LifeWord Broadcast Ministries, Inc.

The information on this page was last updated 5/9/2024. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


Lifeword is the media arm of the Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) of America. Lifeword exists to assist local churches of the Baptist Missionary Association in fulfilling the Great Commission by providing Christ-centered media to produce disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our international headquarters and primary production center is located at 611 Locust Street, Conway, Arkansas. We also have regional production centers in the Philippines, Ghana, Honduras and Guatemala.

Lifeword Media Ministries is an international ministry of the BMA of America. It is owned and governed by the churches affiliated with the BMA, which meets annually to hear reports and conduct business related to its various departments.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Lifeword Media Ministries
PO Box 6
Conway, AR 72033


Phone: (501) 329-6891

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 710394665

CEO/President: Donny Parrish


Board size: 15

Founder: Harold Morris

Ruling year: 1969

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 05/31

Member of ECFA: No

Member of ECFA since:


Lifeword's vision is to use media productions to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world.

Mission statement

Lifeword's mission is to help make disciples through the production and broadcasting of biblically-sound, culturally-relevant gospel programming. Lifeword's broadcasts are marked by excellence, creativity and communicate in the heart language of the individual.

Statement of faith

We follow the beliefs (Doctrinal Statement) of the Baptist Missionary Association of America.

Donor confidence score

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Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Radio/ TV Stations

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating868 of 110725 of 32
Fund acquisition rating913 of 110824 of 32
Resource allocation rating216 of 11089 of 32
Asset utilization rating1087 of 110732 of 32

Click here to read LifeWord Broadcast Ministries, Inc.'s response to our ratings

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20242023202220212020
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$57,258$24,005$29,206$31,169$46,779
Short-term investments$0$0$0$0$0
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$264,848$897,594$1,181,530$847,895$663,835
Long-term investments$3,831,161$3,767,115$2,541,275$2,648,413$2,131,117
Fixed assets$605,076$576,505$600,258$627,500$651,548
Other long-term assets$777,385$437,593$588,327$482,584$544,967
Total long-term assets$5,213,622$4,781,213$3,729,860$3,758,497$3,327,632
Total assets$5,478,470$5,678,807$4,911,390$4,606,392$3,991,467
Payables and accrued expenses$79,154$112,546$85,816$91,291$79,673
Other current liabilities$0$0$0$0$0
Total current liabilities$79,154$112,546$85,816$91,291$79,673
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$0$0$0$0$90,600
Total long-term liabilities$0$0$0$0$90,600
Total liabilities$79,154$112,546$85,816$91,291$170,273
Net assets20242023202220212020
Without donor restrictions$4,557,298$4,775,330$4,041,669$3,732,388$3,072,778
With donor restrictions$842,018$790,931$783,905$782,713$748,416
Net assets$5,399,316$5,566,261$4,825,574$4,515,101$3,821,194
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$978,004$1,149,296$929,199$1,259,760$1,152,346
Program service revenue$22,367$21,329$19,491$17,726$7,713
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income$20,577$4,694$22,457$16,848$20,679
Other revenue$649,083$1,304,694$1,067,192$832,003$361,173
Total other revenue$692,027$1,330,717$1,109,140$866,577$389,565
Total revenue$1,670,031$2,480,013$2,038,339$2,126,337$1,541,911
Program services$1,504,097$1,403,486$1,353,250$1,232,413$1,156,059
Management and general$192,215$177,382$168,834$137,545$265,038
Total expenses$1,857,931$1,734,721$1,671,009$1,485,370$1,546,319
Change in net assets20242023202220212020
Surplus (deficit)($187,900)$745,292$367,330$640,967($4,408)
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets($187,900)$745,292$367,330$640,967($4,408)


Compensation data for this ministry has not been collected.

Response from ministry

Our net assets grew from $4.8MM to $5.5MM due to a capital campaign in 2023 to construct new studios and a warehouse for the ministry.

Due to the capital campaign, our revenue increased to $2.4MM in 2023, but our operational revenue was only $1.7MM in Fiscal 2023 and $1.5MM in Fiscal 2022.

We have increased the number of languages in which we present the Gospel from 30 to over 160 over the past five years.

