Teen Missions International
The information on this page was last updated 5/25/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]
We exist to launch youth into lifetime missions involvement by training, discipling and mobilizing them to impact eternity around the world NOW. A large number of our alumni are in full-time Christian ministry serving the Lord worldwide as pastors, teachers, support technicians, and missionaries.
Contact information
Mailing address:
Teen Missions International
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
Website: teenmissions.org
Phone: (321) 453-0350
Email: [email protected]
Organization details
EIN: 237125177
CEO/President: Steve Petersen
Chairman: Steve Petersen
Board size: 14
Founder: Robert M. Bland
Ruling year: 1972
Tax deductible: Yes
Fiscal year end: 09/30
Member of ECFA: Yes
Member of ECFA since: 2019
To serve the Church as a strategic resource for motivating, training, and mobilizing youth to fulfill the Great Commission.
Mission statement
To inspire and equip a new generation to boldly proclaim salvation in Christ alone.
Statement of faith
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible and authoritative Word of God inerrant in its original documents.
(2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, John 20:31, Psalms 119:1-176, Matthew 5:18)
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in the three persons: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
(1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 3:21-22, 1 Peter 1:1-2)
We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood and His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His tangible return in power and glory.
(Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:35, Matthew 1:20, John 1:1,14, John 5:8, John 8:58, Exodus 3:14, John 10:30-33, John 20:28, Colossians 2:9, Philippians 2:5-8 Hebrews 1:8, 1 Peter 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:5, Hebrews 9:14, 1 Peter 1:19, 1 John 2:2, Luke 24:6-7, Mark 16:6, 1 Peter 1:3, John 11:25-26, Acts 1:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Hebrews 9:28)
We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful man, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential.
(John 3:3, Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13, John 1:12-13, Titus 3:5, Acts 2:38-39)
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life.
(Acts 2:38-39, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19, Ezekiel 36:27, 2 Timothy 1:14, Ephesians 5:18, Romans 8:11, Galatians 5:18, Zechariah 4:6)
We believe in the resurrection of the body of the saved and lost - they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
(Dan 12:2, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:12-13, 1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Acts 24:15, 1 Corinthians 15:35-44)
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ.
(1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:11-13, Colossians 3:13-14, John 17:23, Psalms 133:1)
Donor confidence score
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Financial efficiency ratings
Sector: Christian Growth
Category | Rating | Overall rank | Sector rank |
Overall efficiency rating | 135 of 1107 | 10 of 63 | |
Fund acquisition rating | 48 of 1108 | 5 of 63 | |
Resource allocation rating | 49 of 1108 | 4 of 63 | |
Asset utilization rating | 758 of 1107 | 44 of 63 |
Financial ratios
Funding ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts = Fundraising expense / Total contributions | 8% | 0% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio = Fundraising expense / Total revenue | 5% | 0% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance = Total contributions / Total revenue | 85% | 97% | 94% | 92% | 84% | 96% |
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio = Fundraising expense / Total expenses | 5% | 0% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance = Total other revenue / Total revenue | 15% | 3% | 6% | 8% | 16% | 4% |
Operating ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio = Program services / Total expenses | 81% | 92% | 87% | 85% | 87% | 89% |
Spending ratio Spending ratio = Total expenses / Total revenue | 100% | 93% | 98% | 100% | 103% | 96% |
Program output ratio Program output ratio = Program services / Total revenue | 79% | 86% | 85% | 85% | 90% | 86% |
Savings ratio Savings ratio = Surplus (deficit) / Total revenue | 0% | 7% | 2% | 0% | -3% | 4% |
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate = Surplus (deficit) / Net assets | 2% | 6% | 2% | 0% | -2% | 2% |
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio = Management and general expense / Total expenses | 12% | 7% | 12% | 14% | 12% | 10% |
Investing ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover = Total expenses / Total assets | 1.05 | 0.90 | 0.72 | 0.60 | 0.65 | 0.54 |
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment = Total assets / Total current assets | 1.44 | 2.84 | 1.77 | 1.70 | 2.84 | 2.17 |
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover = Total expenses / Total current assets | 1.65 | 2.55 | 1.27 | 1.03 | 1.84 | 1.17 |
Liquidity ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Current ratio Current ratio = Total current assets / Total current liabilities | 10.86 | 46.19 | 11.93 | 35.59 | 41.02 | 87.08 |
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio = Total current liabilities / Total current assets | 0.09 | 0.02 | 0.08 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.01 |
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level = (Total current assets - Total current liabilities) / (Total expenses / 12) | 5.83 | 4.60 | 8.67 | 11.36 | 6.35 | 10.16 |
Solvency ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets | 15% | 1% | 7% | 4% | 1% | 1% |
Debt ratio Debt ratio = Debt / Total assets | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio = Net assets / Total expenses | 78% | 110% | 130% | 159% | 153% | 184% |
Balance sheet | |||||
Assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Cash | $739,935 | $883,347 | $730,972 | $991,492 | $2,664,589 |
Receivables, inventories, prepaids | $34,756 | $293,224 | $40,395 | $33,710 | $70,185 |
Short-term investments | $1,403,115 | $2,465,744 | $2,799,030 | $1,027,257 | $0 |
Other current assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current assets | $2,177,806 | $3,642,315 | $3,570,397 | $2,052,459 | $2,734,774 |
