Christian Broadcasting Network

The information on this page was last updated 10/27/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. ("CBN") uses mass media, especially television and visual media, to prepare the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the everlasting kingdom of God on earth. CBN's purpose is to train the young and old to understand how the principles of the Kingdom of God relate to everyday life. CBN also provides spiritual counseling, financial help, and other humanitarian aid to those in need. CBN was founded in 1960 by Pat Robertson to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world as a witness unto all nations (Matthew 24:14). It is CBN's intention to follow Jesus' example by teaching biblical principles for living, raising up Christian leaders, and working to alleviate human suffering throughout the world. With innovation, excellence, and integrity as standards, CBN aims to glorify God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463


Phone: (757) 226-7000


Organization details

EIN: 540678752

CEO/President: Gordon Robertson

Chairman: Pat Robertson

Board size: 9

Founder: Pat Robertson

Ruling year: 1961

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 03/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 1995


Three words should characterize the execution of our mission. First, we will be innovative. Our task is not to duplicate or copy other men's labors. Second, we will be excellent. Our work must either be of lasting value and highest quality, or it should not be done at all. Third, we will demonstrate integrity. In our work, our public relations, our internal and external communications, there will be an abiding commitment to truth. Integrity must characterize all of our dealings with others.

In the fulfillment of our mission, as to calling and message, our Biblical role model is John the Baptist. As to wisdom, it is Solomon. As to ministry to Israel, it is the prophet Ezekiel. In all that we are, do, and say, it is Jesus Christ.

Mission statement

The mission of CBN and its affiliated organizations is to prepare the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a time in history when "the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea."

The mission of CBN and its affiliated organizations is to prepare the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a time in history when "the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea."

In achieving our mission, our chief method is the strategic use of mass communication and education that will train the young and old to understand how the principles of the Kingdom of God relate to those spheres of human endeavor which play a dominant role in our world.

In achieving our mission, nothing should be done that does not glorify God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Statement of faith

We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative source of Christian doctrine and precept.

We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe that man was created in the image of God, but as a result of sin is lost and powerless to save himself.

We believe that the only hope for man is to believe on Jesus Christ, the virgin-born Son of God, Who died to take upon Himself the punishment for the sin of mankind, and Who rose from the dead so that by receiving Him as Savior and Lord, man is redeemed by His blood.

We believe that Jesus Christ in person will return to earth in power and glory.

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells those who have received Christ for the purpose of enabling them to live righteous and godly lives.

We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ and is composed of all those who through belief in Christ have been spiritually regenerated by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The mission of the church is worldwide evangelization.

Donor confidence score

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Transparency grade


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Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Educational Media

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating708 of 110731 of 45
Fund acquisition rating917 of 110841 of 45
Resource allocation rating608 of 110823 of 45
Asset utilization rating387 of 110716 of 45

