India Gospel League Inc. North America
The information on this page was last updated 12/20/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]
India Gospel League, North America exists to promote and support the ministry of India Gospel League, India.
Caring for Children - We not only work with the child in need, but care for the needs of the child holistically by working with their family and community.
Caring for the Poor - We emphasize development, not relief and ownership is local, not external.
Caring for the Sick - IGL provides free or affordable medical care and we are strategic in meeting healthcare needs.
Contact information
Mailing address:
India Gospel League Inc. North America
PO Box 356
Hudson, OH 44236
Phone: 888.352.4451
Email: [email protected]
Organization details
EIN: 311423556
CEO/President: Claude Robold
Chairman: Rev. Jim Lyon
Board size: 7
Founder: Rev. D. Stephens
Ruling year: 1995
Tax deductible: Yes
Fiscal year end: 12/31
Member of ECFA: Yes
Member of ECFA since: 2002
We are an indigenous, Bible-centered organization born and operating in the heart of South Asia.
Millions across South Asia still need hope and millions more need practical help like education, medical care and economic opportunity.
IGL has invested in more than 90,000 villages in the past 25 years, and from the people who have been impacted, their hope is shining out to a world darkened by desperate poverty. IGL has grown from a small organization in South Asia to an international network; sharing hope, serving with compassionate care and seeing God at work. On top of that, everything that IGL does is with the goal of helping communities become sustainable.
Mission statement
Our mission is to bring sustainable transformation to rural villages throughout South Asia.
Statement of faith
We are committed to the authority of the Word of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
As a result, we believe:
We believe in One God, Creator and sustainer, perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in power, eternally
existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who in the Bible and in Jesus Christ has revealed Himself to be
the living and true God. We rejoice that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men, that He hears and answers
prayer and that He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God's eternal Son, our Lord, the only Mediator between God and man who, conceived by the
Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fully shared and fulfilled our humanity in a life of perfect obedience. By His
death in our place, He made a sacrifice for the sin of the world and by His bodily resurrection gained victory over death
and the powers of evil. He ascended into heaven where He intercedes for His people and rules as Lord over all. He will
personally and visibly return to the world to consummate His Kingdom.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, who came to renew our hearts, calling us to repent of our sins and confess Christ as Lord, thereby receiving the forgiveness of sins and the gift of eternal life, being justified through faith in Jesus Christ. The work and gifts of the Holy Spirit enable the believer to live a holy life, to witness effectively to the Gospel, and to serve responsibly in the world.
We believe that the Bible, composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, written by men divinely and uniquely inspired, is the Word of God, the only infallible, absolutely trustworthy authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Scripture is to be interpreted according to its context and purpose and in obedience to the Lord, who speaks in living power through each book.
We believe in the dignity of man created in the image of God for fellowship with the Creator and to share responsibility towards the creation. Tempted by Satan, man rebelled against God. All men are sinners by nature and by choice, estranged from God and subject to His wrath, depraved and apart from Grace, incapable of returning to God. All men are sons of Adam, made of one blood, and have equal access to God in the church of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the Church, the universal Body of Christ, the new redeemed humanity which is being called out of the whole human race and formed in every culture and transforming every culture and which is summoned to worship God and to serve Him by preaching the Gospel and discipling the nations by striving for social justice and relieving human distress and need. To enable the Church to fulfill these ministries, God gives gifts to the members of His Church for tending the flock and equipping the saints for ministry. We believe that proclaiming the Gospel to all people is the first priority in the mission of the Church between the Resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ.
We believe in the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to complete God's work of redemption and Judgment. We
believe that those who believe in Christ as Savior and Lord will rise to live and reign with Him forever in a new heaven
and new earth. We believe that judgment and separation from the presence of God awaits those who do not believe.
This motivates our service in expectation of Him who makes all things new.
We believe in Christ's Commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age," (Matthew 28:19-20). The supreme mission of the people of God in this age is to preach the Gospel to every creature.
