406 | $17,614,837 | $2,855,480 |
The Veritas Forum | Leadership Training |  | 78 | $3,996,029 | $5,730,260 | $5,717,303 | $6,412,736 | $984,073 |
The Voice of the Martyrs / VOM | Advocacy | | 48 | $65,998,437 | $77,331,603 | $76,369,468 | $60,470,109 | $3,524,410 |
The Woodlands Christian Academy | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 98 | $35,927,277 | $29,818,566 | $5,854,656 | $24,337,670 | $1,012,879 |
TheHopeLine | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Third Millennium Ministries / Thirdmill | Educational Media |    | 98 | $8,570,258 | $7,074,250 | $6,484,964 | $6,499,734 | $495,344 |
Three Angels Broadcasting Network Inc. | Radio/ TV Stations |    | 52 | $25,541,515 | $15,083,627 | $13,058,182 | $14,889,812 | $0 |
ThriVe St. Louis | Pro-Life |   | 75 | $3,200,667 | $4,066,354 | $4,028,273 | $4,453,612 | $565,034 |
Thru the Bible Radio Network | Radio/ TV Stations |      | 76 | $84,376,947 | $31,692,164 | $28,999,406 | $29,375,350 | $116,099 |
Tim Tebow Foundation | Relief and Development |   | 75 | $43,355,926 | $25,819,125 | $25,512,075 | $27,766,888 | $2,716,291 |
Timber Bay / Youth Investment Foundation | Community Development |   | 72 | $3,334,570 | $4,073,232 | $3,670,873 | $3,825,651 | $569,668 |
Time to Revive | Christian Growth |      | 96 | $1,285,917 | $3,264,279 | $3,232,118 | $4,927,133 | $228,964 |
Timothy Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |    | 85 | $45,272,534 | $22,067,858 | $7,096,198 | $18,895,565 | $482,274 |
TMS Global | Community Development | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
To Every Tribe | Foreign Missions |  | 78 | $3,520,838 | $2,640,771 | $2,512,761 | $3,123,546 | $266,927 |
Toccoa Falls College | Colleges/Universities |    | 95 | $38,974,963 | $28,386,725 | $1,406,960 | $24,186,323 | $476,999 |
Topeka Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 80 | $10,132,799 | $3,725,091 | $3,539,778 | $5,126,083 | $103,757 |
Total Living Network | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 76 | $139,599 | $1,448,680 | $78,565 | $1,610,301 | $240,055 |
Touching Lives / James Merritt | Educational Media |     | 98 | $1,577,796 | $2,270,004 | $2,144,747 | $2,275,711 | $129,035 |
Town and Country | Community Development |    | 95 | $18,757,162 | $26,783,373 | $228,840 | $28,714,747 | $139,693 |
Trail Life USA | Christian Growth |   | 80 | $2,077,734 | $4,298,709 | $418,220 | $5,945,489 | $111,128 |
Training Leaders International | Leadership Training |      | 93 | $2,879,904 | $6,520,267 | $6,477,429 | $6,687,017 | $259,170 |
Transform Our World | Evangelism Support |   | 75 | $2,027,354 | $2,177,345 | $1,851,523 | $2,596,122 | $160,908 |
TreeHouse | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 87 | $1,113,798 | $4,495,350 | $3,989,560 | $4,343,765 | $482,771 |
Tri-City Union Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |      | 98 | $9,872,051 | $6,470,045 | $6,317,497 | $5,786,408 | $263,248 |
Trinity Anglican Seminary | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Trinity Broadcasting Network / TBN | Radio/ TV Stations |   | 25 | $189,333,879 | $80,424,389 | $22,092,482 | $81,868,635 | $82,297 |
Trinity Center for World Mission | Evangelism |   | 78 | $1,431,293 | $1,221,839 | $1,202,836 | $1,083,544 | $95,178 |
Trinity Christian Academy - Addison, TX | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 94 | $50,240,734 | $38,800,453 | $5,417,687 | $50,450,408 | $1,174,999 |
Trinity Christian School of Fairfax | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 93 | $15,269,223 | $16,656,086 | $459,522 | $15,295,322 | $4,721 |
Trinity College of Florida | Colleges/Universities |   | 75 | $4,370,487 | $3,461,460 | $701,047 | $4,356,227 | $81,806 |
Trinity Episcopal Schools Corporation | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 46 | $192,073,453 | $77,143,655 | $10,206,384 | $81,968,796 | $2,407,503 |