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$70,450,567$69,090,425$66,208,033$64,782,818$59,240,175
Short-term investments$32,223,829$30,344,855$31,415,943$15,971,890$12,887,707
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$192,876,630$178,469,980$169,708,592$135,997,642$93,132,500
Long-term investments$1,083,735$4,112,776$12,972,882$11,898,475$13,508,594
Fixed assets$25,356,787$25,219,096$25,584,141$25,199,291$26,962,090
Other long-term assets$33,146,778$25,211,431$17,542,660$17,128,801$13,649,683
Total long-term assets$59,587,300$54,543,303$56,099,683$54,226,567$54,120,367
Total assets$252,463,930$233,013,283$225,808,275$190,224,209$147,252,867
Payables and accrued expenses$16,493,826$14,925,423$15,126,384$12,934,836$17,514,513
Other current liabilities$1,709,902$1,873,433$567,410$481,900$397,099
Total current liabilities$18,203,728$16,798,856$15,693,794$13,416,736$17,911,612
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$15,915,129$15,844,322$8,746,085$9,422,836$8,919,267
Total long-term liabilities$15,915,129$15,844,322$8,746,085$9,422,836$8,919,267
Total liabilities$34,118,857$32,643,178$24,439,879$22,839,572$26,830,879
Net assets20242023202220212020
Without donor restrictions$119,837,436$113,721,288$112,454,880$83,515,393$53,797,073
With donor restrictions$98,507,637$86,648,817$88,913,516$83,869,244$66,624,915
Net assets$218,345,073$200,370,105$201,368,396$167,384,637$120,421,988
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$208,973,273$198,221,868$212,105,105$207,116,080$179,634,883
Program service revenue$143,531$142,445$371,490$347,237$215,815
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income$5,932,591$13,353,651$2,957,003$1,959,853$1,155,089
Other revenue$85,036,473$82,939,223$102,494,437$103,634,891$108,742,571
Total other revenue$91,112,595$96,435,319$105,822,930$105,941,981$110,113,475
Total revenue$300,085,868$294,657,187$317,928,035$313,058,061$289,748,358
Program services$228,664,606$243,743,831$237,258,594$230,356,170$256,703,120
Management and general$17,101,508$16,363,111$16,147,694$13,527,104$15,677,479
Total expenses$283,411,429$295,273,972$282,713,119$269,571,938$301,902,983
Change in net assets20242023202220212020
Surplus (deficit)$16,674,439($616,785)$35,214,916$43,486,123($12,154,625)
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets$16,674,439($616,785)$35,214,916$43,486,123($12,154,625)


Mg RobertsonChairman of the Board (until 6/8/23)$806,617
Gordon P RobertsonChairman/CEO/President$667,539
Terry MeeuwsenCo-Host$425,916
James R Barr JrVice President/CFO$300,754
David K GriffithVice President$292,350
Robert L AllmanVice President$288,475
Michael StonecypherVice President$283,411
Marvin B EdwardsVice President$277,710
Caroline EverettVice President (as of 5/1/23)$268,195
Randy J MorellVP/Secretary$253,108
Andrew W KnoxVice President$242,831
David BrodySenior Correspondent$239,257
Dan AndrosDigital Media Managing Editor$226,706
Joseph F FitzpatrickAssoc. General Counsel$224,141
Jon WoltmannAssoc. General Counsel$207,570
Chris A Mitchell SrVice President$203,417
Mihai BocarneaVice President$172,489
Jay L ComiskeyVice President (until 4/3/23)$154,270
Edie L WasserbergSenior Consultant$120,305
Vickie WarrenAssistant Secretary$49,396
William L McConkeyDirector$9,000

Compensation data as of: 3/31/2024

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 10/27/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


Fifty-seven years ago, one could have reasonably suggested that Pat Robertson was stretching his imagination when he named his broadcasting organization -- located in a defunct Portsmouth, Virginia TV station -- The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). Not only was CBN the first Christian television station in Virginia, it was also the first in the nation. Fifty-seven years later, no one can dispute that CBN is one of the largest television ministries in the world. Moreover, with its many subsidiary and affiliate organizations, CBN goes beyond the bounds of broadcasting in its mission to reach the world with a message of hope from the Bible.

The story of CBN's birth and early years is documented in Pat Robertson's autobiography, Shout It From The Housetops. Founded on January 11, 1960, CBN first went on the air on October 1, 1961, on WYAH-TV (from Yahweh, the Hebrew name for God), a UHF television station with barely enough power to reach across the Portsmouth city limits. With a modest income from a few local supporters, CBN began broadcasting live half-hour programs from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. every night. Gradually, the broadcast day was expanded to 5:00 p.m. to midnight. Because Robertson refused to accept commercial advertisements, paying for programming was out of the question. A few free travelogue films were used to fill in the blank spots.

