Gideons International

The information on this page was last updated 2/23/2024. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While we are often recognized for our work with hotels, we also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Gideons International
P.O. Box 140800
Nashville, TN 37214-0800


Phone: (615) 564-5000

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 362270051

CEO/President: Dan Heighway (Executive Director)

Chairman: Allen Huth

Board size: 22

Founder: Samuel Hill, John Nicholson, William Knights

Ruling year: 1938

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 05/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 2013


We are God-called members, brothers and sisters in Christ, husbands along with our wives-striving side by side to effectively and joyfully reach the world with the Good News. One Vision means working in one spirit and one mind with these three groups:

- Christian business and professional men
- Our wives, as a testimony to the Biblical institution of marriage
- Protestant, evangelical churches and assemblies as partners in the Great Commission

Members of The Gideons International share our faith because we realize how often people today need someone to come alongside them in finding their way to true salvation that is available only through the grace of God. As opportunities arise, we take time to share the Gospel message with friends and family, business acquaintances, and other people we meet who are struggling in their daily lives.

We believe distributing copies of God's Word plants powerful seeds God can use according to His own timing (I Corinthians 3:6), allows many to read the truth for themselves (John 8:32), provides a lasting witness (Hebrews 4:12), and makes it easier for those we reach to boldly spread the Good News (II Timothy 2:2).

Members of The Gideons International personally witness and distribute God's Word to police, fire, and medical personnel; prisoners; military personnel; students in the fifth grade and above; and to those with whom they interact on a daily basis. Scriptures are also placed by Gideons and Auxiliary in key locations, including hotels, motels, hospitals, convalescent homes, medical offices, domestic violence shelters, prisons, and jails.

Mission statement

To win others for the Lord Jesus Christ through:

  • - Association
  • - Personal Testimony
  • - Placing the Bible - God's Holy Word

  • Statement of faith

    The Gideons International is a nondenominational association. Membership consists of business and professional men, except clergymen, who believe in the Bible as the inspired Word of God, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God, have received Him as their personal savior, endeavor to follow Him in their daily life, and who are members in good standing of an evangelical or protestant church, congregation, or assembly.

    Donor confidence score

    Show donor confidence score details

    Transparency grade


    To understand our transparency grade, click here.

    Financial efficiency ratings

    Sector: Evangelism

    CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
    Overall efficiency rating492 of 110617 of 45
    Fund acquisition rating266 of 110710 of 45
    Resource allocation rating372 of 110719 of 45
    Asset utilization rating914 of 110632 of 45

    Financial ratios

    Funding ratiosSector median20212020201920182017
    Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
    Fundraising expense /
    Total contributions
    Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
    Fundraising expense /
    Total revenue
    Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
    Total contributions /
    Total revenue
    Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
    Fundraising expense /
    Total expenses
    Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
    Total other revenue /
    Total revenue
    Operating ratiosSector median20212020201920182017
    Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
    Program services /
    Total expenses
    Spending ratio Spending ratio =
    Total expenses /
    Total revenue
    Program output ratio Program output ratio =
    Program services /
    Total revenue
    Savings ratio Savings ratio =
    Surplus (deficit) /
    Total revenue
    Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
    Surplus (deficit) /
    Net assets
    General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
    Management and general expense /
    Total expenses
    Investing ratiosSector median20212020201920182017
    Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
    Total expenses /
    Total assets
    Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
    Total assets /
    Total current assets
    Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
    Total expenses /
    Total current assets
    Liquidity ratiosSector median20212020201920182017
    Current ratio Current ratio =
    Total current assets /
    Total current liabilities
    Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
    Total current liabilities /
    Total current assets
    Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
    (Total current assets -
    Total current liabilities) /
    (Total expenses / 12)
    Solvency ratiosSector median20212020201920182017
    Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
    Total liabilities /
    Total assets
    Debt ratio Debt ratio =
    Debt /
    Total assets
    Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
    Net assets /
    Total expenses