Trinity Forum, Inc. | Leadership Training |    | 95 | $1,552,074 | $1,976,998 | $1,652,197 | $1,862,240 | $49,602 |
Trinity International University | Colleges/Universities |   | 53 | $42,258,181 | $37,544,013 | $4,877,514 | $55,050,606 | $1,423,349 |
Trinity Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters | | 50 | ($593,357) | $1,790,798 | $1,366,621 | $1,850,216 | $286,808 |
Troy Brewer Ministries | Community Development |      | 63 | $2,342,703 | $6,130,399 | $5,595,178 | $4,783,534 | $0 |
Truth At Work | Community Development |      | 80 | $403,635 | $2,151,679 | $153,785 | $2,330,305 | $7,626 |
Truth For Life | Educational Media |     | 100 | $33,421,718 | $23,970,675 | $23,475,517 | $21,135,992 | $962,303 |
Tupelo Christian Preparatory School | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 95 | $5,780,793 | $5,468,190 | $469,823 | $5,336,061 | $2,228 |
Turlock Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 73 | $2,810,201 | $1,527,723 | $1,519,932 | $1,520,761 | $0 |
Turning Point for God | Educational Media |     | 65 | $47,456,180 | $109,738,214 | $105,346,746 | $94,216,899 | $10,353,591 |
TWR (aka Trans World Radio) | Radio/ TV Stations | | 48 | $42,817,103 | $46,242,428 | $25,166,581 | $38,387,411 | $3,490,933 |
UMAR Services, Inc. | Community Development |    | 73 | $5,470,069 | $7,060,357 | $1,153,766 | $9,003,076 | $305,680 |
Unbound | Relief and Development |     | 73 | $84,455,280 | $139,968,625 | $136,803,692 | $138,906,695 | $7,386,716 |
Uncharted Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 97 | $1,306,014 | $3,675,322 | $3,675,217 | $3,556,151 | $154,054 |
UnfoldingWord | Bible Translation Organizations |   | 80 | $1,440,136 | $10,976,427 | $10,963,004 | $10,823,758 | $992,083 |
Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 80 | $45,898,318 | $21,451,128 | $19,458,203 | $16,234,031 | $3,040,871 |
Union Mission Ministries | Community Development |  | 70 | $5,648,203 | $3,521,175 | $3,184,376 | $4,225,765 | $463,234 |
Union Rescue Mission, Los Angeles | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $74,527,718 | $45,744,641 | $44,879,154 | $44,655,029 | $4,946,851 |
Union University | Colleges/Universities |      | 95 | $185,389,111 | $102,176,523 | $14,140,502 | $95,382,990 | $962,121 |
United Bible Societies | Bible Translation Organizations |      | 73 | $89,636,976 | $50,856,170 | $45,741,538 | $49,814,616 | $0 |
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor | Colleges/Universities |   | 44 | $338,457,677 | $132,647,856 | $6,468,733 | $121,306,107 | $2,643,858 |
University of Northwestern - St. Paul | Colleges/Universities |      | 91 | $132,306,999 | $124,259,575 | $38,339,415 | $113,437,327 | $3,773,629 |
University of the Nations Kona | Colleges/Universities |      | 81 | $40,302,011 | $31,684,442 | $14,001,031 | $30,962,273 | $250,124 |
Unknown Nations | Foreign Missions |   | 80 | $5,269,939 | $6,110,009 | $4,396,759 | $5,791,092 | $523,956 |
Untold / pka CARE for AIDS | Relief and Development |   | 77 | $3,244,148 | $7,377,317 | $7,365,917 | $8,531,054 | $1,132,461 |
Upward Unlimited / Upward Sports | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 80 | $45,657,964 | $19,636,661 | $127,062 | $7,952,467 | $0 |
Urban Impact Foundation | Community Development |   | 75 | $9,006,095 | $8,290,973 | $7,782,402 | $6,093,884 | $625,647 |
Urban Youth Impact | Community Development |  | 75 | $6,677,110 | $3,184,092 | $2,953,967 | $3,424,035 | $296,933 |
Valley Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 71 | $10,884,249 | $5,308,037 | $2,989,905 | $4,669,130 | $229,523 |
Vanguard University of Southern California | Colleges/Universities |     | 71 | $52,912,092 | $94,808,954 | $9,705,186 | $93,107,951 | $850,393 |
Vapor Ministries | Community Development |    | 100 | $9,708,324 | $11,421,333 | $11,279,471 | $10,070,150 | $429,650 |
Venture | Relief and Development |     | 84 | $4,234,332 | $7,644,584 | $7,430,587 | $7,557,791 | $258,350 |