In the fall of 1963, CBN conducted its first telethon to raise the $7,000 per month needed for the following year's budget. Robertson told viewers that a "club" of 700 contributors, each giving $10 a month, would enable CBN to meet its expenses. As guests appeared to sing and share their religious experiences, Robertson invited the audience to pray for the 700 supporters who would help keep CBN going. Though its financial struggles continued, CBN had taken an important step in building community support for the ministry.

A year later, the "700 Club" telethon was an important turning point for CBN. This telethon generated more contributions than the previous year's but not enough to meet CBN's growing budget. Then, in the final minutes of the broadcast, a remarkable outpouring of spiritual revival began to sweep through the viewing audience. Throughout the next several days, callers flooded CBN with prayer requests and pledges of financial support to CBN. A year later, Robertson added a program to the end of his station's broadcast day that followed the telethon format, prayer and ministry coupled with telephone response. He named it The 700 Club, hoping to build on the audience that had become familiar with CBN's telethons. The program's audience grew as other stations began carrying the show.

Today, CBN is a multifaceted nonprofit organization that provides programming by cable, broadcast and satellite to approximately 200 countries, with a 24-hour telephone prayer line. Chief among CBN's broadcasting components is The 700 Club, a daily television program featuring Pat Robertson, Terry Meeuswen, Gordon Robertson, Wendy Griffith, and news anchor John Jessup. On the air continuously since 1966, The 700 Club is one of the longest-running programs in broadcast history. Seen in 97 percent of the television markets across the United States, the show's news/magazine format presents a lively mix of information, interviews, and inspiration.

CBN's international ministry has worked in 122 different languages, from Mandarin to Spanish and from Turkish to Welsh. In 1990 CBN International launched special projects in the Commonwealth of Independent States (formerly the Soviet Union) that included primetime specials and later The 700 Club and Superbook, an animated series of Bible stories. The broadcasts were followed by 190 rallies throughout the region that resulted in the establishment of 190 churches. Similar special projects were implemented in the Philippines and Romania in 1994. CBN International also distributes videos and literature and provides follow-up through international ministries around the world. In 1995, CBN launched CBN WorldReach with a mission of converting 500 million people to Christianity using Gospel programming to targeted international audiences.

Middle East Television (METV), was a television station in Southern Lebanon, broadcasts news, sports, family entertainment, and religious programming by satellite to a potential audience of 200 million people in 15 nations including Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Cyprus. METV also distributed free videotapes and religious literature and provided food and clothing -- through CBN's humanitarian affiliate, Operation Blessing International -- throughout the Middle East. METV was sold to a like-minded ministry, LeSEA Broadcasting, in July 2001.

Here in America, The 700 Club Prayer Centers in Virginia Beach, Virginia and Nashville, Tennessee provide prayer, scriptural counsel, and literature to people who call CBN's toll free telephone prayer line. The center's phones are staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year by a staff of paid, volunteer, and "on call" workers who are trained in offering comfort and encouragement from a biblical perspective.

In 1977, CBN started the nation's first basic TV cable network with satellite transmissions of religious and syndicated family TV shows. By 1981, CBN Cable reached nearly 10 million homes. Renamed the CBN Family Channel in 1988, the commercial cable operation continued to prosper and was sold in 1990 to International Family Entertainment Inc. (IFE), a publicly held company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange. IFE was sold in 1997 to Fox Kids Worldwide, Inc.. Disney acquired the Fox Family Channel and it was named ABC Family on November 10, 2001 and renamed Freeform in January of 2016.

Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation is an affiliate organization founded by Pat Robertson in 1978. Operation Blessing was originally set up to help disadvantaged people by matching their needs for clothing, appliances, vehicles and other items with articles donated by viewers of The 700 Club. However, as requests for assistance grew, Robertson and CBN's board of directors decided to make a financial commitment to Operation Blessing that reached $1 million in 1982. In 1992 a fleet of refrigerated tractor-trailer trucks was added to Operation Blessing and called the Hunger Strike Force (HSF). The HSF hauls millions of pounds of food and disaster relief across the U.S. Operation Blessing later purchased and retrofitted an L-1011 airplane into a hospital. "The Flying Hospital" was commissioned in 1996 by former President George Bush and took its first medical mission to El Salvador. The Flying Hospital was sold to a charitable not-for-profit organization in 2000.

