Reliant Mission

The information on this page was last updated 9/12/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


We Mobilize Missionaries. Reliant is an evangelical Christian mission agency who is a trusted partner for hundreds of missional churches and Gospel-centered nonprofits and the generous financial partners who support their work.

For 25 years, Reliant Mission was Great Commission Ministries (GCM). Today our new identity represents our expanded mission as a partnering ministry-and it doesn't change our core commitment to "Go and make disciples of all nations."

Contact information

Mailing address:
Reliant Mission
11002 Lake Hart Dr Ste 100
Orlando, FL 32832-7106


Phone: (407) 671-9700

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 521707002

CEO/President: Mr. Thomas Mauriello

Chairman: Bisi Adewunmi

Board size: 8


Ruling year: 1997

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 12/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 1992


Reliant Mission is a Christian evangelical worldwide church planting, church growth and leadership development ministry with the objective of helping the church fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).

Mission statement

RELIANT partners with missional churches and Gospel-centered ministries to mobilize support-based workers for the Great Commission.

Statement of faith

Broadly, we affirm historic, orthodox Christianity as represented by the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.

Specifically, we are Evangelical and affirm the doctrinal statement of the World Evangelical Alliance: the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct...

One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...

Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory...

The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit...

The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ...

The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ...

The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Donor confidence score

This organization does not file a Form 990.

Show donor confidence score details

Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Foreign Missions

This ministry has not been rated.

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20202019201820172016
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20202019201820172016
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20202019201820172016
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20202019201820172016
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20202019201820172016
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$413,427$459,417$388,994$353,880$314,105
Short-term investments$8,108,831$6,630,133$5,369,777$5,078,437$4,573,506
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$15,542,954$12,059,562$9,466,121$8,160,179$7,216,364
Long-term investments$0$0$0$0$35,005
Fixed assets$438,127$476,610$639,661$693,392$642,675
Other long-term assets$274,283$443,066$0$0$50,534
Total long-term assets$712,410$919,676$639,661$693,392$728,214
Total assets$16,255,364$12,979,238$10,105,782$8,853,571$7,944,578
Payables and accrued expenses$3,274,158$3,071,515$2,651,084$2,382,403$2,107,861
Other current liabilities$0$10,200$17,722$28,932$17,261
Total current liabilities$3,274,158$3,081,715$2,668,806$2,411,335$2,125,122
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$281,617$446,584$0$0$0
Total long-term liabilities$281,617$446,584$0$0$0
Total liabilities$3,555,775$3,528,299$2,668,806$2,411,335$2,125,122
Net assets20202019201820172016
Without donor restrictions$3,035,116$2,160,328$1,580,642$1,553,626$1,225,941
With donor restrictions$9,664,473$7,290,611$5,856,334$4,888,610$4,593,515
Net assets$12,699,589$9,450,939$7,436,976$6,442,236$5,819,456
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$42,515,048$36,785,263$31,058,475$26,627,005$24,297,394
Program service revenue$192,772$373,783$413,771$355,313$330,393
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income$244,203$389,841$11,310$105,849$90,850
Other revenue$26,258$23,431$18,482$20,100$14,427
Total other revenue$463,233$787,055$443,563$481,262$435,670
Total revenue$42,978,281$37,572,318$31,502,038$27,108,267$24,733,064
Program services$31,435,161$27,653,789$23,383,256$20,654,102$18,581,735
Management and general$4,742,041$4,535,270$3,957,489$2,270,987$2,179,030
Total expenses$39,729,631$35,558,355$30,507,298$26,485,487$24,232,940
Change in net assets20202019201820172016
Surplus (deficit)$3,248,650$2,013,963$994,740$622,780$500,124
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets$3,248,650$2,013,963$994,740$622,780$500,124


Compensation data for this ministry has not been collected.

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 9/12/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


1989 | Founded

Great Commission Ministries (GCM) was founded as a mission agency for Great Commission Churches to focus on campus church planting. With help from Campus Crusade for Christ, GCM launched its first missionary training class for campus church planters.

2001 | Growth and Leadership

In addition to its role as a mission agency, GCM also functions as a church leadership office, becoming known as an up-and-coming campus church planting network in the U.S.

2006 | Refocusing

As the Great Commission movement matures, it spins off multiple independent church leadership groups with various callings. God leads GCM's board of directors to choose a clear focus: missionary mobilization. GCM begins a new chapter, offering experience in missionary services to missional churches and Gospel-centered nonprofits throughout the evangelical world. GCM is no longer a single-association agency.

2015 | Becoming Reliant

As GCM continues to serve a broader range of evangelical missionaries and organizations, the board of directors agrees on a new name to better fit who GCM serves. As a result, GCM became Reliant Mission in 2015.


Reliant continues to serve many new partner church networks, with Reliant serving as a hub between local churches, missionaries, and generous donors who support their work. Reliant also serves local churches by providing training and support for their residency and internship programs. Reliant serves around 900 missionaries and has seen steady growth in financial giving year after year.

Program accomplishments

Reliant has church and ministry partners in 278 cities and 37 countries.


Reliant has many on-going projects that are in need of funding. More information on these specific projects may be found on Reliant's website.