Veritas Christian Academy of Houston | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 78 | $2,031,363 | $3,599,311 | $246,739 | $3,601,309 | $123,282 |
ViaNations | Foreign Missions | | 55 | $1,149,623 | $3,474,076 | $3,038,820 | $3,697,014 | $191,255 |
Victory Junction Gang Camp | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 51 | $38,189,480 | $6,394,025 | $6,059,967 | $6,705,443 | $1,435,777 |
Victory Ministries of Alaska | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 100 | $5,406,559 | $2,042,368 | $994,509 | $1,895,914 | $0 |
Victory Mission + Ministry | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 95 | $5,316,049 | $4,118,461 | $3,478,093 | $3,640,448 | $442,174 |
Village Missions | Evangelism Support | | 55 | $936,897 | $8,833,787 | $8,704,925 | $7,391,847 | $383,452 |
Visalia Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 67 | $3,606,123 | $8,369,421 | $6,433,601 | $8,559,371 | $545,144 |
Vision House | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 77 | $10,840,149 | $6,131,730 | $4,492,296 | $6,606,886 | $738,338 |
Vision New England | Evangelism Support |   | 53 | $5,907,888 | $718,688 | $701,489 | $637,972 | $19,022 |
VisionTrust International | Foreign Missions | | 80 | ($36,813) | $2,519,309 | $2,527,286 | $2,417,576 | $132,355 |
Voice of Prophecy | Educational Media |      | 51 | $2,531,894 | $6,197,481 | $6,197,481 | $5,520,604 | $0 |
Walk Thru the Bible Ministries | Christian Growth |    | 100 | $1,261,874 | $3,837,417 | $3,592,584 | $3,735,699 | $520,319 |
Wall Watchers/ | Christian Growth |    | 80 | $63,960 | $368,620 | $342,733 | $460,716 | $60,610 |
Walter Hoving Home Inc | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |    | 82 | $6,527,197 | $6,583,849 | $5,997,286 | $4,655,320 | $627,189 |
Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center | Camps/Conference Centers |  | 58 | $27,312,799 | $9,068,482 | $1,728,047 | $8,005,679 | $540,924 |
Washington City Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 75 | $16,850,777 | $13,330,184 | $12,697,584 | $9,697,926 | $1,802,805 |
Washington University of Virginia | Colleges/Universities |  | 78 | $6,252,194 | $2,448,959 | $245,967 | $2,344,552 | $87,284 |
Water for Good / Lifewater International | Relief and Development |   | 80 | $1,660,014 | $6,085,538 | $6,016,960 | $6,550,113 | $1,072,844 |
Water for Life Haiti | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $4,870,767 | $1,753,777 | $1,144,615 | $1,563,626 | $102,121 |
Water Mission | Relief and Development |    | 100 | $18,390,747 | $34,080,738 | $33,787,779 | $35,841,428 | $2,501,123 |
Water Street Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 72 | $29,692,102 | $14,831,330 | $14,300,691 | $13,274,429 | $2,347,927 |
Water4 Inc | Relief and Development |  | 75 | $10,770,314 | $9,444,707 | $9,419,089 | $9,025,404 | $1,262,595 |
Waterfront Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 98 | $23,604,098 | $15,026,701 | $13,912,458 | $13,165,810 | $883,001 |
WaterStone Support Foundation Inc | Christian Foundations |      | 93 | $115,861,657 | $68,966,412 | $57,252,589 | $36,745,534 | $0 |
Watoto Child Care Ministries | Foreign Missions |     | 89 | $3,661,499 | $6,884,985 | $6,733,535 | $7,461,987 | $337,714 |
Wayside Christian Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 68 | $34,104,771 | $8,438,965 | $5,775,678 | $5,720,022 | $215,539 |
Wears Valley Ranch | Adoption/Foster Care |   | 80 | $9,253,892 | $3,209,025 | $2,708,070 | $3,445,571 | $196,898 |
Wellspring Living | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 92 | $9,744,949 | $13,231,848 | $11,039,562 | $8,530,075 | $298,698 |
West Dallas Community School | K-12 Schools/Academies |  | 70 | $19,405,254 | $3,926,418 | $3,681,912 | $3,839,492 | $402,931 |
Western Carolina Rescue Ministries, Inc | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 73 | $4,927,656 | $2,812,675 | $2,590,591 | $3,081,605 | $378,865 |