Located in Virginia Beach, Va., Regent University was founded in 1977 by Robertson, who serves as its president and chancellor. Regent is a fully accredited graduate university that offers degrees in business, communication & the arts, divinity, education, government, law, organizational leadership and psychology & counseling. In addition, Regent offers a bachelor's degree completion program. Regent University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the bachelor's, master's and doctor's degrees, and has enrollment of over 4,000 students. In addition to the main campus in Virginia Beach, Regent offers programs online via their Worldwide Campus.

CBN Historical Highlights

THE 1960s - CBN founded and goes on the air from WYAH-TV in Portsmouth, Virginia. - Portsmouth facility renovated and transmission power boosted. - Full color television production begins. - CBN acquires six radio stations in U.S. and one in Colombia, South America. - The first "700 Club" telethon leads to a daily show called The 700 Club.

THE 1970s - A new tower and higher transmission power increases CBN's coverage area. - CBN acquires TV stations in Dallas, Atlanta and Boston. - National Counseling Center begins 24-hour telephone prayer line. - The 700 Club becomes the first religious program in English to be carried by cable in Israel. - CBN buys 142 acres of land in Virginia Beach and builds a new studio headquarters building. - CBN International is established and delivers CBN programming to the Far East, Canada, South America, Mexico, Africa, and Europe. - CBN becomes the first Christian ministry to build and operate its own satellite earth station. - 24-hour Christian programming begins by satellite. - CBN University opens. - Operation Blessing is established. - CBN Cable is established.

THE 1980s - The 700 Club changes to a news/magazine format and opens a news bureau in Washington D.C. - Middle East Television begins operations in Southern Lebanon and Israel. - CBN begins producing animation programs to share the Gospel with "Superbook." Airs in Japan. - CBN buys additional acreage for future expansion and builds the Corporate Support Building. -"Don't Ask Me, Ask God" airs. It is the most-watched religious special in broadcast history. -CBN Cable becomes The Family Channel. - CBN receives Emmy Award for "Never Say Goodbye," produced for CBS.

THE 1990s - CBN University becomes Regent University and Law & Government Building opens. - The Family Channel is sold to International Family Entertainment (IFE) in 1990. - The Soviet government opens door for a CBN ministry center in Moscow. CBN airs a Christmas special and "Superbook" on Soviet television. One hundred million people view CBN's television specials in 1991 and 1992. - Philippines and Romania broadcasting blitzes reach millions. - The Founders Inn opens. - Regent University receives a $117 million endowment gift from CBN, the largest to a private university. - Operation Blessing Hunger Strike Force trucking line founded and launches an 18-city food distribution campaign, delivering more than four million pounds of food. - Operation Blessing Medical Strike Force founded. First medical mission is to Russia. One of the first humanitarian organizations to assist in Rwanda refugee crisis. - CBN launches magazine format website, in 1995. - An L-1011 aircraft is purchased and converted into a "flying hospital." The Flying Hospital takes its first mission to El Salvador in 1996. - Middle East Television begins broadcasting by satellite to a potential audience of 200 million people in 15 nations in the Middle East. * "Micah's Christmas Treasure," "The Easter Promise," "Alabastor's Song," and "Spunky's First Christmas" animation specials air in U.S. and internationally. - CBN WorldReach worldwide campaign is launched October 1, 1995, goal is to win 500 million souls to Christ. - IFE is sold in 1997 to Fox Kids Worldwide, Inc. - Regent University receives $109.3 million from sale of IFE stock. -"Spunky's First Christmas" animation debuts Christmas 1997 in the United States and 20 other nations. - CBN joins Campus Crusade for Christ in national prayer and fasting event March 1 through April 9, 1998, called Pray USA `98. -"1000 Years in the Killing Fields" docudrama airs in Cambodia to minister to survivors of the Killing Fields. - CBN WorldReach conducts media blitz programming during bombing of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. - CBN sponsors Y2K conference in October, 1998. - CBN WorldReach conducts crusade in Hyderabad, India, during medical mission to 350,000 people. - Book of Hope Campaign, in partnership with Tyndale Publishing, distributes over 10 million books making it the largest Bible reading campaign in America, as well as the largest promotion of any secular or religious book.

