Wears Valley Ranch

The information on this page was last updated 7/12/2024. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


Wears Valley Ranch (in Sevierville, Tennessee) provides Christian homes, education, and counseling to children in crisis situations.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Wears Valley Ranch
100 One Fine Place
Sevierville, TN 37862

Website: wvr.org

Phone: 865-429-5437

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 581933629

CEO/President: Clayton Wood

Chairman: Russell Devore

Board size: 10


Ruling year: 1991

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 12/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 2001


To see every person inspired to follow Christ, healed from the past, and equipped to reach his or her full potential.

Mission statement

Promote the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social and physical development of children in need of a stronger family support system, through Christ-centered home settings.

Statement of faith

The Bible
The Bible is God's Word. It contains truth without any mixture of error. We accept its authority over every area of our lives. Through it we come to know God as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. There are some things in the Bible that we may not fully understand, but as we study we can always learn more.

God is the creator of all things. He is perfect, eternal, self-existent, all knowing, all powerful, and present everywhere. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has revealed Himself finally through Jesus the Messiah, Who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the full payment for the sins of all who believe, rose from the dead, and is coming again in glory.

Man was created by God for the purpose of serving Him and enjoying fellowship with Him forever. Given the freedom to choose good or evil, our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose evil with the result that suffering and death have passed to every generation in history. All of us demonstrate the effects of this sin in that from our earliest opportunity each of us chooses to disobey God. The consequence is guilt and eternal death.

Despite our sin, God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to provide a sacrifice that would remove the guilt of everyone who trusts in Jesus. Salvation is only available through God's grace (undeserved favor) and is received by those who trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Salvation is more than being forgiven. It means a new life in which God comes to live in us and change us by His power from the inside out.

The Church
When a person is led by God's Spirit to trust in Jesus and receives Him as Lord and Savior, that individual becomes part of a family that is worldwide and will live forever. This family of believers is the Church. Members of the Church are commanded to meet together and worship God, study His word and strengthen one another. We are also commanded to take the good news of God's love to people all over the world until everyone has had the opportunity to trust Jesus. Someday people everywhere will have heard the good news, and Jesus will return to earth to take all His family home to be with Him forever.

The Wears Valley Ranch Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of Wears Valley Ranch's faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Board of Directors is Wears Valley Ranch's final interpretive authority on the Bible's meaning and application.

Donor confidence score

Show donor confidence score details

Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Adoption/Foster Care

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating807 of 110723 of 35
Fund acquisition rating586 of 110814 of 35
Resource allocation rating441 of 110817 of 35
Asset utilization rating1059 of 110735 of 35

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$4,523$283,756$17,937$1,929$0
Short-term investments$562,935$442,711$529,035$399,050$354,587
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$2,075,813$2,257,906$2,539,341$1,783,469$1,324,796
Long-term investments$0$0$0$0$0
Fixed assets$7,088,462$7,075,308$6,882,070$5,743,665$5,754,084
Other long-term assets$120,283$130,726$113,504$95,840$100,840
Total long-term assets$7,208,745$7,206,034$6,995,574$5,839,505$5,854,924
Total assets$9,284,558$9,463,940$9,534,915$7,622,974$7,179,720
Payables and accrued expenses$30,366$23,391$97,388$4,387$500
Other current liabilities$300$11,365$0$613$3,960
Total current liabilities$30,666$34,756$97,388$5,000$4,460
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$0$0$0$0$0
Total long-term liabilities$0$0$0$0$0
Total liabilities$30,666$34,756$97,388$5,000$4,460
Net assets20232022202120202019
Without donor restrictions$8,117,504$8,351,694$8,551,631$7,488,280$6,992,127
With donor restrictions$1,136,388$1,077,490$885,896$129,694$183,133
Net assets$9,253,892$9,429,184$9,437,527$7,617,974$7,175,260
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$2,708,070$2,831,843$4,118,897$2,499,741$1,968,030
Program service revenue$450,026$380,660$355,429$91,168$333,786
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income($3,618)$24,233$32,585$19,669$80,612
Other revenue$54,547$20,130$22,400$31,936$46,588
Total other revenue$500,955$425,023$410,414$142,773$460,986
Total revenue$3,209,025$3,256,866$4,529,311$2,642,514$2,429,016
Program services$2,873,439$2,607,377$2,131,960$1,753,891$1,792,552
Management and general$375,234$371,736$392,205$353,559$355,218
Total expenses$3,445,571$3,180,067$2,730,419$2,224,693$2,252,395
Change in net assets20232022202120202019
Surplus (deficit)($236,546)$76,799$1,798,892$417,821$176,621
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets($236,546)$76,799$1,798,892$417,821$176,621


Jim WoodDirector, Founder$277,362
Brian McDonnelSec/Tres$120,342
Clayton WoodPresident$61,316

Compensation data as of: 12/31/2023

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 7/12/2024. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


Program accomplishments
