Union Mission Ministries
The information on this page was last updated 10/31/2023. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]
Since 1911, Union Mission has been a ready, active hand of help to the needy of West Virginia. Our mission is "helping hurting people in Jesus' name," and as such, we unabashedly share the gospel of Jesus Christ even as we minister to the physical needs of the downtrodden. We have seen God work in amazing ways through our various ministries to improve lives and draw people closer to Him. All over our state, the Union Mission has gained a reputation of being there for those who have nowhere to turn.
Contact information
Mailing address:
Union Mission Ministries
PO Box 112
Charleston, WV 25321
Website: unionmission.com
Phone: 304-925-0366
Email: https://unionmission.com/contact-us/
Organization details
EIN: 556000896
CEO/President: Jason Quintrell
Chairman: Steve Corbin
Board size: 11
Ruling year: 1963
Tax deductible: Yes
Fiscal year end: 12/31
Member of ECFA: No
Member of ECFA since:
Our nine different ministries & programs areas are always seeking ways to help more people in our state.
Mission statement
Our mission is "helping hurting people in Jesus' name."
Statement of faith
Donor confidence score
Show donor confidence score detailsTransparency grade
To understand our transparency grade, click here.
Financial efficiency ratings
Sector: Community Development
Category | Rating | Overall rank | Sector rank |
Overall efficiency rating | 1062 of 1102 | 112 of 120 | |
Fund acquisition rating | 914 of 1103 | 87 of 120 | |
Resource allocation rating | 947 of 1103 | 101 of 120 | |
Asset utilization rating | 989 of 1102 | 104 of 120 |
Financial ratios
Funding ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts = Fundraising expense / Total contributions | 8% | 11% | 10% | 7% | 3% | 4% |
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio = Fundraising expense / Total revenue | 5% | 10% | 10% | 6% | 3% | 4% |
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance = Total contributions / Total revenue | 92% | 91% | 99% | 93% | 108% | 99% |
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio = Fundraising expense / Total expenses | 6% | 10% | 10% | 7% | 3% | 4% |
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance = Total other revenue / Total revenue | 8% | 9% | 1% | 7% | -8% | 1% |
Operating ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio = Program services / Total expenses | 83% | 73% | 75% | 76% | 83% | 86% |
Spending ratio Spending ratio = Total expenses / Total revenue | 98% | 97% | 99% | 85% | 92% | 111% |
Program output ratio Program output ratio = Program services / Total revenue | 81% | 71% | 74% | 65% | 76% | 95% |
Savings ratio Savings ratio = Surplus (deficit) / Total revenue | 2% | 3% | 1% | 15% | 8% | -11% |
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate = Surplus (deficit) / Net assets | 1% | 2% | 1% | 11% | 7% | -9% |
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio = Management and general expense / Total expenses | 11% | 16% | 15% | 17% | 14% | 11% |
Investing ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover = Total expenses / Total assets | 0.91 | 0.63 | 0.59 | 0.57 | 0.76 | 0.90 |
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment = Total assets / Total current assets | 1.79 | 3.98 | 3.64 | 3.91 | 3.46 | 3.75 |
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover = Total expenses / Total current assets | 1.96 | 2.50 | 2.13 | 2.24 | 2.63 | 3.37 |
Liquidity ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Current ratio Current ratio = Total current assets / Total current liabilities | 15.33 | 2.87 | 3.44 | 3.76 | 4.86 | 6.28 |
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio = Total current liabilities / Total current assets | 0.06 | 0.35 | 0.29 | 0.27 | 0.21 | 0.16 |
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level = (Total current assets - Total current liabilities) / (Total expenses / 12) | 5.73 | 3.13 | 3.99 | 3.94 | 3.62 | 3.00 |
Solvency ratios | Sector median | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets | 10% | 9% | 8% | 7% | 6% | 4% |
Debt ratio Debt ratio = Debt / Total assets | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio = Net assets / Total expenses | 91% | 145% | 157% | 163% | 124% | 107% |
Balance sheet | |||||
Assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Cash | $1,699,507 | $1,994,355 | $1,765,160 | $1,703,397 | $1,375,072 |
Receivables, inventories, prepaids | $9,658 | $78 | $3,909 | $1,167 | $5,296 |
Short-term investments | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other current assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current assets | $1,709,165 | $1,994,433 | $1,769,069 | $1,704,564 | $1,380,368 |
Long-term investments | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Fixed assets | $1,639,493 | $1,311,480 | $1,299,281 | $1,286,782 | $1,049,420 |
Other long-term assets | $3,458,824 | $3,945,262 | $3,844,475 | $2,907,037 | $2,751,205 |
Total long-term assets | $5,098,317 | $5,256,742 | $5,143,756 | $4,193,819 | $3,800,625 |
Total assets | $6,807,482 | $7,251,175 | $6,912,825 | $5,898,383 | $5,180,993 |
Liabilities | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Payables and accrued expenses | $595,128 | $579,585 | $470,439 | $350,783 | $219,747 |
Other current liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total current liabilities | $595,128 | $579,585 | $470,439 | $350,783 | $219,747 |
Debt | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Due to (from) affiliates | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Other long-term liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total long-term liabilities | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total liabilities | $595,128 | $579,585 | $470,439 | $350,783 | $219,747 |
Net assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Without donor restrictions | $3,266,302 | $3,795,624 | $3,591,100 | $2,776,323 | $2,303,698 |
With donor restrictions | $2,946,052 | $2,875,966 | $2,851,286 | $2,771,277 | $2,657,548 |
Net assets | $6,212,354 | $6,671,590 | $6,442,386 | $5,547,600 | $4,961,246 |
Revenues and expenses | |||||
Revenue | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Total contributions | $4,041,720 | $4,257,030 | $4,304,219 | $5,252,950 | $4,149,677 |
Program service revenue | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Membership dues | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Investment income | $193,350 | $179,140 | $203,712 | $174,268 | $150,671 |
Other revenue | $182,577 | ($137,257) | $137,547 | ($561,300) | ($97,598) |
Total other revenue | $375,927 | $41,883 | $341,259 | ($387,032) | $53,073 |
Total revenue | $4,417,647 | $4,298,913 | $4,645,478 | $4,865,918 | $4,202,750 |
Expenses | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Program services | $3,140,411 | $3,181,747 | $3,007,520 | $3,705,913 | $3,976,996 |
Management and general | $697,356 | $651,233 | $662,667 | $641,835 | $506,478 |
Fundraising | $435,038 | $422,104 | $284,160 | $142,604 | $165,843 |
Total expenses | $4,272,805 | $4,255,084 | $3,954,347 | $4,490,352 | $4,649,317 |
Change in net assets | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
Surplus (deficit) | $144,842 | $43,829 | $691,131 | $375,566 | ($446,567) |
Other changes in net assets | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Total change in net assets | $144,842 | $43,829 | $691,131 | $375,566 | ($446,567) |
Name | Title | Compensation |
Jason Quintrell | President/CEO | $134,821 |
Gearry Bailey | VP Finance & Human Resourc | $92,718 |
Compensation data as of: 12/31/2022
Response from ministry
No response has been provided by this ministry.
The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 10/31/2023. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]