THE 2000s

2000 - CBN celebrates its 40th anniversary since inception on January 11. - Pat Robertson celebrates his 70th birthday on March 22. - Pat Robertson reaffirms his ordination vows on March 27. - Regent University acquires ownership of the Founders Inn on August 1.

2001 - Regent University dedicates new graduate center in Alexandria, Va. on March 19. - METV licensing and operations transferred to a like-minded ministry, LeSEA Broadcasting in South Bend, Ind. in July. - CBN launches Living the Life, a 30-minute magazine style show for women, produced by CBN. Living the Life was launched in September. - Terrorist Attacks hit New York City and Washington. CBN News responds with live two hour morning broadcast. They also provide news every hour on the hour as well as 11 p.m. live broadcast-September 11. - On September 11, Operation Blessing mobilizes to help victims of terrorist attacks against the US. In the following days OB delivers over 210,000 pounds of relief supplies such as: blankets, nutritional bars, drinks, adhesive bandages, medical kits, toiletry items, coveralls, and respirators - CBN celebrates its 40th Broadcast Anniversary on October 1. - Regent University begins construction on The Communication and Performing Arts building in March. Construction was completed in the fall of 2002. - Over 10 Christian Broadcasters unite in an unprecedented effort to reach out to the American people with, Where is God Now?, a two-hour primetime special produced by CBN. The program airs November 21-24.

2002 - NorthStar Studios, a state-of-the-art broadcast facility, opens its doors in May. - First via satellite interview from NorthStar Studios with Pat Robertson on Fox News Hannity & Colmes on May 17. - First 700 Club broadcast featuring Kathy Troccoli from NorthStar studio, June 16. - Pat Robertson presented with The State of Israel Friendship Award by the Chicago chapter of the Zionist Organization of America on July 14. - CBN News launches CBN NewsWatch, a new half-hour weekend program, in October.

2003 - United States goes to war in March and CBN News covers Operation Iraqi Freedom extensively on The 700 Club by adding the daily program CBN NewsWatch to their lineup and bringing on Col. William Taylor, military analyst, to contribute to news reports. - CBN's domestic One Cubed launches on September 18. One Cubed is a cutting edge magazine style program which features extreme sports, music videos, and celebrity interviews. - Pat Robertson speaks to Israeli leaders at the Herzliya Conference at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy on December 17.

2004 - The Ten Offenses, Dr. Robertson's cutting edge book regarding the Ten Commandments is released in January. - Pat Robertson's 16th book, Courting Disaster, is released by Integrity Publishers in January. - Israeli Cabinet Member and Minister of Tourism, Benny Elon, presents Pat Robertson with honorary Ambassadors Award at the NRB Convention on February 15th. - November sweeps show tremendous ratings growth for The 700 Club. December reaches ten year ratings high. - Operation Blessing begins providing emergency relief for Tsunami victims in Asia on December 26th.

2005 - On January 7, John Tesh, Connie Sellecca and family travel with Operation Blessing to Sri Lanka to aid Tsunami victims - On March 11,The 700 Club features an exclusive interview with Mel Gibson regarding his movie, The Passion of the Christ. - Pat Robertson celebrates his 75th birthday on March 22. - On May 15, Christian World News pioneers global news alliance giving Christian broadcasters the ability to share footage on the Internet.

