Promise Keepers

The information on this page was last updated 10/15/2024. If you see errors or omissions, please email: [email protected]


Promise Keepers is a religious nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite and unite men to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Based on the Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper, we seek empower and educate men through catalytic events, educational and devotional resources, individual and group discipleship, training, worship and prayer, in order to support, encourage, and facilitate the spread and growth of the Christian faith throughout the world.

Contact information

Mailing address:
Promise Keepers
P.O. Box 63570
Colorado Springs, CO 80962


Phone: (303) 964-7600

Email: [email protected]

Organization details

EIN: 841157834

CEO/President: Shane Winnings

Chairman: Ken Harrison

Board size: 9

Founder: Bill McCartney

Ruling year: 1991

Tax deductible: Yes

Fiscal year end: 12/31

Member of ECFA: Yes

Member of ECFA since: 1994


Promise Keepers envisions a world in which every man - regardless of denomination, generation, race, or culture - has the opportunity to receive new life, know God's Word, and follow Christ in Kingdom changemaking. We hope that all men have the chance to experience a life that matters by coming together in community with brothers in Christ to transform our families, neighborhoods, cities, nation, and world.

Mission statement

Our mission is to equip men, through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, to live the Christian life boldy and unashamedly, producing better husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, and leaders within their respective communities. This is accomplished through men's groups, a digital community containing a robust resource hub and interaction with other men around the globe, and catalytic arena and stadium conferences.

Statement of faith

1. We believe that the entire Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God: the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and was true Man and is true God.

4. We believe that in this age, God manifests Himself through the Holy Spirit who is a distinct personality, eternally co-existent with the Father and the Son, whose basic task is to convict sinners, regenerate those who believe, and empower believers to live Godly lives and in every way glorify the Father and the Son through His indwelling presence.

5. We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which was eternal separation from God and is upon all men.

6. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the basis of His shed blood.

7. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was resurrected in body, ascended into Heaven, presently lives there for us as High Priest and Advocate, and that His personal, physical return to earth is imminent.

8. We believe that there will be a bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust, the just to the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the unjust to the everlasting conscious suffering of the lost.

Donor confidence score

Show donor confidence score details

Transparency grade


To understand our transparency grade, click here.

Financial efficiency ratings

Sector: Fellowship Evangelism

CategoryRatingOverall rankSector rank
Overall efficiency rating552 of 110719 of 32
Fund acquisition rating963 of 110830 of 32
Resource allocation rating580 of 110818 of 32
Asset utilization rating108 of 11073 of 32

Financial ratios

Funding ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Return on fundraising efforts Return on fundraising efforts =
Fundraising expense /
Total contributions
Fundraising cost ratio Fundraising cost ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total revenue
Contributions reliance Contributions reliance =
Total contributions /
Total revenue
Fundraising expense ratio Fundraising expense ratio =
Fundraising expense /
Total expenses
Other revenue reliance Other revenue reliance =
Total other revenue /
Total revenue
Operating ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Program expense ratio Program expense ratio =
Program services /
Total expenses
Spending ratio Spending ratio =
Total expenses /
Total revenue
Program output ratio Program output ratio =
Program services /
Total revenue
Savings ratio Savings ratio =
Surplus (deficit) /
Total revenue
Reserve accumulation rate Reserve accumulation rate =
Surplus (deficit) /
Net assets
General and admin ratio General and admin ratio =
Management and general expense /
Total expenses
Investing ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Total asset turnover Total asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total assets
Degree of long-term investment Degree of long-term investment =
Total assets /
Total current assets
Current asset turnover Current asset turnover =
Total expenses /
Total current assets
Liquidity ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Current ratio Current ratio =
Total current assets /
Total current liabilities
Current liabilities ratio Current liabilities ratio =
Total current liabilities /
Total current assets
Liquid reserve level Liquid reserve level =
(Total current assets -
Total current liabilities) /
(Total expenses / 12)
Solvency ratiosSector median20232022202120202019
Liabilities ratio Liabilities ratio =
Total liabilities /
Total assets
Debt ratio Debt ratio =
Debt /
Total assets
Reserve coverage ratio Reserve coverage ratio =
Net assets /
Total expenses