Donor confidence score
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Financial efficiency ratings
Sector: Foreign Missions
Category | Rating | Overall rank | Sector rank |
Overall efficiency rating | 609 of 1107 | 67 of 125 | |
Fund acquisition rating | 558 of 1108 | 69 of 125 | |
Resource allocation rating | 707 of 1108 | 72 of 125 | |
Asset utilization rating | 481 of 1107 | 48 of 125 |
Financial ratios
Funding ratios | Sector median | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts = Fundraising expense / Total contributions | 5% | 6% | 6% | 3% | 3% | 8% |
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio = Fundraising expense / Total revenue | 5% | 6% | 6% | 3% | 3% | 8% |
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance = Total contributions / Total revenue | 98% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 98% | 100% |
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio = Fundraising expense / Total expenses | 5% | 5% | 6% | 5% | 4% | 8% |
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance = Total other revenue / Total revenue | 2% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 2% | 0% |
Operating ratios | Sector median | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio = Program services / Total expenses | 84% | 83% | 83% | 82% | 86% | 79% |
Spending ratio Spending ratio = Total expenses / Total revenue | 99% | 119% | 97% | 72% | 83% | 96% |
Program output ratio Program output ratio = Program services / Total revenue | 84% | 99% | 80% | 59% | 72% | 76% |
Savings ratio Savings ratio = Surplus (deficit) / Total revenue | 1% | -19% | 3% | 28% | 17% | 4% |
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate = Surplus (deficit) / Net assets | 3% | -29% | 4% | 44% | 53% | 19% |
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio = Management and general expense / Total expenses | 9% | 12% | 11% | 14% | 10% | 13% |
Investing ratios | Sector median | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover = Total expenses / Total assets | 1.38 | 1.75 | 1.20 | 1.12 | 2.62 | 5.05 |
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment = Total assets / Total current assets | 1.30 | 1.04 | 1.04 | 1.00 | 1.01 | 1.02 |
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover = Total expenses / Total current assets | 2.35 | 1.81 | 1.25 | 1.12 | 2.64 | 5.14 |
Liquidity ratios | Sector median | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Current ratio Current ratio = Total current assets / Total current liabilities | 18.20 | 307.84 | 274.94 | 859.10 | 456.46 | 1124.65 |
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio = Total current liabilities / Total current assets | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level = (Total current assets - Total current liabilities) / (Total expenses / 12) | 4.83 | 6.61 | 9.57 | 10.67 | 4.54 | 2.33 |
Solvency ratios | Sector median | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets | 7% | 4% | 4% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Debt ratio Debt ratio = Debt / Total assets | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio = Net assets / Total expenses | 62% | 55% | 80% | 89% | 38% | 20% |
Balance sheet | |||||
Assets | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Cash | $2,019,079 | $2,596,032 | $2,475,565 | $1,396,021 | $627,453 |
Receivables, inventories, prepaids | $3,123 | $11,545 | $7,232 | $3,482 | $21,471 |
Short-term investments | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other current assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current assets | $2,022,202 | $2,607,577 | $2,482,797 | $1,399,503 | $648,924 |
Long-term investments | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Fixed assets | $2,069 | $3,519 | $5,288 | $7,910 | $11,621 |
Other long-term assets | $73,569 | $104,684 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total long-term assets | $75,638 | $108,203 | $5,288 | $7,910 | $11,621 |
Total assets | $2,097,840 | $2,715,780 | $2,488,085 | $1,407,413 | $660,545 |
Liabilities | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Payables and accrued expenses | $6,569 | $9,484 | $2,890 | $3,066 | $577 |
Other current liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current liabilities | $6,569 | $9,484 | $2,890 | $3,066 | $577 |
Debt | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Due to (from) affiliates | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other long-term liabilities | $73,569 | $104,684 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total long-term liabilities | $73,569 | $104,684 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total liabilities | $80,138 | $114,168 | $2,890 | $3,066 | $577 |
Net assets | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Without donor restrictions | $504,036 | $803,931 | $1,012,414 | $474,500 | $232,999 |
With donor restrictions | $1,513,666 | $1,797,681 | $1,472,781 | $929,847 | $426,969 |
Net assets | $2,017,702 | $2,601,612 | $2,485,195 | $1,404,347 | $659,968 |
Revenues and expenses | |||||
Revenue | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Total contributions | $3,077,146 | $3,373,741 | $3,870,663 | $4,369,209 | $3,459,791 |
Program service revenue | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Membership dues | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Investment income | $10 | $10 | $21 | $25 | $1 |
Other revenue | $0 | ($67) | $1,353 | $68,200 | $34 |
Total other revenue | $10 | ($57) | $1,374 | $68,225 | $35 |
Total revenue | $3,077,156 | $3,373,684 | $3,872,037 | $4,437,434 | $3,459,826 |
Expenses | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Program services | $3,047,134 | $2,709,027 | $2,280,609 | $3,174,584 | $2,619,477 |
Management and general | $441,967 | $357,020 | $377,069 | $364,337 | $433,144 |
Fundraising | $171,965 | $191,221 | $131,438 | $151,195 | $282,496 |
Total expenses | $3,661,066 | $3,257,268 | $2,789,116 | $3,690,116 | $3,335,117 |
Change in net assets | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |
Surplus (deficit) | ($583,910) | $116,416 | $1,082,921 | $747,318 | $124,709 |
Other changes in net assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total change in net assets | ($583,910) | $116,416 | $1,082,921 | $747,318 | $124,709 |
Compensation data for this ministry has not been collected.
Response from ministry
No response has been provided by this ministry.
The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 12/20/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]
The story of India Gospel League begins with one man's journey into the Christian faith through faithful missional-minded men nearly 150 years ago. From there, a vision was born, to share hope and love to the least-loved and those most in need. Today the same ministry stands firmly on that vision and calling, to share hope and to care for those most in need. Here is the story, as told by the grandson of the founder:
My great grandfather was the first one of my family to become a Christian. He heard about Jesus when the Salvation Army first came to South Asia in the 1860s. He accepted the Lord into his life in a street meeting. He left home, changed forever and set on a path to care for those most in need.
His son (my grandfather) founded the ministry that today is known as India Gospel League. He lived his life to the very end, extending his hand and caring for the most vulnerable, and so did my father after him. I had the privilege of working with my father for 12 years in the ministry. He taught me many things, but I will always remember his last words to me: "No matter what happens, son, don't lose the vision."
My father organized IGL on the basis of his deep conviction that, as Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The vision is reaching out to the neglected masses of people throughout South Asia. Most of them are dying without ever experiencing joy, or knowing true hope. This verse is the motto of our organization, and we remain committed to that vision and calling.
Program accomplishments
While all of our leadership comes from South Asia, we do have a North American organization that helps facilitate partnerships and vision-casting. This group, "India Gospel League, North America" exists to serve, support, and pray for our leaders in the field. If you choose to partner with India Gospel League, your contributions, travel arrangements or sponsorships will be facilitated through our U.S. office in Hudson, Ohio. India Gospel League, North America is a 501(c)(3) organization, governed by an independent board consisting of pastors and others who believe in this work.