Our Director/CEO/President receives an annual base salary of $81K.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 5/9/2024. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


"Surely, we have only to read the front pages of our newspaper or hear the newscasts to know that our nation is in crisis times, and we feel that the greatest help that we could give our own America is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Until men know Jesus in an intimate way by receiving him as personal Savior and being transformed by his grace, we cannot expect to see civil justice. Truly, America is one of the greatest and most needy mission fields of the hour, and I am persuaded that unless we give our best to make Jesus known to our own country that the liberty, peace and prosperity we know today will not endure long."

Although this sounds like a call to action for today's Christians, it was actually written in 1965 by Harold Morris, the first missionary commissioned by the Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) of churches. After his health forced him to leave his mission field of Brazil, he became a promotional worker for the BMA and traveled throughout the country carrying a heavy burden for the lost.

God gave him a vision to reach the masses through media, and on September 4, 1965, Bro. Morris began a Saturday afternoon radio broadcast on KSTL In St. Louis, Missouri "to make Jesus known to the multitudes of our own land." In November of 1965 Morris named his program The Harvest Gleaner Gospel Hour (HGH), and three years later, it became a department of the BMA with Morris as its first director.

A man with incredible vision and a desire to be used of God, Morris used the best technology available to fulfill the Great Commission. When he recorded that first broadcast of the Harvest Gleaner Gospel Hour from the living room of his home in Conway, Arkansas, his intent was to "make full use of the best technical means of communication...Not to take advantage of these opportunities will be tragic, not only for us, but for a lost and disillusioned world. To fall behind the times, to use means not equal with the task is like using the pick and shovel to build our highways...We are under orders: 'Go, preach, make disciples.'"

Understanding completely the importance of radio ministry to missionaries, he believed that "one radio broadcast can reach more people per week with the gospel than any missionary family can possibly do." During his time as director, he established a relationship with Trans World Radio (TWR) that continues today; he sent music, sermon and Bible study tapes all over the world; and he sought after the highest powered radio stations in America and abroad on which to broadcast.

Sadly, in November of 1970 Harold Morris died from the heart complications that plagued him on the mission field. A former president of two Christian colleges, A.R. Reddin became director of Harvest Gleaner Hour in February of 1971. He soon addressed the need for print materials for follow-up correspondence to radio broadcasts, especially those detailing the plan of salvation, by issuing a plea to churches to respond to this financial need.

After a year serving as director, A.R. Reddin died in 1972, and Bro. Paul Bearfield, missionary to Taiwan and a HGH broadcast speaker for several years, came off the field to become the new director. During his tenure, twenty-two radio broadcast stations were added in three languages: English, Spanish (Puerto Rico) and Creole French (Haiti).

At the time, radio stations in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas broadcasted those programs. In addition, there were translated broadcasts in Puerto Rico, Haiti and Mexico, but it would be three more years until HGH had its own native-language speakers.

To help finance the cost of the rapidly multiplying American and foreign radio stations, possible television broadcasting, the high demand for print materials and cassettes, increases in postage, and a new building, Bro. Bearfield traveled extensively to speak to churches and groups.

In June of 1975, with the intent to some day include television broadcasting, Harvest Gleaner Hour staff moved into a building in Conway's industrial park. There were forty-four stations in thirteen states and three foreign countries that aired HGH radio broadcasts with 1976 and 1977 being the years of tremendous increase in foreign stations and languages.

It was during those years that HGH began gospel programming to the Middle East in Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and other Arabic-speaking countries. Stations in Sierra Leone, Panama and the Philippines were also added. In all four of those countries, BMA missionaries played important roles in establishing broadcasts.

In December after years of prayer, Taiwan missionary Jack Bateman preached the gospel in his native tongue (Mandarin) to the millions of people on mainland China. Five programs were produced at an undisclosed location and brought back from the "Far East" to HGH studios by Bro. Bearfield.

In January of 1978, Harvest Gleaner Hour radio broadcasts were heard in three languages: Portugese, Illongo, and Mandarin. The much-anticipated Spanish and Arabic languages were added in 1979. Listener response letters to HGH included requests for booklets and tracts mentioned on the broadcasts.

HGH radio programs never asked for money on the air (and still do not to this day), but listeners often sent checks "to cover the broadcast expenses in our area." Broadcasts, studios and costly production equipment was often underwritten as well, enabling the building to become debt -free in late 1978, just three years after it opened.