Balance sheet
Receivables, inventories, prepaids$18,393$459,313$127,803$127,299$1,250
Short-term investments$0$0$0$0$0
Other current assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total current assets$354,549$802,293$313,616$246,061$384,990
Long-term investments$0$0$0$0$0
Fixed assets$183,547$179,556$775$4,207$7,640
Other long-term assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total long-term assets$183,547$179,556$775$4,207$7,640
Total assets$538,096$981,849$314,391$250,268$392,630
Payables and accrued expenses$57,375$61,662$36,532$105,349$249,664
Other current liabilities$0$0$0$133,959$0
Total current liabilities$57,375$61,662$36,532$239,308$249,664
Due to (from) affiliates$0$0$0$0$0
Other long-term liabilities$0$0$0$0$0
Total long-term liabilities$330,924$330,924$331,153$500,924$494,610
Total liabilities$388,299$392,586$367,685$740,232$744,274
Net assets20232022202120202019
Without donor restrictions$149,797$589,263($53,294)($489,964)($351,644)
With donor restrictions$0$0$0$0$0
Net assets$149,797$589,263($53,294)($489,964)($351,644)
Revenues and expenses
Total contributions$1,014,196$2,301,332$4,033,655$2,568,314$2,072,215
Program service revenue$45,725$5,347$455,715$0$0
Membership dues$0$0$0$0$0
Investment income$0$0$0$0$0
Other revenue$13,279$6,488$154,995$480,836$138,107
Total other revenue$59,004$11,835$610,710$480,836$138,107
Total revenue$1,073,200$2,313,167$4,644,365$3,049,150$2,210,322
Program services$1,216,998$1,282,944$3,814,874$2,925,338$1,506,868
Management and general$153,624$203,683$269,336$164,788$729,758
Total expenses$1,512,666$1,670,610$4,207,695$3,187,470$2,800,665
Change in net assets20232022202120202019
Surplus (deficit)($439,466)$642,557$436,670($138,320)($590,343)
Other changes in net assets$0$0$0$0$0
Total change in net assets($439,466)$642,557$436,670($138,320)($590,343)


Compensation data for this ministry has not been collected.

Response from ministry

No response has been provided by this ministry.

The information below was provided to MinistryWatch by the ministry itself. It was last updated 10/15/2024. To update the information below, please email: [email protected]


On March 20, 1990, Bill McCartney (then, University of Colorado head football coach) and his friend Dave Wardell, Ph.D., were on a three-hour car ride to a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting, and they discussed the idea of filling a stadium with Christian men. Later that year, 72 men began to pray and fast about the concept of thousands of men coming together for the purpose of Christian discipleship. During July 1991, 4,200 men gathered for the first Promise Keepers conference at the University of Colorado basketball arena.

On Saturday, Oct. 4, 1997, PK convened a massive gathering in Washington, D.C., on the National Mall. Hundreds of thousands of men participated in Stand in the Gap: A Sacred Assembly of Men, a day of personal repentance and prayer. Since then 1,600 churches have called sacred assemblies in time of spiritual crisis. Twelve instances are recorded in the Old Testament when the nation of Israel was called to gather for days of fasting, prayer, confession, and repentance of sin because the nation had wandered away spiritually and morally. Stand in the Gap was patterned after such sacred assemblies.

Seventy-two men participated in the first PK gathering, in 1990, in Boulder, Colo.

In 1998, 453,000 men attended nineteen conferences nationwide.

Program accomplishments

For over 33 years, Promise Keepers has stood as a sanctuary for men-a crucial ministry where lifelong male bonds are forged. We continue to gather thousands of men in the name of Christ at our Everyman Conferences to elevate men to become better husbands, fathers, sons, and men of God. In the last 12 months, thousands of men have come together across America in Brooklyn, NY, Tampa, FL, and most recently in Tulsa, OK.

Here is a recent letter from a father who traveled with his two sons to our Oklahoma conference...
"Thanks for bringing PK events back! I brought my two sons with me to Tulsa. Both are leaving better men. My oldest son leaves for college next week, and he has been dealing with porn. He also rededicated his life to Christ on Friday. Praise God!"

God is changing men's lives through Promise Keepers! And in early 2025, we're expanding our reach to college campuses to call young men to courageously live for Christ during this critical time in their lives.