Western Christian Schools | K-12 Schools/Academies |     | 91 | $15,430,705 | $19,439,894 | $1,084,736 | $15,826,314 | $514,982 |
Western Seminary | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Westminster Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 73 | $3,248,491 | $2,622,411 | $1,445,659 | $2,572,541 | $175,521 |
Westminster Schools Inc | K-12 Schools/Academies |   | 46 | $412,273,432 | $97,735,002 | $26,861,563 | $97,354,830 | $2,317,037 |
Westminster Seminary California | Colleges/Universities | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Westminster Theological Seminary | Colleges/Universities |  | 75 | $54,666,070 | $30,439,771 | $12,492,680 | $26,717,177 | $3,021,940 |
What Matters Ministries and Missions | Foreign Missions |      | 97 | $923,875 | $4,310,939 | $3,916,154 | $3,938,673 | $131,563 |
Wheaton College | Colleges/Universities |  | 59 | $857,761,516 | $181,635,763 | $34,317,420 | $175,303,151 | $7,002,148 |
Wheeler Mission Ministries | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |  | 75 | $68,007,109 | $28,053,420 | $23,542,908 | $20,896,544 | $4,409,692 |
White's Residential and Family Services / Josiah Whites | Adoption/Foster Care |    | 95 | $28,564,789 | $22,536,930 | $877,706 | $22,021,037 | $660,815 |
Whole Word Institute | Bible Translation Organizations |      | 98 | $54,184 | $5,107,508 | $4,143,115 | $5,050,168 | $259,266 |
Wichita Falls Faith Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 97 | $6,585,343 | $3,906,208 | $3,547,904 | $3,666,308 | $357,069 |
William Jessup University | Colleges/Universities |  | 80 | $32,811,880 | $57,224,285 | $12,245,745 | $57,825,041 | $2,551,682 |
Wingfield Ministries | Evangelism |  | 80 | $5,498,134 | $2,687,329 | $2,206,863 | $1,675,256 | $227,779 |
Winston-Salem Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 80 | $6,298,101 | $4,412,795 | $4,267,913 | $4,465,740 | $732,820 |
Winter Haven Christian School | K-12 Schools/Academies |      | 98 | $3,431,640 | $3,991,778 | $84,185 | $4,227,219 | $55,357 |
Wisdom Center/Mike Murdock | Evangelism | | 2 | $9,572 | $133,650 | $133,650 | $135,932 | $0 |
With God All Things Are Possible / ATP Ministries | Relief and Development |   | 70 | $2,811,326 | $6,566,420 | $6,566,415 | $6,169,528 | $668,703 |
With Open Eyes Foundation | Evangelism |  | 63 | $8,399,800 | $5,308,295 | $5,155,327 | $4,234,056 | $559,903 |
Word for the World USA | Bible Translation Organizations |      | 100 | $5,859,645 | $11,564,650 | $11,360,755 | $9,623,101 | $453,795 |
Word of Life Fellowship | Evangelism |    | 80 | $143,360,798 | $68,685,329 | $45,132,968 | $58,262,434 | $2,516,453 |
WordPartners | Evangelism Support |  | 77 | $3,182,181 | $2,655,398 | $2,571,210 | $3,181,303 | $390,213 |
Words of Hope, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | 30 | $3,125,729 | $3,778,994 | $3,575,605 | $3,105,156 | $498,892 |
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries | Evangelism Support |    | 83 | $2,019,897 | $2,563,156 | $2,531,063 | $2,185,486 | $103,136 |
World Emergency Relief / Children's Food Fund | Relief and Development |      | 80 | $1,814,376 | $10,967,758 | $10,966,212 | $10,022,842 | $285,080 |
World Evangelical Alliance | Foreign Missions |      | 93 | $756,971 | $2,662,082 | $2,371,727 | $2,898,579 | $113,088 |
World Gospel Mission | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
World Help | Foreign Missions |     | 85 | $8,523,290 | $37,584,500 | $37,733,697 | $42,893,076 | $2,672,062 |
World Hope International | Relief and Development |     | 95 | $2,454,930 | $21,444,612 | $20,842,516 | $22,660,421 | $1,407,930 |
World Hope Ministries International | Community Development |   | 80 | $2,250,009 | $2,337,237 | $2,289,370 | $2,307,621 | $248,664 |
World Impact, Inc. | Leadership Training | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
World Mission Prayer League (WMPL) | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