2006 - Pat Robertson's new book, Miracles Can Be Yours Today, is released in January by Integrity Publishers - The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) awards The 700 Club with the Best Television Talk Show Award in January. - CBN Animation's, The Lion's Den, wins four Telly Awards for Children's Television Programming, Original Music, Animation and Home Video Production in March. - CBN Animation's, The Lion's Den, wins four OMNI Awards for Outstanding Children's Programming in May. - CBN launches Orphans Promise in December, a ministry to orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children, with Terry Meeuwsen as director.

2007 - On April 29, CBN celebrates the 400th Anniversary of the English settlers erecting a wooden cross at Cape Henry, Virginia, and dedicating America to God. CBN has a "Reclaiming The Covenant" ceremony outside by the cross with partners and CBN employees. - On April 30, First Landing, a CBN and Regent University produced movie, airs on ABC Family and various syndicated stations across the United States. - The 700 Club begins airing in HD in May. - On December 3, Pat Robertson announces CBN Board elected Gordon Robertson as Chief Executive Office of CBN. Pat continues as Chairman of the Board.

2008 - "A Giant Adventure," the first episode of CBN's newly reimagined Superbook series, premieres at the Major Donors Partner Weekend at CBN, on April 5th. - On April 29, launches 24-hour News Channel. - CBN Radio is launched in November.

2009 - CBN launches 700 Club Interactive on May 25th. Hosted by Gordon Robertson, it airs weekday at 9:30 a.m. on Freeform. - On May 27, Pat Robertson's book Right on the Money is released. - CBN News' Jerusalem Studio is dedicated on September 13. - launches the Superbook website on November 2nd. - Since its launch in November 2009, more than 613,350 people have made a public profession of their faith on the Superbook website, and an additional 162,000 on the Superbook Kids Bible App. - launches the 24-hour CBN NewsChannel, featuring breaking news, national news, and world news; documentaries and in-depth features; and The 700 Club and Christian World News.

2010 - CBN celebrates the 50th anniversary of the ministry's incorporation, on January 11th. - Pat Robertson celebrates 80th birthday on March 22.

2011 - On January 11, CBN celebrates 50th Anniversary of the ministry's incorporation. - WorldReach changes it's name to CBN International on August 25. - On October 1, CBN celebrates the 50th Anniversary of broadcasting. - The 700 Club Canada, a daily program, is launched in November.

2013 - On March 21, Regent University celebrates Chapel Grand Opening. - Operation Blessing celebrates 35th Anniversary obon November 14.

2014 - Launch of Superbook Academy. Church curriculum based on the reimagined Superbook series for grades 1-6. - Helping the Home Front is launched in December. Providing financial support for military families across the U.S., through local churches.

2015 - In 2015, Superbook is broadcast in more than 90 countries to an audience of 252 million people. - Pat Robertson celebrates 85th birthday on March 22. - On July 20, CBN premieres its award-winning documentary The Hope: The Rebirth of Israel.

2016 - As of 2016, the Superbook Kids Bible App has been downloaded more than 2.2 million times. - 35 episodes of the re-imagined Superbook animation program have been produced as of 2016. - Studio 5, a show that takes an inside look at movies, music, sports, and television debuts on February 5. - Pray for America is launched in September: a 40-day prayer campaign mobilizing over 110,000 people to pray for America around the clock. - On September 21, CBN launches, targeting millennials with a mobile, social approach to faith. - CBN celebrates the 55th Anniversay of broadcasting on October 1. - CBN News launches in October: a news source featuring podcasts and commentary, designed to reach millennials. - CBN completes the translation of Superbook into 50 languages.

Program accomplishments


CBN is a global nonprofit ministry demonstrating the love of God and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through media evangelism and humanitarian aid...

to 174 countries & territories

in 70 languages

with 60 years of integrity