In 1979, there were seven on-site employees, two language coordinators and six speakers. The media ministry was growing, listeners all over the world were responding, and requests for new stations were increasing. Staying on the cutting edge of technology was a priority, so with production costs on the rise in 1980, a $20,000 computer was purchased to help employees "use our time more effectively".

In June of that year, Bro. Bearfield attended a conference during which he heard about a fundraiser called a "walk-a-thon," which he adapted as the first HGH Walk-A-Thon. He had led the ministry for eight years and knew the broadcasts could reach more people if it could be aired on more stations and in additional languages, particularly in the "heart languages" of its listeners.

In October of 1980, churches throughout the BMA held twenty-mile walks for the first time and raised three times the amount of Bro. Bearfield's goal. The Walk of Faith had increased budgetary funds that helped expand the media ministry, and in the next six years the event raised even more funds.

Paul Bearfield passed away on January of 1986 and the Board named Bro. George Reddin executive director two days later. His first major objective was upgrading the recording studio at a cost of $90,000. Not long after that quote came in, a check was received for that exact amount, reassurance for Bro. Bearfield that God would indeed be with him during his time there. In addition to quality production equipment, he also focused on quality team members "whose talents exceeded my own."

By 1987, the name Harvest Gleaner Hour had become problematic. It was hard to enunciate clearly, and the word gleaner was unfamiliar to many. During a brainstorming session with advertising executives, Bro. George was asked the purpose of Lifeword, and he replied, "To spread the words of life to everyone around the world." Harvest Gleaner Hour soon became "Lifeword."

In the early 1990s, the Lifeword team began targeting unsaved listeners by experimenting with short format, one-minute dialogues using current events and humor to attract listeners who would never tune in to a religious broadcast.

International outreach has always been a major thrust of Lifeword, especially identifying language groups with limited gospel witness by radio. Priority has always been given to areas served by BMA missionaries. With diligent research and on-going consultation with BMA Missions Lifeword expanded into multiple languages, a total of thirty-five when Bro. Reddin retired.

Relocation remained a back-burner issue until the staff outgrew their building in Conway's industrial park area. In 2005 Lifeword purchased a $2.4 million location in downtown Conway. That property has now become the BMA Global Ministry Center, housing the offices of Lifeword, BMA Missions and DiscipleGuide.

After Bro. George retired in April of 2011, Steve Crawley, who had joined the staff as director of finance and development, became executive director. His vision for the future became the next chapter in Lifeword's history: a closer collaboration the Department of Missions and Disciple Guide by moving from a level of cooperation to integration for the purpose of functioning together more strategically.

As part of this effort, Lifeword's new philosophy for global missionary media activity became one of pushing the responsibility to foreign producers. While continuing to come alongside them, train them, and support them through the initial process, the ministry would no longer erect a structure requiring infinite support. Instead, temporary "scaffolding" would be built through training then "taken down" and moved to another region of the world once churches had taken ownership of the broadcasting.

In addition, Crawley's vision of integrated departments became a reality during his tenure. The former Lifeword campus is now home to the BMA Global Ministry Center (GMC), which houses Lifeword, BMA Missions, DiscipleGuide, and BMA Foundation staffs. Cost savings from this move have enabled Lifeword to take advantage of additional opportunities and do more ministry with less funding. One example is the community radio stations that use low power frequencies for ministry work within a five to seven mile radius of their towers. Since 2014 when the first one was installed, these locally run stations have come before or alongside missionaries planting churches in village settings.

Steve Crawley put Lifeword on firm financial footing before he resigned in February of 2017, but he continues to oversee accounting. Donny Parrish, who joined the team a year before Crawley's resignation, was named executive director of Lifeword in May of 2017. Soon after, he began to implement his vision to use Cloud technology to expand the ministry's global footprint. After the Cloud is built, Lifeword's website,, will be a place for people to access the gospel in their heart languages from anywhere and at any time.

Parrish and the team's ultimate goal is to have a gospel presentation available in audio and video in 200 of the world's languages. Producers, station managers, translators, engineers and broadcasters around the world are helping make this effort possible. Lifeword USA staff members but more than a thousand all over the globe working to produce Cloud content that can be downloaded, shared and streamed.

Harold Morris could hardly have imagined the technology used today to spread the gospel through media. From a one-man broadcast at a garage in Conway, Arkansas, to a worldwide staff producing programs in 140 languages, Lifeword is making Jesus' name famous on a global scale.

Program accomplishments