    Balance sheet
    Receivables, inventories, prepaids$0$0$0$0$0
    Short-term investments$16,152,994$13,739,929$12,455,484$12,252,544$12,229,382
    Other current assets$12,596,730$11,020,289$6,552,300$6,503,086$5,626,580
    Total current assets$118,857,779$63,456,969$59,404,552$42,212,245$31,443,771
    Long-term investments$0$0$0$0$25,618,463
    Fixed assets$6,432,242$6,055,523$5,726,569$5,993,857$6,484,001
    Other long-term assets$30,651,688$26,265,649$26,510,757$27,331,821$0
    Total long-term assets$37,083,930$32,321,172$32,237,326$33,325,678$32,102,464
    Total assets$155,941,709$95,778,141$91,641,878$75,537,923$63,546,235
    Payables and accrued expenses$7,002,447$6,841,093$6,130,590$8,840,669$7,697,400
    Other current liabilities$0$0$0$0$1,979,491
    Total current liabilities$7,002,447$6,841,093$6,130,590$8,840,669$9,676,891
    Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
    Other long-term liabilities$15,624,749$14,416,166$14,607,713$15,747,294$16,598,453
    Total long-term liabilities$15,624,749$14,416,166$14,607,713$15,747,294$16,598,453
    Total liabilities$22,627,196$21,257,259$20,738,303$24,587,963$26,275,344
    Net assets20212020201920182017
    Without donor restrictions$61,703,049$48,630,705$46,832,049$45,140,098$27,214,577
    With donor restrictions$71,611,464$25,890,177$24,071,526$5,809,862$10,056,314
    Net assets$133,314,513$74,520,882$70,903,575$50,949,960$37,270,891
    Revenues and expenses
    Total contributions$98,067,999$100,400,530$112,495,134$117,498,940$117,361,972
    Program service revenue$1,569,739$1,802,850$1,998,383$2,084,291$2,276,281
    Membership dues$4,996,623$5,332,770$5,566,528$5,892,671$5,990,194
    Investment income$5,054,131$1,682,118$463,076$1,332,827$1,627,661
    Other revenue$1,273,571$114,613$196,405$43,868$403,814
    Total other revenue$12,894,064$8,932,351$8,224,392$9,353,657$10,297,950
    Total revenue$110,962,063$109,332,881$120,719,526$126,852,597$127,659,922
    Program services$48,051,508$98,095,962$93,916,842$108,516,262$118,096,428
    Management and general$3,373,800$3,882,625$3,717,472$3,350,419$3,147,844
    Total expenses$55,005,220$105,409,661$100,729,745$115,364,024$124,219,510
    Change in net assets20212020201920182017
    Surplus (deficit)$55,956,843$3,923,220$19,989,781$11,488,573$3,440,412
    Other changes in net assets$2,836,788($305,913)($36,166)$211,005$0
    Total change in net assets$58,793,631$3,617,307$19,953,615$11,699,578$3,440,412


    Compensation data for this ministry has not been collected.

    Response from ministry

    No response has been provided by this ministry.

    The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 2/23/2024. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


    Founded in 1899, The Gideons International serves as an extended missionary arm of the church and is the oldest Association of Christian business and professional men in the United States of America. Here are some highlights from our long history of service:

    The Idea: In the autumn of 1898, John H. Nicholson of Janesville, Wisconsin, arrived at the Central Hotel at Boscobel, Wisconsin, for the night. The hotel was crowded, but he was offered a bed in a double room with Samuel E. Hill of Beloit, Wisconsin. The two men soon discovered they shared a common belief in Christ, and they decided to have their evening devotions together. During their prayer time, both felt the call to begin developing an Association.

    First Meeting Called: On May 31, 1899, the two men met again at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, where they decided the purpose of their Association would be to band Christian commercial travelers together for mutual recognition, personal evangelism, and united service for the Lord. They decided to call a meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin, on July 1, 1899, in the Y.M.C.A.

    "We Shall be Called Gideons" : Only three men were present at the meeting in Janesville: John H. Nicholson, Samuel E. Hill, and Will J. Knights. They organized with Hill as president, Knights as vice president, and Nicholson as secretary and treasurer. When it came time to decide the name of the Association, the men held a special prayer time to ask that God might lead them to select the proper name. After, Mr. Knights arose from his knees and said simply, "We shall be called Gideons." He then proceeded to read the story of Gideon from the sixth and seventh chapters of Judges.

    Effective Witness in Hotels: In light of the fact that nearly all of the Gideons in the early years of the Association were traveling men, the question naturally arose as to how they might be more effective witnesses in hotels. One trustee went so far as to suggest that The Gideons supply a Bible for each bedroom of the hotels in the United States. He commented, "In my opinion, this would not only stimulate the activities of the rank and file of the membership, but would be a gracious act, wholly in keeping with the divine mission of the Gideon Association." This plan, which they called "The Bible Project" was adopted at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1908.

    Church Support: The idea of churches contributing to the support of the Gideon Scripture program originated with a pastor. Just two months after the 1908 Louisville Convention, a state convention was held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. National Secretary Frank Garlick and Mr. A.B.T. Moore attended a meeting of the Ministerial Union. After their program, they asked if Garlick could inform these minsters from around the world about the work of the Gideon Association. Garlick delivered a short yet inspired speech advocating for the need of Bible distribution. At the close of his brief address, Mr. Moore's own pastor, Dr. E.R. Burkhalter, arose and moved, "...that Gideon Bibles be placed in all local hotels and that the Ministerial Union be responsible for the funds." The motion was unanimously carried and a committee appointed to allocate the cost to the churches, according to their strength.

    A Worldwide Effort: It has been over 100 years since The Gideons International placed the first Bible in a hotel room in Montana. Through the grace of God and through the loving support of the local church and countless donors, more than 2 billion Bibles and New Testaments have been placed through our Association.

    The distribution of our first billion Scriptures by Gideon members spanned 93 years (1908 to 2001). Distribution of our second billion, however, was completed in just 13 years (2002-2015). On average, more than two copies of God's Word are distributed per second and over one million Bibles and New Testaments are distributed every four days.

    Program accomplishments

    The Gideons International began distributing the Word of God in 1908. Today, there are more than 269,500 Gideons and Auxiliary - and an untold number of supporters - in some 200 countries, territories, and possessions across the globe. These dedicated individuals have given their time and money to make it possible for others to learn about the love of God by giving them access to His Word. We have placed and distributed more than 2 billion Bibles and New Testaments around the world.