World Missionary Press | Christian Growth |  | 75 | $12,992,531 | $7,027,692 | $6,631,444 | $7,583,780 | $641,122 |
World Orphans | Adoption/Foster Care |      | 100 | $1,193,695 | $2,854,078 | $2,897,925 | $2,945,413 | $145,203 |
World Outreach Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 76 | $2,405,063 | $11,181,640 | $11,085,751 | $11,058,472 | $0 |
World Relief | Relief and Development |     | 95 | $32,200,367 | $163,081,631 | $159,991,074 | $162,281,800 | $5,839,177 |
World Renew | Relief and Development |  | 77 | $33,040,885 | $21,598,073 | $20,712,838 | $20,644,252 | $2,825,043 |
World Team USA, Inc. | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
World Vision, Inc., U.S. | Relief and Development |     | 89 | $339,824,343 | $1,510,055,945 | $1,501,570,627 | $1,534,614,805 | $117,517,566 |
World Witness, the Board of Foreign Missions | Foreign Missions | | 48 | $3,850,500 | $5,775,115 | $5,623,237 | $5,029,098 | $0 |
WorldVenture | Foreign Missions | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Worldwide Discipleship Association | Christian Growth |      | 95 | $808,735 | $1,681,661 | $1,671,417 | $1,684,931 | $52,002 |
Wycliffe Associates | Bible Translation Organizations | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Wycliffe Bible Translation Foundation | Bible Translation Organizations | | 40 | $1,735,166 | $9,024,045 | $8,917,212 | $8,988,061 | $723,809 |
Wycliffe Bible Translators | Bible Translation Organizations | | 48 | $128,949,636 | $186,193,386 | $181,696,963 | $172,003,403 | $10,846,369 |
Wyoming Rescue Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |   | 78 | $13,666,079 | $4,975,270 | $4,694,370 | $4,089,330 | $514,993 |
XO Marriage | Christian Growth | | 43 | $661,057 | $3,802,165 | $981,148 | $3,621,186 | $353,532 |
Yakima Union Gospel Mission | Rescue Missions/Homeless Shelters |     | 94 | $10,967,218 | $14,877,603 | $9,831,443 | $15,137,244 | $1,232,899 |
YMCA of the USA | Community Development |     | 66 | $157,990,760 | $152,985,859 | $48,417,084 | $157,780,689 | $2,100,390 |
Young Life | Fellowship Evangelism |    | 89 | $377,050,223 | $491,783,511 | $418,461,154 | $442,049,174 | $28,309,634 |
Youth Dynamics | Fellowship Evangelism |   | 80 | $2,658,474 | $4,712,330 | $4,200,656 | $4,244,542 | $463,894 |
Youth for Christ International | Fellowship Evangelism |      | 98 | $8,453,184 | $13,926,456 | $13,314,312 | $15,734,484 | $623,790 |
Youth for Christ of Northern Indiana | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 72 | $4,791,679 | $3,932,283 | $2,676,405 | $3,293,720 | $546,597 |
Youth for Christ USA, Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism |    | 95 | $17,180,502 | $15,460,599 | $10,307,436 | $13,689,656 | $800,134 |
Youth Frontiers | Leadership Training |   | 45 | $4,618,132 | $6,025,721 | $4,479,889 | $4,000,294 | $732,430 |
Youth Haven | Camps/Conference Centers |      | 92 | $4,083,880 | $2,446,930 | $2,429,418 | $2,569,367 | $143,295 |
YouthFront, Inc. | Fellowship Evangelism |  | 72 | $6,100,627 | $4,430,276 | $2,138,180 | $4,411,214 | $543,695 |
YUGO Ministries | Foreign Missions |      | 95 | $216,121 | $2,822,364 | $1,966,501 | $2,858,465 | $50,678 |
YWAM Colorado Springs Strategic Frontiers | Community Development | | 33 | $679,683 | $592,294 | $432,628 | $450,545 | $9,873 |
YWAM San Diego / Baja | Evangelism | | 35 | $18,859,694 | $17,148,909 | $9,677,204 | $15,578,083 | $196,780 |
YWAM San Francisco | Evangelism | | | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
YWAM Ships Kona | Foreign Missions |     | 83 | $929,117 | $11,535,827 | $10,047,080 | $11,373,727 | $166,783 |
Zoe Empowers | Foreign Missions |    | 90 | $8,941,504 | $7,355,624 | $7,255,296 | $6,695,029 | $433,251 |
ZOE International | Evangelism |     | 82 | $7,497,150 | $7,386,941 | $6,238,667 | $8,318,236 | $381,927 |
Zola Levitt Ministries | Evangelism |     | 100 | $2,338,030 | $2,834,686 | $2,664,093 | $3,354,762 | $31,718 |