Long-term investments | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Fixed assets | $3,599,657 | $2,381,727 | $2,073,882 | $1,966,853 | $1,575,705 |
Other long-term assets | $397,508 | $415,849 | $433,052 | $1,815,593 | $1,612,723 |
Total long-term assets | $3,997,165 | $2,797,576 | $2,506,934 | $3,782,446 | $3,188,428 |
Total assets | $6,174,971 | $6,439,891 | $6,077,331 | $5,834,905 | $5,923,202 |
Liabilities | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Payables and accrued expenses | $47,144 | $305,395 | $100,328 | $50,030 | $31,407 |
Other current liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current liabilities | $47,144 | $305,395 | $100,328 | $50,030 | $31,407 |
Debt | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Due to (from) affiliates | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other long-term liabilities | $29,400 | $134,417 | $135,037 | $0 | $0 |
Total long-term liabilities | $29,400 | $134,417 | $135,037 | $0 | $0 |
Total liabilities | $76,544 | $439,812 | $235,365 | $50,030 | $31,407 |
Net assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Without donor restrictions | $5,837,896 | $5,621,555 | $5,168,003 | $5,675,432 | $5,741,008 |
With donor restrictions | $260,531 | $378,524 | $673,963 | $109,443 | $150,787 |
Net assets | $6,098,427 | $6,000,079 | $5,841,966 | $5,784,875 | $5,891,795 |
Revenues and expenses | |||||
Revenue | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Total contributions | $5,782,990 | $4,456,374 | $3,369,025 | $3,070,431 | $3,195,206 |
Program service revenue | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Membership dues | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Investment income | $93,913 | $189,339 | $137,441 | $135,185 | $152,657 |
Other revenue | $64,272 | $74,651 | $156,095 | $454,069 | ($28,395) |
Total other revenue | $158,185 | $263,990 | $293,536 | $589,254 | $124,262 |
Total revenue | $5,941,175 | $4,720,364 | $3,662,561 | $3,659,685 | $3,319,468 |
Expenses | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Program services | $5,120,626 | $4,012,161 | $3,121,644 | $3,299,616 | $2,842,216 |
Management and general | $412,082 | $569,218 | $497,138 | $462,832 | $307,043 |
Fundraising | $19,966 | $39,243 | $47,763 | $23,942 | $44,636 |
Total expenses | $5,552,674 | $4,620,622 | $3,666,545 | $3,786,390 | $3,193,895 |
Change in net assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Surplus (deficit) | $388,501 | $99,742 | ($3,984) | ($126,705) | $125,573 |
Other changes in net assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total change in net assets | $388,501 | $99,742 | ($3,984) | ($126,705) | $125,573 |
Name | Title | Compensation |
Kostner Paul L | Board Member | $39,425 |
Kostner Elizabeth A | Treasurer | $38,675 |
Petersen Steven | President | $38,092 |
Myers Anthony R | Board Member | $33,336 |
Petersen Gay | Board Member | $24,256 |
Maher Thomas D | Board Member | $21,610 |
Barber Richard | President thru 9/2021 | $20,705 |
Myers Shawna B | Secretary | $20,700 |
Compensation data as of: 9/30/2022
Response from ministry
No response has been provided by this ministry.
The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 5/25/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]
Teen Missions was founded in 1970 by a group of men and women who were passionate about getting youth involved in missions. The founder Robert M. Bland, spent many years as a Youth For Christ director in Chillicothe, Ohio and a recruitment director for the Christian Service Corps. The years he spent in ministry made him aware of several things that birthed the idea of Teen Missions:
There were many young people who wanted to serve the Lord in missions, but lacked training, experience and the required skills.
A young girl once said that everyone had explained to her, "Come back when you have finished college and then you can get involved in the Lord's work." She stated, "I want to do something for the Lord now, not five years from now."
In many mission conferences, there were no teenagers present at all. They evidently felt that missions were for older people. Mr. Bland felt there was an obvious need to get teenagers involved since they are the next generation of missionaries and leaders.
The innovative idea of involving teenagers in missions continued to develop and the first Teen Missions team embarked on a trip to Mexico in 1971. What happened next, well, that's the story of a God whose work is BIGGER & GREATER than anyone could hope or dream...
The 1970s were a time an incredible growth in the North American program. Teen Missions moved from Ohio to Cocoa, Florida and ran the office from a one-car garage. Later, over 250 acres were purchased in Merritt Island, Florida where the Lord's Boot Camp was developed as a training ground for teams preparing to serve around the globe.
The 1980s marked the beginning of training for national teens where Boot Camps were established overseas in the Philippines, India, Brazil, Honduras, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. The North American program continued to grow and the Preteen program for kids 10-13 yrs old began.
The 1990s saw the founding of the Florida Free Bible Missionary & Work Training Center, making discipleship and training possible for those called to full-time ministry without accumulating debt. Bible Schools were then also established at Teen Missions' bases overseas. Today 26 schools are training 700+ students in 18 countries. Boot Camps ran in numerous new countries including Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Liberia, and Russia.
The 2000s brought a time of innovation in placing Bible School graduates in 'front-line' ministry in previously unreached, remote locations beyond our national bases. Orphan Rescue Units, placed in Sub-Saharan Africa began material and spiritual care for thousands of orphans and other 'at risk' children. Proclamation of the gospel, practical mercy ministry and advocacy converge to provide a path where children can thrive as God intended and not just survive.
The 2010s marked the growth of an evangelistic thrust into many remote, unreached villages using the old 'circuit rider' model 1st made famous by early Bible preachers like Charles Wesley. Trading horses for motorcycles, bikes, and boats, Teen Missions interns and staff now push two-by-two into new circuits holding weekly Bible Studies for adults & Sunday Schools for children. Today, there are nearly 300 Sunday Schools in pioneer areas reaching 14,000 people with the gospel each week.